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I hate when they drop interesting stuff like I truly cannot tell if she’s gonna end up w her ex husband after he truly becomes a fan of Euth or if he will stay snakish and she ends up with Nau I WANNA KNOW

Wtf are you guys talking about this is a grown woman in a child’s body hanging out with like 10 year olds I do not want romance with her childhood friends please

daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry.. daddy?

older brother: did that bastard hit you??
Rubi: nonono I just had sex with my husband thats all
brother: sex?? with your HUSBAND?? unacceptable! time to beat the fuck out if you!
???? people like this need and deserve to be crippled just enough to not be able to function. still alive, but no talking no walking just sit down and shut the fuck up

Rubi :( I wish people could see when they have already made it to safety. If only someone knew, if only someone could calmly explain to her that Iske would quickly go to war for her. AND HE WOULD WINNNNNNNNN. my poor baby does not deserve this :( :( this is one of those people who should have died as a child. an unfortunate accident is what cesare needs

The last line of chapter 31 Is not “am I dead?” It’s “am I going to die?” Like as I’m in the fire vision she had and NOT from whatever tf happened when she left the castle.