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tikitiki created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

I quite like Diana's character outside of context. Whenever you see priests and things of the like abusing their power nothing visibly happens to them. Diana you can see the direct consequences of her actions. She stopped helping the common people and began only using her powers for one person. Not why they were given to her.
Her not forgiving Kael and literally abandoning him to k!ll himself?? Absolute insanity if you ask me.
She is not actually all that kind of a person. the only reason she was good before was because her environment forced her to be. When her goddess realized that she snatched her powers back. The fact that Diana cannot see the connection between her lack of community service and decline in powers is kinda funny to me. I would have thought that first

tikitiki add 1 photos to omg


Gaurdians of Arcaea get their gift from the argenwood a rude ass tree. she's giving up her literal life juice tho so I get why she's angy.

If you become a guardian you lose your ability to have children.

if you leave you lose your abilities as a guardian...

soooo and correct me if im wrong but doesn't that mean there is a fat chance her body just goes back to normal after she leaves Arcaea? like lose the ability to be a guardian gain the ability to babies

tikitiki answered question about question
This is definitely very judgmental of you, but I am also very judgmental so I can understand. I tried to get into Kpop in middle school but I couldn't stand the way people acted. Not just middle aged women tho, I couldn't stand anyone it was like they were all losing their freaking minds. Same reason I didn't like Justine Beiber or 1D I literally w......

Meliara dying and getting reincarnated and then being a saintess and then saying shes agnostic with her full chest... love that for her tho being delulu IS the solulu

okay girls... not sure why you are outing a gay man to figure out who his hot bf is not understanding the benefit of that....

mm I just kinda wanna know what happened to the girl :( hoping its on some silly shit and she like just ran away with one of his friends. and idk he secretly had a r@pe kink so... I mean I think he DOES secretly have a kink but like idk this is a weird fucking story LMFAO

I REALLY REALLY like Juheon. He's like a perfect example of environment creating a personality, even though it is against the actual persons core beliefs. Like just speaking from my life (black woman) I have met a LOT of men who hide themselves behind fake personas to stop themselves from being hurt. ofc its never how this mc does it masking his harsh tone with a sweet one, but I think that is because of the change in his environment. He moved up several classes his ruff demeanor would no longer protect him, it would serve as a hindrance. where as where I am from, children tend to be sweeter, but growing up in these inner cities, the environment, the chaos, the poverty, it creates a hard shell that blocks anyone from seeing the sweet person underneath. Him becoming actually comfortable with someone has allowed that sweet persona to mingle with his heart, well he is a sweet heart anyways he just likes to cuss lol.

um but I kinda hate the other guy tho lol

tikitiki add 1 photos to wtf bro

girl not similar... U are the same person. u know that

tikitiki created a topic of The Beast Within

? I think sister just doesnt care about her life lol but then again I got a friend who be getting dickmatized like this. Truly ever single red flag she's flying past them. the old lady screaming at her, the maid telling her she's probably gonna run away... and she still want him BAD girl what the hell

tikitiki created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

I feel like the author doesn't like writing romance... otherwise how are we still at the point where you can completely deny that Kael has any feeling for you? mans grabbed both your hands said your not running away this time and kissed you. then LIED and said ya'll did the dirty. come on Hestia... Like I get she's in a novel yada yada yada but you've been here for two lives now I think it's safe to say these are actual people. Like the fact that life starts for you once the Novel is coming to an END should show that these are actual people... she's pissing me off fr.

tikitiki answered question about question
this is so specific but I hate a slut/virgin Mary story. How are you gonna have this guy out f*cking someone's @ss and eating them out and then come back home in the morning to be breathing in mc's face???? My brain immediately starts thinking about STD's and how realistically this guys got all of them and he's about to give it to this poor person ......

an unfortunate character really. I get the vibe he's not actually a malicious person he just wanted to be a neuropsychiatrist at unfortunately possible the worst time in the history of humanity to be a neuropsychiatrist haha... He's not even a real doctor atp in time if I was Madilyn I'd start bullshitting trying to get sister nottingham to fire him lol

ya'll... are a little toooo forgiving LMAO yes poor Rezef that's all awful but like... he's still an insane son of a bitch who killed the only person Kayena actually loved... he's still a sis con. he still sold her off to be tortured to death in her previous life he still very much sucks asssssss. it would be nice if he could have a "redemption arc" but he's actually freaking insane and completely broken :< I feel bad for him but he very much still needs to go somewhere else he would make a horrible emperor no offense

tikitiki answered question about question
as an avid garbage consumer the list is long. Kampfer please i think thats how you spell it. it's borderline smut of teenage magical girls who uhhhh like to make out and take their clothes off watched it when i was like 15 this world only God knows. its about a nerd who gets bitches and has to play a video game tournament against the gods basical......
tikitiki answered question about question
okay I have a relatively large family i'm like 7 out of 9 so easily forgotten. one day when I was maybe 11 me and my family went to medieval times show and dinner. and I was so freaking exited. I must have been making goo goo eyes at one of the nights because he noticed me and waved and winked. then later before he left he tried to throw me a rose.......

they are like two years apart but it feels like im watching a grown man try and date a middle schooler

Kana is like a grade A top tier level 10 narcissist and its kinda freaky cuz he tries to be so "nice" but he literally is just a selfish piece of shit! IK Noha is never gonna realize that. which majorly stresses me out. Omg he sucks bad I hope Noha's friends in the future can convince him to dump his ass. Noha needed a big sister BADLY

tikitiki created a topic of Home Five

I liked this one but the idea of sleeping with someone who sleeps with random people every day is... Like realistically Siwoon is RIDDEN with disease. And I hate that to be paired with someone who takes care of themself. Like im sire hes justified in his anger but YUCK. I'm gonna have to drop it.