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Somebody please explain me the relationship between Rezef, kayena, Raphael and Edel

Every single update the story is going nowhere... They keep dragging this on and on and the chapters are so damn short to actually get the readers hooked... It's getting frustrating and annoying now

very single update the story is going nowhere... They keep dragging this on and on and the chapters are so damn short to actually get the readers hooked... It's getting frustrating and annoying now

Every single update the story is going on where... They keep dragging this on and on and the chapters are so damn short to actually get the readers hooked... It's getting frustrating and annoying now

Wait... The villains she wrote in a book have come alive and are in her world now??

Why's everyone upset about the dress?? What's the big deal about exposed neck?? Gloria doesn't get along with whom??

What's the deal with the dress?? Gloria doesn't get along with whom?? What's the big deal about exposed neck??

Bella created a topic of I Am The Villain

Don't know if I want to be her or if I want her

Wait... Did the empress dowager offed Evelyn and her mother??

Bella created a topic of Jinx

Im starting to see some hope cuz he only asked Dan to confess and not straight up beat him up and accused him of being a spy in front of everyone.... Also feels like Dan's crying had an effect on him...
He lost (according to him) a match and didn't get all bulldozer on everyone is definitely a progress...

Soooooo is there a happy ending or not???

Bella created a topic of Jinx
Bella created a topic of The Viridescent Crown

She looks so pretty in that yellow dress


Bella created a topic of It's No Use Hanging On

Somebody please explain what's going on in chapter 137 and 138