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User72 May 25, 2024 4:45 am

Idk why the red hair chick trynna ruin their relationship. He’s still not gonna like her regardless bruh. She’s just a bitch trynna get in between their relationship. Even the blonde guy who likes her isn’t doing that dirty petty shit. And obv it was her who made that post cus she mad the ML won’t look her way. Also her doing that won’t make her like her anyway so it’s pointless for her to do that. Hope she gets her karma going to her. Also like how the ML stood up for the FL(▰˘◡˘▰)

User72 May 23, 2024 6:11 pm

Yes he finally fell for our FL.
They would be cute together and I hope he finally moves on from his trashy ex.

Blonde bitch
She’s such a fucking baby. She’s acting like the fucking victim all the time when she’s literally the one who broke up her own relationship and got with a trashy ass guy who doesn’t treat her good either. Honestly, they both deserve each other because they’re both trash and then she wants to go act like the victim and cry a little fucking bitch shut the fuck up, calm the fuck down and stop going to your ex cus he don’t want your ugly ass anymore fucking dumb hoe.
End note: She's so fucking trashy and I hate her soooooooo much

The ex
He’s so fucking trashy like our female lead treated him good but now he saying that she’s weird for not wanting to dress in a dress and then saying how she always made him feel like shit when she literally treated him good and that the only reason he felt like that is cause he’s an insecure little bitch and doesn’t like how she was better than him she deserve better. He’s so fucking trashy and now he treats his girlfriend trashy because he’s still in love with his fucking ex and he wants to use his ex fame cause I truly believe that’s the reason why he’s thinking about her again because she’s getting more popular.
End note:Hope his dick falls off and he loses his looks

He ruined his own relationship of 10 years because he couldn’t fucking keep his dick in his pants and he kept getting seduced by the girl with short hair. He honestly so fucking trashy and I don’t know why his girlfriend didn’t end the relationship sooner and people might be saying that he’s a victim because He was getting seduced by the short hair bitch, but mind you he’s the one in a relationship, a committed relationship for 10 years and fell for those fucking little act she did and didn’t even set a boundary with her and letting himself get fall from her little flirts. You would think he would know better after being a 10 year committed relationship. Even when his girlfriend came out in a wedding dress, he was still looking at the other bitch like with every event he kept looking at the other bitch like bitch you should be looking at your fucking girlfriend the fuck you doing looking at another bitch whom is playing with you doesn’t even like you. Like his girlfriend has been there for 10 years and suddenly when a bitch comes, he can’t keep his dick in his pants and keeps blushing every sec she flirts with him. He’s so fucking trashy. Then has Audacity to act like he wasn’t fucking flirting with her and blushing for her.
End not:. Hope he realizes what he lost and lose his dick and realized the other bitch was just fucking with him.

Short hair chick
Yeah she’s trashy. I know some people might say like well her own boyfriend was flirting with other girls and so fucking what and so fucking what she was flirting with another man who is in a 10 year committed relationship like her and her boyfriend probably haven’t been dating for that fucking long, but she knew that they were saving money And trying to win for the wedding and she goes and flirts with him and does everything to get in his fucking pants knowing that they’ve been in a long fucking relationship and acting like she doesn’t know what she’s fucking doing her bf trash but she’s even trasher for going after someone else, man. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says I’m her fucking biggest fucking hater. I’m her number one hater matter fact she’s a hoe. Nothing to asd just a fucking hoe like she knows damn well they wanted to get married. I hate her the most out of everyone low key
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

My own opinion don’t hate on me also I apologize for not adding names and correcting my spelling mistakes. I was in too much of a rush and I don’t remember names I got a bad memory sorry lol.( ̄∇ ̄") May 23, 2024 6:25 pm

    I second everything you said!

User72 May 23, 2024 9:58 am

She’s should’ve just killed him. Her friend literally committed cus of him and she almost died multiple time cus of him and she still didn’t kill him. wtf, watch her life gonna be 10000 harder now that he’s still alive..
Idgaf if people say “well he looks like a human” so? He probably killed multiple people by taking their luck and her friend died cus of him. She also lives a shitty life cus of him and he doesn’t give a fuck whom he harms or kills so why should she?
She literally had the chance to kill him and fucking missed it. She’s Gordon gonna her to kill him later anyway.

User72 May 23, 2024 9:27 am

Feel bad for the kids CUS at here fucking kids bruh. Yeah the crown Prince could’ve told his dad but keep in mind he a kid he didn’t know what to do. He thought if he just got rid of it, it wouldn’t hurt the Prince. Although that wasn’t the smartest decision thats what he could come up with bc he felt bad for his mom. Also I bet if he said “ima tell my dad what u doing” she’s would’ve told the maid to kill him. She clearly doesn’t care if he I used to believe she did but seems like she went bat shit crazy for revenge so I don’t think so anymore ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
I still don’t like the ML idgaf, he treated the FL like shit for years bruh. And fell in love with someone whom is fucking crazy.(idk if he did really loved her but he brought her into there life)
Did he honestly think his choices wouldn’t come back to him?
Like only when she left and after you treated her like shit did you realized you loved her. Then you bitch and moan abt “when will she forgive me” If it was me I would NEVER forgive him for he treated me Yk. I also don’t wanna hear excuses of his part and how he treated her. Nothing excuses how he treated her. He basically treated her like she was invisible and didn’t care or think abt her feelings.(when he brought in another kid and just expected her to go along with it also his ex lover, when the divorce was happening he didn’t care abt her feelings & just wanted her to stay with him)
He also doesn’t wanna let her go even after everything done. LIKE bitch you treated her and her feelings like nothing. You brought another kid into your marriage soon after she miscarried and also brought in your ex lover and just expected her to go along with it. I don’t think he’s a bad dad if anything he’s a pretty good dad in some aspects or a bad person he JUST a sucks at being her husband. I honestly just want our FL to move on and live freely. And move far away from this drama. (︶︿︶)=凸

Sorry for spelling I was in a rush so I’m not gonna fix it also this is MY VERY own opinion of the ML okay YALL don’t have to like it(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    MiamiBoy May 27, 2024 7:17 pm

    Speaking nothing but facts brother

User72 May 22, 2024 10:41 pm

God damn I feel bad for everyone?
Like the ML became like that bc of the abuse he went through for years and now he wants to put FL through the same shit. He can’t understand his own feelings towards her and now suffers from nightmares. low-key wish he didn’t have to suffer anymore, but his nightmare still occurring and it seems like he still likes our female lead, but That’s more like a toxic love that he has for her from everything he went through and abuse went through so kinda fucked up his mind so he doesn’t really understand his feelings because of it. Although I understand why he wants to put our female lead through the same shit, he went through because I would want to do that too if I went through what he went through, but our female lead is innocent in it, and I feel really bad for her because she has to go through this shitty experience because she got reincarnated into someone else’s body which fucking sucks.

The FL had no part in his abuse and is going through this when it’s not her fault It’s the OG character fault. She’s gonna fall for his abusive ass and he’s gonna treat her like shit and put her through what he went through. I want her to like run away and just live far away because Ml is low-key shitty like I know he went through abuse and everything but she’s innocent in this although he doesn’t know that, but she’s innocent. Now she’s gonna go through the same shit he went through which fucked him up and the person who did put him through this is now gone(idk maybe not cus her feelings r still there so idk) and now our FL has to deal with his shitty ass.

The Og seems to went under abuse from maybe her mother whom she wasn’t close to although I don’t think that excuses her actions but the same time I wanna know why she did what she did it seems like she’s obsessed with the ML but the same time it’s like she wants herself to get killed you know because of her notebook and whatever I don’t really know what’s going on with her if it’s her mom, that’s been abusing her or maybe someone else that we don’t know yet also seems like her mother may be a villain?
Idk I wanna see what she went through to com out like this and if she can really see the future?

Idk what’s with the dad so many things abt him r still unsolved. Like why was the Og villainess body scared of him? Why was there marks on his body. Did he know that his wife was abusing his daughter (maybe) Does he really love her or maybe doesn’t know how to show it?

User72 May 22, 2024 8:35 pm

I thought it was gonna be something cute like the ML falling for the MC. BUT from some comments I read that the ML just playing with him. LIKE WHAT, I thought he really liked him. He seemed really caring towards our Mc but ig he was just playing him?
I can’t wait to see when the MC seems this and leave our ML for a min cus wtf. I knew he was lying abt being bad at kissing but I thought he just said that to get closer to our Mc but ig that was also a lie?
Gosh the ML is more trashy than I thought cus wtf. He always seems like a player and low key a hoe for the past slides or wtv. I really do hope our Mc finds out abt this. Although our Mc is pretty stupid ngl for even really believing in the ML. It was obvious that he was lying abt being a bad kisser and that he got dumped cus of that. UGHHH I really hope the MC finds out and breaks up with him and gives him no contact for a bit so he can suffer for a bit Yk.
Also his sister is so trashy like yeah she’s pretty BUT so trashy and why she’s sleeping with her younger brother friends like wtf you weirdo.
(May not be 100% cus I got some of this info in the comments)

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 22, 2024 9:37 pm

    Apparently only the beginning of it is fake but he's feelings and that are legit he actually fell for it so the majority of his actions weren't a lie

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 22, 2024 9:38 pm
    Apparently only the beginning of it is fake but he's feelings and that are legit he actually fell for it so the majority of his actions weren't a lie Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Fell for him*

    User72 May 22, 2024 10:43 pm
    Apparently only the beginning of it is fake but he's feelings and that are legit he actually fell for it so the majority of his actions weren't a lie Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Damn I guess that better in a way. But still I want the Mc to find out and see how he deals with that Yk?

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies May 22, 2024 11:22 pm
    Damn I guess that better in a way. But still I want the Mc to find out and see how he deals with that Yk? User72

    Yh I won't say anymore since I don't want to spoil it lol but we're in for a ride

User72 May 20, 2024 10:38 am

Erm I don’t like the dad. I feel like he doesn’t love love his kids Yk?
Like I get weird vibes from him. Also I hate how he abused the younger brother and locked him in a cell for a week. Obv bc of the sister but couldn’t he have done something else. It’s like he just watches from the side seeing what’s gonna happen but not doing anything. He’s more like a spectator than a dad. I’m not saying he doesn’t love them cus I think he does in his twisted way? Idk it’s hard to explain

    peachymin May 22, 2024 6:41 pm

    your thoughts are spiraling a bit.

    he mentioned every time that adele should always be responsible to her actions, as he took the responsibility (as he should) his child born out of wedlock.

    as to why he seems a bit more distant to the other two children than adele. he certainly does love his children. it’s just he trusts adele more than anyone when it comes to what and what not to do. he is just waiting for his children to come to him and ask him for help.

    and let’s be honest, the brother is unhinged to the core. how would you deal if your child is destructive as he is? like a ticking time bomb that may go off anytime? andddd let’s not forget the other sister got him good there. there’s no way to prove that he didn’t do it bcs we all know he is capable of doing so. by just saying “it’s not me who did it dad it was her!” despite having a destructive tendencies, yeah no. i would not believe him.

    User72 May 22, 2024 7:02 pm
    your thoughts are spiraling a bit.he mentioned every time that adele should always be responsible to her actions, as he took the responsibility (as he should) his child born out of to why he seems a ... peachymin

    Yeah I get that but let’s be honest children act like that bc of how they were raised and the sister and brother both came out crazy like. Also seems like it wasn’t his first time going into the prison cell as well as being abused?
    Yes the brother is bat shit crazy but I don’t think that was the right way to go abt things. Also might be a good reason why he came out like that.
    Most of his kids came out either crazy or trashy bc of how they grew up aka how he raised them.(expect Mc)
    I do think he loves them just doesn’t show it type shit.

    peachymin May 22, 2024 8:57 pm

    i think we often forgot that these manhwas are set in a different timeline. slaves are definitely normal in these manhwa setting. so i’m not really surprised. abusing parents shouldn’t shock us. there are a lot more worse thing they do.

    i’m not saying these things should be considered as normal thing but this is just a manhwa. and if the abuse was happening to the villains we wouldn’t bat an eye.

    the father exactly raised adele how he raised the other two. its like hero vs. villain mentality kind of thing. hero being “the world hurt me, i would make it a better place for other people” vs villain being “the world hurt me, i would hurt it back” and adele being the hero and the sister being the villain and the brother being just right in the middle lmaoooo. the story are just unfolding, we’re far close to end. give every character q chance for character development. just my cent (●'◡'●)ノ

    peachymin May 22, 2024 8:59 pm

    except for chloe though. no character development should ever touch her. make her the villain and let her suffer. she embraced the villain role. she should take responsibility for it ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Ochako May 24, 2024 2:00 pm

    That is how parenting works tbh.. you don't handhold your kids after a certain age.. let them make decisions and suffer its consequence be it good or bad.. you only interfere when needs be or you are asked.. the thing is Adele makes sure to keep him in loop and express her emotions from time to time although she has some pre-concieved notions about him from the novel.. she asks him for opinions, makes her decisions and suffers their consequences for e.g. with the bidding arc, she lost but she realized she got lax so she made a new plan and worked it out. The other two siblings however don't bother seeking out their father.. for the brother, Adele acts as a parental figure so he looks upto her and follows her.. Noella however likes to play the victim.. she got the same oportunities as Adele if she really wished she could have actually competed with Adele for the heiress position but she never made an effort.. like Adele said, their father knows which child makes money and who freeloads.. however he still made Adele promise to take care of Noella bc he knew she'd forsure take care of her brother.. He also warned his son many times before he jailed him for harming his sibling.. so it doesn't matter that Noella provoked him, he was told to control his impulses and tendencies so he should have and if there was an issue they should have gone to the family head.. that is why family head exists to settle disputes and make sure everyine is taken care of..

    peachymin May 24, 2024 6:35 pm
    That is how parenting works tbh.. you don't handhold your kids after a certain age.. let them make decisions and suffer its consequence be it good or bad.. you only interfere when needs be or you are asked.. th... Ochako

    do you have the link to the novel? chloe has been pissing me off and i wanna see how it goes already ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    nogoodhero May 25, 2024 12:11 am

    Im afraid you’ve been watching too much Child Rearing manhwas, parents in real life are people too, they’re not always there for their children.

User72 May 18, 2024 9:18 am

Probably gonna drop it cus I find it weird that they called each other sisters and brother ect. Ik they not related but them just saying that gave me the ick sorry lol.
Love the crown Prince tho he my fav in here.

User72 May 18, 2024 5:19 am

Yea no the Ml gives me such an ick omg. He acts all high and mighty and let’s be fr if it wasn’t for his look wayyyyy more of you guys would be hating on him. Literally there’s nothing good abt him expect his looks. His personality shit he sleeps around and he treats people like shit. Honestly I wished the FL didn’t get with him but she prob will do ima just drop it here. I honestly wouldn’t understand if the FL falls for him cus let’s be fr he’s such a red flag and treats her like shit. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

User72 May 15, 2024 8:37 pm

Loving how everyone sick of seeing rape and for unnecessary is for the plot. The ML fucking raped him and people normalized rape in BL so much that I was so surprised on how much people hate it. I hate when authors add rape it ruins the story and plot for me and just make me drop it all together. To me it doesn’t add anything to the plot, it’ll just be a reason I drop it. I don’t like how now in most BLs there’s rape. Can’t we just read BL without the rape? (Yes some don’t have it but most do)
They needed stop with the rape or sa. No one likes it yet they keep fucking adding it. Sick and tired of it. And don’t tell me “well then don’t read it” I’m not gonna anymore I’m just saying my thoughts on the last ch.

    Sera May 16, 2024 1:32 pm

    Where is the rape here?he was awake and he look like he is in his right mind

    Jamie May 16, 2024 3:51 pm
    Where is the rape here?he was awake and he look like he is in his right mind Sera

    That’s not the point at all he told him to stop and said it hurt it’s not if the person is awake it depends on consent and he did not give consent

    User72 May 16, 2024 9:33 pm
    Where is the rape here?he was awake and he look like he is in his right mind Sera

    He’s was and intoxicated and told him many times to stop, and that it hurt and you know what consent can be withdrawn at any time

    Jamie May 16, 2024 9:41 pm
    He’s was and intoxicated and told him many times to stop, and that it hurt and you know what consent can be withdrawn at any time User72

    See you get it honestly it’s vile

    Delano May 17, 2024 9:05 pm

    I'm glad, too. A few years back, like back in 2018, such opinions would have been downvoted to oblivion on here. (I know this from personal experience.)

    User72 May 18, 2024 3:24 am
    I'm glad, too. A few years back, like back in 2018, such opinions would have been downvoted to oblivion on here. (I know this from personal experience.) Delano

    Glad it changing a bit but it’s still so normalized which sucks (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

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