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Pretty sure it's just me but did the art change a bit?

Wafuru created a topic of Gig of the Day

Now that I'm re-reading it, I noticed Uke's personality really makes him standout from the rest. He's evidently lonely and actually finds deep comfort and company from top.

Right at the very start, he didn't have those cliche moments where just because top is tall and handsome, he didn't fell inlove at first sight. Now that top has clearly set boundaries, Uke seem to definitely not to ever wanna cross it again. He's naturally clingy and needy to Top but has been collectively limiting himself from attaching any sort of romantic feelings from it (well, the way I see it). He respects that top only wants physical agenda between the two of them. From his sad past of being left behind, it definitely left a trauma in him—despite falling in love with someone and loving that person deeply, he will not stop nor retaliate if they decide to leave again. The 'independence' and solitude has grown into him that he knows every person coming into his life will eventually go, so he's enjoying and making the best out of the time he has with top.

I have a gut feeling that there will be a chasing ark, Uke kinda have a similar personality like the bottom from BJ Alex, once he closed the door behind him, he's literally not gonna open it up again (tho we all know they will in the end, but seeing the arrogant top suffer first ofc) . The kind and soft-type ones are always the scariest when they get hurt.

Just the way I interpretted our pure angel uke's personality!

Wafuru created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Deep down it was pretty obvious that he'll do something wretched with how twisted and much of a son of a bitch Zhenya is..


But seeing their dynamics it was still hard to see

Wafuru created a topic of Define The Relationship

The comments are killing me. This is omergaverse people!! It's not your typical genre where once the bottom says no, the top should stop. Don't forget that when Alphas are in rut, they become literal animals that loses judgement and senses. Lyle knew what was coming but didn't expect it to be too much because it was his first time spending rut with Ash. Ash WARNED him, pushed him away and even informed him that due to the fact that his rut had been irregular and he neglected taking care of it, his ongoing rut will definitely make him go bonkers.

Kids, get out of here. "Oh he gave consent, but he was telling him to stop he should have stopped! Ash is basically raping him" geezus, if you're not open minded enough for this genres— DO. NOT. READ. IT. You're ruining it for those who actually appreciate the plot and creativity. Of couse by all means, THIS MUST NOT BE compared to real life. Anyone who'll reply to me saying I support rape or yadayadayada, I'll throw this chancla at you.

That's all thanks byeeee

Wafuru created a topic of Gig of the Day


Hoping and wishing that lil cute uke will start putting up boundaries and distance himself from this playboy mf. It hurts to see him get so excited only to realize later on he's making a fool of himself.

Wafuru created a topic of Define The Relationship


He went WILD fr fr. He knotted him so hard

Wafuru created a topic of Gig of the Day

This is giving me one of those plots where the top is curiously just playing around and taking the uke's feelings for granted so he can do whatever he wants with him.

Still with he won't hurt our cute lil ukeee

Wafuru created a topic of Paper Flower


You know how bad it is now that at this point only death seems to be the only mercy that baby uke can have in the name of peace

Body tattered like a rug, played like some fucking toy and penetrated like some sort of free fuckh*le. Chapter 74 seems to be one of those chapters where, majority or maybe just some of us, hopes to be the end. At this point, I'm even cheering for the fact that uke won't survive that fall. His body has went through A LOT that evem those arrows seems to be nothing to him now.

What kind of fuckery is this Crown Prince made of?

Wafuru created a topic of Cry Me a River

We are all gathered here today, to light the beacons of the ever-lasting healing ritual for Miuem's bootyhole. Dem just got railed by a full length of an arm, such horrible diguise to put under the name of dick.

Also, is it just me or the smexylicious smut scenes are too short? THE ART THO, ALL DO BE PRETTY.

Wafuru created a topic of Profundis


Wafuru created a topic of Dark Fall

When life gives you fwop fwop make a thwop thwop (⌒▽⌒)

Wafuru created a topic of Non Zero Sum

I know I read somewhere MC ends up with that manipulative son of a bitch either way. But geez, I don't want him to end up with anyone of those three. They are pure disgusting trash and deserves a special spot on the depths of hell. The poor uke don't deserve this :((( the amount of physical and emotional abuse he went through is heart-wrenching.

I just don't get why some people do be hating on this. There's literally an ADVISE at the end of almost all the chapters saying if you don't like it. DON'T READ.

I'm so sick of seeing people complain. This is yaoi, a fiction, and this type of manga are for those with twisted likes (include me). I like it because it's a fiction, there's a borderline of this and reality, if you're the type to get curious what happens from fictions and how they are in real life, then you're not open-minded enough to explore the world of yaoi fandom. I'm doubting why you're even here in the first place.

If you're here complaining how disgusting it is, then don' Here you are complaining how much it disgusts you since it's incest, but ironically you're still here reading it. This manga IS NOT FOR YOU.

Anyways, the art of this is so cute the plot also keeps you intrigued for more. The creativity of the author is amazing, still attaching most events that happened from the orig anime/manga with a slight twist. Just sad that the chapters are short!!

P.S. If my comment triggers you, I do apologize. I can see that there were some who already commented without understanding the point of the comment in the first place. Point summary:

--> Incest is morally wrong, you have every right to hate it.

--> There is a borderline of REALITY and FICTION. If you're not matured nor open-minded enough to read this kind of content, STOP RIGHT THIS INSTANT.

--> In a fictitious perspective of the fandom of yaoi, don't ruin the fun for others nor attack others just because this type of genre is their cup of tea. And of course, vice versa.

--> Don't read it if it's something that triggers you. Stop being a hypocrite.

Wafuru created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

I definitely need to re-read this since I forgot what the power mechanics were but is Hoyeon nullifying Yiseon's powers just temporary? Or is it permanent?

I'm guessing it's just temporary since Hoyeon said "it's too dangerous to stay here until your powers return" but osbfidjfidj can someone confirm?

Wafuru created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

Honestly, if I was in Yiseon's shoes, I would have done the same. The guilt, sadness and loneliness he had for years is indescribable. If death would be the only salvation I'll have in the name of peace, by all means I would do whatever it takes to reach it.

The only piece that made him alive at this point was his friends' mangled dead bodies. It was so heartbreaking to see him reach the breaking point, his eyes and smile says how much he's had enough ╥﹏╥

Wafuru created a topic of Paper Flower


~ There will be a confrontation between the three of them, CP, baby Uke and the General. TW because CP raped baby Uke in front of the guards and the general by the cliff (I forgot how they ended up there honestly been a while since I read the novel). But seeing the setting here, it happened inside the premises instead of the cliff. Our General actually made a bold move , he asked CP to give baby uke to him!!! And that he will treat him better!!!

~ Baby uke got sick, and he was injured, cuz when CP was about to slash the General, baby uke stood up for him and got stabbed instead.

~ The general got imprisoned for treason and was locked underground.

~ When Baby uke woke up, he heard of what happened and immediately plead CP not to execute the general since he keeps blaming it was his fault.

~ CP is driven by jealousy at this point, he gave baby Uke his favorite knife and a few days, since he wants baby uke to be the one to kill the general.

~ Baby Uke kneel in front of his office for days to plead again but he was ignored (literally even walking pass him). Baby uke was panicking necause he was runni g out of time. Unfortunatel, his bitch of a sister managed to get a hold of the situation (iirc, baby uke told his sister himself). He knows he can't trust her to take her words because he tried killing him multiple times but it was his last resort. He thought that the CP might listen to her plead instead. So they made an agreement that if his sister pleads to the CP to stop the execution. He will leave the imperial palace.

~ it got a bit confusing for me on the later on chapters, but as far as I understood, baby uke went to the underground where the General was, left a knife/sword there so it can help the General escape. And when baby uke left, I think he went to the carriage that his sister prepared for him, ofc his bitch of a sister set up an assassination for baby uke.

~ the general knew that something didnt felt right and immediately went after baby uke. And THIS appeared them eloping, and CP heard of this news and immediately went after them. The general was trying to fend him and baby uke from the assassins, and since he knows he cant protect them both, he tied baby uke on top of the horse and made the horse run so he can fight the assassins alone.

~ the general was injured and CP was able to find him, confronted him where baby Uke was, but the horse got too far on the forest and yeap, he ended up getting found by someone who treated him, but by the time he got conscious, they were already far from the imperial palace.

Sorry for the very vague spoilers, but honestly the transition in the novel itself is very confusing, I was reading the translation from wattpad. I believe the baby uke had the knife with him all this time, so when he decided to return to the imperial palace few years later it caused him troubles.

Prepare your heart for the upcoming chapters!!! And apologies in advance if some of the details in my spoilers are incorrect, been a whule since I read the novel Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

P.S. CP suffered greatly and went through lengths of finding baby Uke, he needs to suffer more!!!

Wafuru created a topic of Making a Child with a Beast


Keep seeing a lot hatin on Uke, which tbh is understandable. But let's not forget the point that Coro never explained anything to him, due to that scent triggering his obssessiveness, everything's been all over the place. Don't get me wrong, it's annoying how MC appears very naive, like on recent chapters, but he doesn't have a gotdamn clue on what's going on, so his only source to understand the situation is Coro's bro and friends. He lacks self-awareness, I feel that he only resorts to trusting that sussy ass bro cuz he thinks they'll be the one to help both Coro and Toshi recover.

Wafuru created a topic of Please Give Me the Pacifier

Decided to re-read it since I have been going on and off with the Manhwa. But damn, I forgot about the fact how much she suffered and was abused while she was only 10 months old, my heart was aching the entire time I'm reading it.

She didn't resent the maids, and even understood their shoes. Imagine how much she had to suffer on her previous life, a baby crawling here and there, collecting food that she can barely eat, cleaning herself only to a certain extent. Her only comfort was that pacifier, she immediately went to survival instincts without blaming anyone for it.

Wafuru created a topic of Cry Me a River

With how fucked up the story is, I wouldn't even be suprise if that brother is actually lusting after our Seme— and just using sleeping around as a way to satisfy that LMAO

Wafuru created a topic of Please Give Me the Pacifier

This is one of the series that I really really like, set aside the fact that the translation from the ones uploading early is making it confusing (which is why I assume a lot of us are re-reading once a better/official chap has been uploaded even if it's 4-5 chapters behind the latest).

Our baby FL is not the typical reincarnation troupe, she is determined to reach her goal and doesn't let anyone break down that wall that she has meticulously built up ever since she got reincarnated. Unlike most reincarnation story I have read, this has a more realistic pace. Despite having a kind family that is willing to pamper her to death, she as far as the recent chapters (Chap 75) has not let go of that revenge. It does break my heart, but her personality is so refreshing. She knows where she stands and she knows the line she musn't cross so she doesn't get hurt. She accepted the fact that it may look like the family has accepted her, she is still outside the circle.

The scene where she felt left out from the family bonding during that tea time really stood out to me, and the heart breaking part where she willingly walked out of the scene which gave her that splash of cold water that she cannot forget where she stands. And the sad scene where she was asked why she never ask for help nor why she never looks back:

That consistent personality that she learned deeply from her mistake and from her past. It's like a child that got burned accidentally by touching a hot kettle out of curiosity, and as a normal response for a child, they would keep that lesson in mind not to touch it again to avoid getting hurt. But she takes it to a whole level, she stays away from it as much as she can, and when situation does call that she needs to be exposed of it, she makes clear boundaries and she lets them know what her line is.

Hope it doesnt suddenly turn out rushed by the upciming chapters!!