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wwwkrj created a topic of Dirty High

being a germophobe myself, i wasn't mad at the inaccuracies of josh's triggers and reactions. maybe cause we have different triggers and concerns anyway? but i was absolutely screeching and scratching myself when i saw them get on the bed with their outside clothes. contaminating my clean safe place with outside germs is probably my biggest trigger and i just... i literally scrolled through the horny because i couldn't handle it...

but that resolution was cute and nice tho TT wish i could find my angel that could "cure" me lol cause i've definitely scared off and pissed off people from coming to my house cause of how imposing i could be on them. that part of josh is accurate at least XD

wwwkrj created a topic of Love Sick Dog

i always see the misogyny coming everytime a female character somehow acts even a tiny little bit antagonistic. and damn do yall prove me right everytime.

noona is just being protective. she and jooin have been friends for so long, she's seen him and been with him at his worst, and she's helped him through that not just emotionally but also financially (she runs their business with him). so to see her depressive best friend get imprisoned because of his fked up family situation that she knows is a huge trauma for him, her reaction is very understandable.

and her treatment to mittens is understandable too. jooin barely opens up, not to mention he's barely kept a solid r/s, so all she knows of their relationship is that he and mittens are somewhat seeing each other. she doesn't know how deep their r/s has become, so to her, of course mittens just looks like someone who complicated the fked up family situation even more. and where is the lie? crazy bro literally kept mittens like a pet toy, his candy. and now he's mad cause he sees the situation like jooin took that from him.

yeah it's unfair for mittens to have to go through this confusing situation like this, but it's unfair for yall to call noona a btch for being a good friend. yall are the antagonistic bitches you hate so much. jumping to your own conclusions and throwing slurs out cause you think you're in the right lol look in the mirrorrrr

wwwkrj created a topic of Dirty High

this feels like it could have been a klance AU. like if i stitched up different klance fanfics with similar enough premises, i would get this. the asian and mexican character alignment is there too. love it. wish it slowed down a bit and expanded more.

wwwkrj created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

complaining about a webtoon that barely even covers plot in a single chapter, a webtoon that only has 58 chapters... very telling that yall don't actually read anything outside of picture books :D

and complaining about the creator ending the season on a cliffhanger (which is yknow a super effective marketing tool) AND for taking a necessary break for their hard work none of yall are even paying for... fking spoiled and entitled.

wwwkrj created a topic of Love in Orbit

getting skin care while ya dick getting milked, sihwa living the life

Let's find the difference between the SA shown in this work and a lot of the braindead BLs you yourself probably consume.

Braindead BLs will normalise and romanticise unnecessary SA to progress their plot, often showing the couple falling in love with each other with little to no retribution from what they've done.

The SA shown here was an expected and logical development. Does that make SA good? Does it mean the author is romanticising or normalising SA? Why don't you try thinking about it? Answer in 3... 2... 1...

Answer: No. Seoan is mentally ill with crazy emotional trauma who felt his relationship threatened and needed to quickly validate and reinforce said relationship, his reaction is expected. Excused? No. Expected. Yes.

How did the author portray it? Upi shows how destructive his behaviour is, shows him coming to a realisation. Shows a very accurate representation of people with mental illness reacting to their issues. Adds nuance to the situation.

Notice how it's the act of SA that is bad and not necessarily the topic/discussion/portrayal of it that is bad??????

Homework for everyone as we go into a new week of updates!! How are the dark themes portrayed in this work I'm reading

People when authors show the typical "acceptable" symptoms of mental illness: omg yassss representation, mental health is important guys :((((

Same people (who probably only know mental illness from what they see in mainstream media) when authors show the destructive and harmful symptoms of mental illness: omg wtf eww eww eww so toxic red flag boooooooo, go back to having panic attacks then i can sympathise and baby you >:((((((

Yall need to chill and complain about the actual authors romanticising and normalising rape/SA cause pretty sure this illegal hellsite is full of works like that. Whatever Seoan is doing, Upi is clearly showing it's bad for him AND the people around him. If you can't see that and come to your own conclusion instead of wanting FICTIONAL works to always reflect the good ethical things in life, then maybe you shouldn't be reading these works.

wwwkrj created a topic of CUFFED!

I like both the MLs. It's not just the art style, the character tropes are very reminiscent of old school Kdrama vibes with the "toxic" Go Junpyo kinda ML, and the "Mr. Perfect-Imperfect" Sunbae 2nd ML.

Eunsung has that very despicable yet charming energy to him. The kind you just love to hate and makes you want to root for him to change. Idk but for me, he's not the worst ML out there. At least he knows he's shit, but that makes his potential development interesting.

Jiho I just love him more and more. I thought he was just going to be the boring perfect 2nd ML that is obviously the better "choice" but he has realistic character flaws.

Youngsoo is... Hmmm, he's not bad. I like that he's not just a plain dumb blank slate self-insert, and his pushoverness is consistent with his personality and not just cause the author needs him to be stepped on over to progress the plot. He's in a shit situation but it's something he chose to be in to fight for his beliefs.

I think the ppl hating on this have very different expectations but if you apply some critical thinking, you can tell the author leans very much into campy storytelling (which is not a bad thing and is just another style of writing). Even with the theme of a 'Homophobic Society', it's meant to be satirical, "Look at this shit world where police officers can commit homosexuality but their socks are on so they can arrest the real gays, hah."

So don't go into this so seriously and expect some "good, pure" romance. This is a very controlled mess of romcom goodness with a touch of horny. Adapt accordingly.

wwwkrj created a topic of Point Shooting

ayo truck-kun pls slow down

wwwkrj recommended a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 
list contains 
•≫≪• manly uke(no cute girly face)
•≫≪• uke gives seme vibes
•≫≪• uke's who are physically stronger ,smarter ,independent, non-clingy,
 hot, cooler..a symbol of power.
•≫≪• where uke & seme are of nearly same proportions
Also includes uke like seme i.e. seme's that look like uke -


≪•..•≫ ≪•..•≫ ≪•..•≫ ≪•..•≫ ≪•..•≫

Tags: yaoi bl uke
wwwkrj recommended a list

I like it when uke doesn't look like a girl with a ding dong lol SO LETS GET RID OF HETERO-LIKE HOMO COUPLE AND BRING OUR MANLY UKESSS (and girly semes )

As you can understand from the title this list is about not so typical yaoi couples, seme-ish ukes and uke-ish semes to have some lil bit of that spice  

This list contains:
• Muscular Uke
• Taller Uke/ Shorter Seme
• Similar physique 
• Girly/Pretty Seme
• Seke


wwwkrj followed a list

I like it when uke doesn't look like a girl with a ding dong lol SO LETS GET RID OF HETERO-LIKE HOMO COUPLE AND BRING OUR MANLY UKESSS (and girly semes )

As you can understand from the title this list is about not so typical yaoi couples, seme-ish ukes and uke-ish semes to have some lil bit of that spice  

This list contains:
• Muscular Uke
• Taller Uke/ Shorter Seme
• Similar physique 
• Girly/Pretty Seme
• Seke


04 12,2022
wwwkrj followed a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 
list contains 
•≫≪• manly uke(no cute girly face)
•≫≪• uke gives seme vibes
•≫≪• uke's who are physically stronger ,smarter ,independent, non-clingy,
 hot, cooler..a symbol of power.
•≫≪• where uke & seme are of nearly same proportions
Also includes uke like seme i.e. seme's that look like uke -


≪•..•≫ ≪•..•≫ ≪•..•≫ ≪•..•≫ ≪•..•≫

Tags: yaoi bl uke
15 10,2022