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Lipilu created a topic of Company and Private Life

Is a lightbulb moment coming? A reveal? Or are we being teased? ( ̄∇ ̄")

Lipilu created a topic of Nanbaka

I haven't been getting any notifications for this and thought it was dropped like the anime sure I'm happy, but pls tell me I'm not the only one ( ╥﹏╥)

I know better. They're not getting laid 100% can't fool me ( ╥﹏╥)

Someone sure is smitten
...but it still bothers me a LOT that he's her best friend's ex and that she's lying about her death #-.-) couldn't the author use a different scenario?

Lipilu created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

Not the black dragon, black-face move (⊙…⊙ ) I just know I'll get second hand embarrassment soon!!

I don't mind cliche plots and simple characters BUT COME ON!! Who tf forgives someone who assaults you like that? Can we normalize girls standing up for themselves? Even if she's a saintly mary sue, she can realistically empathize with him while also hold him responsible for his sh*tty actions and behavior!!! He was about to full on pummel her! That's not smth you can just be like, "teehee it's okay!" TF?!(/TДT)/ ╧╧

Lipilu created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

I appreciate a real sibling dynamic for once. Peaceful idealistic friendly siblings probably exist but I've never spotted one out in the wild

Wow I really wasn't expecting much but that lacework is beautiful! Even if they traced or used digital they still put some effort it!

Highly unrealistic and very silly but I just love how 1) they don't turn girls against each other, 2) there's not really a harem since everyone only has platonic love, 3) her family knows and accepts that she's someone else and 4) they actually get revenge and didn't just forgive the sh*t gods bc things turned out alright in the end. It seems to be an overall theme that male protags get revenge bc they're finally standing up for themselves and being a boss but girls don't bc they need to be saints and revenge isn't ladylike or some bs reason

Such a beautiful introvert adoption story ( ╥﹏╥)

I didn't expect Nadia to be the one seducing her ahaha boi better watch out! She's got options~

Lipilu created a topic of Wake Up, Warrior

Why keep making sisters act sus like that? ( ╥﹏╥) Breaks my heart and my soul to make all other women be enemies or maidservants with little screentime. No in between

Lipilu created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

I find it hilarious that the mighty magician is a smol cute lil hamster (▰˘◡˘▰)

Lipilu created a topic of Fall in Love False Angels

I love this FL so much ( ╥﹏╥)

Also... is Nene giving bi energy of just the gay? I can't tell

Lipilu created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

They'll eat them away!
Also, serious hunter x hunter deja vu

Lost the genetics lottery ( ╥﹏╥) I straight up thought he was nearing 40! Slightly younger than me? Was not expecting that

Lipilu created a topic of Company and Private Life

We're twinning!! I'm actually embroidering lily of the valley on a bag for my momma. The coincidence is uncanny!

Tbf I'm biased but coffee took hundreds of yrs to catch on. It didn't happen overnight. The astridency takes getting used to. Also, things like cream and sugar were expensive af so most of them are probably drinking it straight. Completely unbelievable to me.
I truly believe that if the modern age person didn't need to overwork themselves, we wouldn't be drinking coffee so much. All in all TEA SUPREMACY!!

We've past April fool's already! This is downright criminal!!! ( ╥﹏╥)

Lipilu created a topic of Cashman of a Ruined Game

Drugs and blood apparently (⊙…⊙ )
But our tsun tsun boi holding onto her was cute AF!