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OctoberRain created a topic of How To Raise A Victim?

My only complain is that I was promised smut and unless I somehow missed it then I see no smut

This is gonna be toxic af. I'm ready for it. Big brother is a screaming red flag and little brother looks like he might either be puppy or insane obsession.

OctoberRain created a topic of A Trace Of Margins

Imagine having a family who sees you not being comfortable and not wanting to be around someone and then they forced the friendship on their kid. Mc tried to get away and now ml have made sure that mc is isolated by always making mc look like the bad guy and himself as the white Knight who is so good that he don't mind his mean friend.
Mc is so clearly being isolated and manipulated by ml. I bet that ml does remember what happened. He slipped up once and said he would not hurt mc again.
I fear for mc when ml finally get him completely isolated and his true colors are gonna show.

OctoberRain add manga to list most read

Prince Ferance is an omega and the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Wistad, but he holds a secre...

  • Author: Bamilssi,Zaru
  • Genres: Drama / Historical / Yaoi / Webtoons

I have almost finished the novel and I now fully hnderstand what people have been saying. I feel like all the spoilers have been skipping a very important disturbing part of the story not gonna lie.
Still good and I am still on mcs side. He might not be the good guy but I don't think there is a goos guy jn this story.. maybe julieta. She is so far the only one.

I am desperate to find the novel. Anyone who can tell me where to find it? I tried novelupdate (I think it is called) but I have no idea how that website works

I can smell the misunderstanding that is about to happen so I will be back when we are 15 or so chapters away so hopefully they have solved that. I bet that ml is about to believe that mc want her own brother and not put two and two together.

The asure or whatever guild ia gonna get hit very fucking soon. They are so fuxking rude

I like it but... give mc his long hair again. Why can't we have an mc for once with long hair.

OctoberRain created a topic of Drick's Heat

Plot twist.did not see that coming.

OctoberRain created a topic of While You’re In Love

Just kill her. I am gonna drop this if he marries her. I was already upset with the first memory loss misunderstanding plot but if they are gonna run another one. At least. Have him explain to mc that he has to do it to keep her and her family safe.

I am pretty sure this is a different version of "The Son Of The First Emperor Kills Enemies And Becomes A God" and honestly I am not mad about it. It read just as much like junk food as the other. Plot is so fast and mc is getting op hella fast.
I like the art style a lot and I think it is perfect for when you just want entertainment but don't want to think and you don't need a deep plot.
The plot here is simple. Mc gets stronger by killing and raises the ranks, he will beat people who go against him and he will get the girl the title and all the honor.

OctoberRain created a topic of Cozy Obsession

Why is the bottom drawn like that?
Also am I the only one who wish to read the original story? It sounds spicy

I have skipped this so many times hut finally read it and it's a lot better then I expected. Not sure if I agree with the hype I have seen, but it is very good.

Mc is very op but it get explained and it gets kinda balanced out. This story had the same problem that most action comics has. The characters get strong too fast compared to the world that has been shown to us. This one is not ad bad as other stories, they made sure to show the reader younger him ranking adventures early on, however I am still not sure I understand what their ranking is based on and that makes it seem like there are some giant jumps in power between ranks.
I did however like how this story made sure to have other characters then mc being useful. They also did not fall into the troupe of all girls or all guys, and I do think they were able to avoid too much of all the girls being in love with mc.
I was so happy when we see tess (I think her nickname was) in a new team and that team did not get killed off right away. It is nice to see that characters can have friendships and relationships with people other then mc and the main friend group.

Over all I think it is one of the better action manhwas. I think it has it weak points but it is nothing too major and it did avoid some of the biggest pitfalls (or so I think)

Oh I am giving it bonus point for mc not having a boring design (honestly he might have some of my favorite looks that I have seen in action manhwa) and the girls are not dressed in underwear or less.

OctoberRain created a topic of Drick's Heat

Am I having a good time? Yes. Am I also having stomach pains because of the necklace burning and what I hope to be a big misunderstanding. Also yes.
Shut is great story is good. I did not expect this amount of plot.
I was ready for pwp but not for it to be plot with porn.

I have been on my knees begging for a story with good villains who are not stupid and is able to gaslight and manipulate the story. this is so good.
do be aware of the spoilers, sounds like the story is gonna be one hell of a ride.

OctoberRain created a topic of Royal Marriage

gurly really said he has to earn it. go of girl.

not only a good show of an autistic child, but also how to work with them, not against them and we also get the story being real with her brother. how is this story so good at showing autism. I really like this mc. she is nice but not naive, she is also very smart and as able to realize what works for her and what can work for those she is willing to help.

u know what. even if everything else was bad (i dont think it is) i would stay just for the fact that she turned the marriage around on her stepmom. that was peak. also the old man is gross but at least he is not that gross. bar is on the floor but he did not try to get under it, good for him.