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I keep being upset we never got to really see mc use his powers. i wanted to see him after he got good at using his power

okay.. still dnt like the wify dragon, let it be a god damn dragon, but it is somewhat entertaining and maybe if they turn the dragon back to a dragon then it has potential.

OctoberRain created a topic of Zero Day Attack

I rarely ever want drama in my comic, but if mc is not gonna get hella pissed then i'm dropping this. the guy lied to him and more or less have been stalking him for so fucking long. ml is creepy af and i hope mc can finally pick up on it now and dump his ass.

I really hope this will get updated a ome point because i really wanna know what the hell is going on and what is up with God

this is the first manwha in a long time i have paid money to read. its just really entertaining and perfect when you are feeling down and just want something that is fun.

u know what i really love. I love how they did not magic her scars away. so many manwha's (or stories in general) will not lt the fl have any "flaws" no matter what she has been doing, and i love that in this they allowed her to keep the marks of the life she has been living, every scar she has is one she took so her sister did not need t ger one, and i love it.

noooo turn it back. who the fuck want girls when you can have dragons.

OctoberRain created a topic of Transcension Academy

seeing what things cost for him, no wonder everyone thinks he is insane and crazy about money

I'm just here for the ride and i just wanna see everyone suffer for what they have done. I hope the soon to be ex husband get to suffer

finally her shitty family might do something for her. maybe.. i will not have my hopes up

OctoberRain created a topic of Dreadful Night

I ahve a feelingt this is gonna trigger something

my country is getting a new king today and so is the universities in this. what a fucking day.

now I can't wait for him to ruin the other schools and their pride.
I don't know if i love that he want to the worst of the best schools, its kinda over done, but I also love people looking down on him and then getting their ass kicked so I mean it fits.

when is ml gonna fix this whole idea of him being omega? I want him and his sweet dragon to dominate this place.

OctoberRain created a topic of Lady's Parfait Time

ml just.. you don't break up with someone right after tey uses their safeword you fucking ass. even if you realises that you dont work out then you take care of them and make sure they are okay and only then, when they are okay and not fucking an hour after, then you told about it and you listen to them. this fucker. now mc is gonna think that it is because he used the safeword so if he ever where to get with someone like that again he would most likely not use the safeword even if he want to because he is scared to be left again. fucking hell. stop using bdsm in your comics if you are only gonna show it being toxic and done wrong.

just.. drop the ml. he is great and all but the princess is right there.

OctoberRain created a topic of Remarried Empress

I kinda want it to be him who could not have kids? I want him to suffer, but then i also don't want him to dislike his child because it is not her fault. fuck just let this man suffer

If she is not about to tell him the truth then im dropping it. He is doing the most and putting his whole heart out there and if she is about to shit on that then I'm done with her.

OctoberRain created a topic of Nano Machine

he might be a tiger but mc is a divine dragon and he is about to take them out.