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(lmao alright y'all, shouldn't have expected any pretty things without getting shitposted)

2020-09-22 10:30 marked

I shot my shot with this guy I knew from high school thinking he had no gf (and I've always found him really cute). After many hours of no response, he finally responded. Super respectful, but basically he was saying he already has a girlfriend. I told him I was sorry I didn't know he was already in a relationship and wished him all the best. But......

2020-03-02 07:34 marked

I'm quite bias here, because I'm gay, but what the hell, I'll answer this one too xD I think it's actually normal (even though I don't like this word) and also nothing bad. Even me, when I was in phase of "discovering" myself didn't really like gay porn that much. Or some aspects of it to be precise. Why? Well, some gay sexual acts are hmmm... not......

2019-04-25 02:29 marked

My favorite shoujo was based on the grim reaper trailing the death of a girl. At first, he was just waiting for her to die but he soon fell in love with her. This girl was often misunderstood but he was one of the few who actually understood her, he had the ability to leak her inner thoughts. The art was beautiful, I don't remember what is was ca......

2018-06-05 14:41 marked

22 y.o (gay) male. Still a virgin....well, I have a lot of sexual experience with my past boyfriend (let's just say I was exclusively the 'uke' lol). But I chose to refuse going all the way. To me, sex is a very special bonding between lovers. I'm choosing to wait until I feel in my heart and in my gut that this is the person I can completely lose ......

2018-06-01 12:58 marked

18 years old virgin and will stay virgin until I find a person who can truly love me for who I am and vice versa. I may think like a cliche shoujo manga but that's the way I want it ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

2018-06-01 12:57 marked