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HRAensn created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

This trope is common. Just the bottom getting assaulted and raped left and right, at least once in a story.

I was similar to Woowon, I always relied on myself and found it difficult to rely on others as I found it shameful and I was also insecure. So if my partner did it without my acknowledgment, and got MAD at me for being upset, I’m done.

Some people find it hard to rely on others, it doesn’t exactly mean they don’t TRUST their partner, they just don’t want to BURDEN their partner.

BUT I do hope Woo relies on his partner more though AFTER THEY DISCUSS and not just SeoAn doing it without his consent. I hope Woo relies on him more because his father isn’t helping his case.

I also don’t mean to sound harsh with Seo-An, but he went too far. Even if Woowon didn’t agree to do this, he still should’ve discussed with Woowon thoroughly until Woowon agreed.

Make Woowon feel reassured and make a plan, not just go for it and decide on your own. What’s the point of a relationship?

Readers casually forgetting that Seo-An sexually assaulted Woowon, they act as if it’s nothing bad and try to change the narrative when it’s right there.

Yes, someone forcing you down on the bed out of anger and putting your dick inside their ass is sexual assault. Even if Woowon did fuck him afterwards, it’s cause he’s a fucking doormat who lets things get away. Do you see how polite he is 24/7? Doesn’t change the fact that Seo A did assault and y’all don’t give a damn cause it’s the top getting assaulted.

I brought that sexual assault up cause y’all act like Woo did something worse to be hating this much on him, meanwhile acting like Seo-An is free of guilt.

Anyways, yes, Woo IS A FUCKIN DOORMAT.
He’s frustrating me, he should not be letting Seo An’s toxic ass get away with this. Even if Seo An had good intentions for this recent chapter, Woowon’s consent matters.

What’s the point of a relationship if you’re not helping create trust? Honestly if my partner did something in my very personal life without my acknowledgement, I’d lose trust more. People scold Woowon about how he doesn’t have trust, I can see why, look what his partner is doing.

Both MCs are cuckoos, both lack communication, stop acting as if Woo is a bad partner, he isn’t really. But to be honest, BOTH are bad partners right now, stop picking just one. But I believe in the power of love!

I trust that they’ll kiss and makeup. I trust that Seo An and Woo apologize to each other. I also need Woo to rely on Seo A more!!’

Please don’t hate on him too much. Both MC’s are in the wrong, both should have communicated but let’s not act as if Woo hasn’t been a good partner. It seems like he didn’t want to worry or involve others too much, he finds it shameful(?). Also Woowon is def a doormat cause how long is he going to keep giving his father money? Seo-an should put some sense into him, make him realize.

Also I saw one of the chapters where Woo looked at Seo-An contact number but then said to himself “I’m so pathetic..” I think he wanted to call for help, but he tried to rely on himself and said that.

It’s definitely some insecurities going there. It’s not like he’s doing it because he wants this to be like this, he’s struggling somewhat mentally as well as Seo-an. So please him both of them some slack, I’m sure they’ll figure it out, and I don’t think Woo is a bad partner, he doesn’t live in money and doesn’t have the same lifestyle as his partner.

He’s lived for decades where he’s like a doormat when it comes to family, so yeah don’t expect him to change and communicate when he clearly isn’t ready…unfortunately this is a obstacle in their relationship.

Seo-an shouldn’t have gone behind his back and went to his father but I think he did the right think talking some sense into that shitty father, I just wish it was a situation where both MCs spoke for an hour or two and express themselves.

But clearly mental health is a luxury.

Seo-An—depression and anxiety disorder
Woowon—anxiety(?) and some insecurities that is an obstacle


Both semes are fugly and toxic, let’s not act as if the lesser toxic one isn’t manipulative and had drugged MC, and MC has YET TO KNOW. I’ll be laughing when he finds out and laughing at those who were rooting for them despite MC not knowing, these readers just want MC to be with him in lies.


I want a third ML.

Why is beta fucking with alpha dude in chapter 66? I though he was with omega dude???


Don’t defend Seo-An’s poor choice of words and the power dynamic between them. Woowon has every right to be upset. They’ll get through this.

Also, womp womp Seo-An, I can’t defend you this time.


I’m sort of leaning towards the top on this one. You can’t just go and talk to his family without permission, it’s weird honestly. And plus the bottom has been kind of toxic cause he has these mental issue of course, I still remember the bottom saying how he has to change everything about the top and shape him to how he wants him to be.

It’s toxic as shit. But both need to talk it out, I also don’t like how some say the top is weak-willed, okay and? Give him some time, it isn’t easy for him especially in his culture. I can say that for sure because I’ve been in the same situation as the top, struggling with family. As for the bottom, it also isn’t easy for him because his anxiety issues that also harm the relationship.

HRAensn asked a question

I forgot title but this dude was basically sexually assaulted by all MLs and the actual ML was nicer I think. But the other MLs sexually assaulted him and even raped him.

I remember MC being stuck in the window while trying to get out and ML raped him from behind, and MC was also raped by two MLs who were twins with blue hair ? I forgot

HRAensn created a topic of Meteor Orbit

Please don’t hate me for this lol. I’m just saying it’s weird to ship minor and adult. I wish there was a harem where there are fully grown men with mutual agreement to poly. If anyone has that, please share down!

Here’s the document I made with what I wrote down from most chapters I read.

Topic: Stop Asking For Poly/Harem

Why? It shouldn’t be hard to understand that all the male leads except Taewon are MINORS. In South Korea, the minor age is anyone under 19. Also the MC, Yusung, has said many times that he sees the male leads as kids/teens. Someone said they’ll wait for the minor to grow up and do you realize how gross y’all sound? Yikes. Predator mindset for real.

Anyways, it doesn’t matter even if the minors grow up, MC has said countless of times he isn’t interested so this is just forced at this point.

You all love Sinwoo so much and I do too but let’s not overlook his disgusting acts, sexual assaulting; kissing many times non-consensually. It wasn’t until recent chapters when MC was feeling overwhelmed and was forcefully kissed by Sinwoo. MC was sort of a doormat until he realized that eventually letting these kids kiss him isn’t the right thing. Actually, all of the male leads touched him non-consensually in some ways.

Also Taewon has said twice to MC that messing around with MINORS isn’t right and that he will be arrested. But MC isn’t interested in any of the minor male leads at the time, so he was flustered that Taewon thought he was interested in others when he wasn’t.

Harem/Poly wouldn’t ever work considering they are minors and it’s illegal, and knowing how these types of stories go or the culture in Korea overall, poly/harem is not something common.

Many wishes for harem and want MC to end up with all of them but he only loves Taewon. And the hate towards Taewon is so forced to be honest. I have seen many readers who found out that Taewon had his reasons, and still hated him meanwhile MC found out and eventually forgave him. After all, Taewon was only 19 and under pressure, doing everything he could to protect MC while being threatened by Mr. Kim.

I personally think Taewon isn’t a bad person. He did things in the wrong way and his poor choice of words sometimes but from what I’ve read, I noticed it’s usually him that stood up for MC mostly and was the first to go defend him when he saw MC being beaten by other trainees.

So Taewon> Harem

Also Taewon is so husband material, his demeanor and his way of stopping the members when they’re yelling at MC asking why he did what he did, swaying MC’s shoulder back and forth, the other male leads can be a little immature at times so I see them as maybe boyfriend material at best. He also asks questions with rationality and calmly.

HRAensn created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Uke will be fucking with his adopted:step brother 2nd ML (literally) and ML finds out after meeting him again after years, then gets jealous and that’s where we see chapter 1 where Uke is seen locked up and chained. Or something, but it’s def got to do with jealousy and anxiety of uke running off to the 2nd ML.

HRAensn created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

Do sex workers enjoy the pleasures? Or it’s like 50/50? 50% faked reaction and 50% actually enjoying getting dicked?

Uke here smiled in latest chapter during the gamgbang, but it also looked rough yikes

HRAensn created a topic of Dirty High

If a top did the same thing as the bottom did (forcing/coercion), he’d be hated, but I mainly see compliments of the blondie. Ain’t no way.

The uke is such a hoe and honestly I’m down with that, but I don’t like annoying hoes if that makes sense, all that coercion to make ML sleep with him, sexual assault and ML even was about to file a complaint but he’s too nice for his own good.

Also ML annoys me a bit with how lenient he is with blondie, the dude he just met. And the pace is so fast but whatever, I think it is just one of those stories.

HRAensn created a topic of Double Call

What chapter does uke cheat?

The glasses dude in chapter 18 really blamed ML for his own insecurities bruh. Although glasses dude didn’t cheat (since he just confessed out of nowhere and ran off, a slip of tongue), him blaming another person isn’t right.

It’s up to glasses-dude to find his crush instead of placing all his anger onto someone innocent.

HRAensn created a topic of Kabukicho Cat Honey

Seme wants Uke to quit his work but he can do his work? Hypocrite.

HRAensn asked a question

It’s a Yaoi manga. MC is the top and falls for a prostitute uke, it’s shown that uke has sex with many clients and he’s sort of in a “heat-like” state.
They get together and have a relationship, but then uke passes away sometime later and MC is sad. The man who put uke in sex work was uke’s father.

In the other part of story, he has then become a teacher, years since first uke died due to illness. I was so sad. And the MC meets a student I think who looks similar to first uke but not really. Second uke pursues MC if I remember correctly, MC rejects at first but goes with it.

They get into a relationship and MC is finally happy again.

HRAensn created a topic of Engage

Does Seme really love his lovers? It feels like he’s just in a poly relationship to escape commitment. I’ve finished reading up to ch 8.5, can anyone spoil me what happens in future? Based off raws.
Does Seme continue to be in poly relationship?
Does seme chase after MC or it’s just MC chasing after him?
Does MC see something he shouldn’t have and runs off?
Any other spoilers

Any triggering content?
does seme or uke sleep around?

HRAensn created a topic of Boss Bitch Baby

Any cheating here