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puresaltt created a topic of Work Love Balance

I totally get what people are saying about Kang’s character and how his past relationships have structured him as a person, the problem is Yiyoung doesn’t. To be fair, it makes sense not to discuss ex’s and the like in a new relationship but at this point I do think Kang needs to let Yiyoung know his headspace. He’s been left by all his previous partners, and insecurities like that aren’t so easy to just toss away. But he is sort of projecting it in a way that is also making Yiyoung feel insecure about his intentions in their relationship.

Obviously they both love and care for each other but Kang’s sentiment here isn’t the best. Going into a relationship with the lingering thought that it’ll end soon because your partner is young and will likely want more experience it already planting a bad seed. This is Yiyoung’s first real relationship, having his mature and respectable partner tell him that he’ll learn when he “gets more experience” and double-down on that statement is gonna be hard for him. All in all, they need a proper conversation. Kang needs to trust Yiyoung and share his insecurity, and Yiyoung needs to hear Kang out to understand his concerns.

puresaltt created a topic of Flip the script

Honestly I’m beginning to think even if the brother did successfully kill Yigon, grandpa would just be like “Well there’s only one person left to receive ownership of the company, isn’t that right…random kid I decided to adopt so Yigon’s brother doesn’t get the company?” Like he haaates him lol.

puresaltt created a topic of Flip the script

He’s got a whole contract now and got railed to save his life just for grandpa hit him with the “Nah it’s chill, you do you.”

He made it. I thought he was a goner. But he made it. I salute to you good sir.

puresaltt created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

I don’t think he will (he’d better not) choose to be with her for Je-oh’s sake. I mean he’d better not cause you can’t even use the whole common “you’ll live a better life if I do this. It’s for the best” because bitch anyone can tell you that’s not true with Je-oh’s state specifically. If he does Seong-rok oh when I find you Seong-rok….
On another note, the hell is her issue I don’t wanna see her anymore… Begone witch.

puresaltt created a topic of Revenge Guide

lol “my guide that I hated and loved” bro didn’t you say you never really hated him right to his face in the scene before
well whatever it’s a short and simple story anyways I didn’t expect an in depth character arc (I didn’t know it was supposed to be a short story until just now lmfao)

I couldn’t tell whether I was witnessing fucking or fighting and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s both lol. And quite frankly, I’m not complaining.

Anyways round one is settled!
Who won?!
Who’s next?!

puresaltt created a topic of Sayonara, Moratorium.

I just…dude, get a job, find a hobby. I guarantee if he’d also gotten a job (or stayed in uni) things wouldn’t be this bad. A big reason the difference in their free time and stuff is so visible to him is BECAUSE he’s doing NOTHING, unlike the other guy. Even the dropping out of university isn’t end all, cause you can still get a job (albeit not as easy nowadays but it’s possible).

Also, buddy should’ve kicked him out a while ago. I understand needing time to get back on your feet or figuring things out and I’d totally help a good friend in need, but this goes way beyond that. He doesn’t pay the bills? Kick him out and he’ll see just how much he’s gonna need to get a real job. He is a whole problem even without the assault and victim blaming factors, it’s terrible.

I feel like every time the main couple in a BL get a pair of keychains that for some reason look exactly like themselves, it’s followed by ensuing drama

puresaltt created a topic of Jinx

I’m not sure how many special eps there will be, but it’d be hilarious if they got their shit worked out and ended up getting together in a healthier way within side stories while the main couple is back at rock bottom despite having over 50 chapters to develop a decent relationship (which they most definitely didn’t).

puresaltt created a topic of Let's Skip the Handshake

Lmfao just tell him you like him bro. I don’t think you’ve gotta make him go through it again just to hold hands man.

Also I was kind of hoping the curse would switch to the ML that’d be funny as hell. Imagine the MC was finally free and the ML was like, “Well shit. Now YOU have to help ME”

I guess that’s one way to keep me reading. I didn’t understand anything until I read till the end of chapter 9, well played author. I quite literally had to read ALL of it in order for my brain to process it.

And I also learned I need to start making origami cause apparently you can steal hearts with that knowledge of mini cranes and flowers ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

puresaltt created a topic of Kill My Love

Listen I know there are bigger matters to worry about but I can’t stop thinking about how MC just addressed ML . Imagine being in this situation and calling the other party “You little rascal!” Like not even bastard or anything just rascal lmfao

No fumble no fumble…OH GOD HE FUMBLED. He’s so oblivious I’m sure he’ll figure it out but damn. That’s gotta hurt.

puresaltt created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I mean technically he’s saying the common thing in BL like “I’ll bind you to me” and all, but he said it so…eloquently? I mean I should probably be more concerned but he just said it in such a smooth manner with no crude words that it almost slipped by me as if I was just reading a normal monologue Σ(っ°Д °;)っhow’d he manage to say something that can be cause for concerning in such a seamless way lol

puresaltt created a topic of Jinx

Doesn’t everyone remember? All those good times they shared together. Like when they played games! Or when they…um…played another game that same night! And that one time when Jaekyung didn’t treat Dan too bad…when he was drunk. He even appreciated Dan’s gift so much it was given a safe and special spot in the garbage can!

Haha. Good times. (︶︿︶)=凸

MC went from not interested at all to down bad so fast I can’t even comprehend it (⊙…⊙ ). Like all seriousness aside…how does one even do that within a bare 7-8 chapters after not wanting anything to do with the other guy?? And I’m not even reading it seriously lol, I’ve got my rose tinted glasses on and everything but it still caught me off guard.

puresaltt created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Haven’t they only crossed paths face to face there a few times?? How does he know how often Dojun goes over lol. Anyways get him outta here he’s wack.

puresaltt created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

OH. It’s okay. We can work with this….uh. Can we work with this? Pls he needs the support he deserves. I just wanna see him heal in a healthy way... ╥﹏╥