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moon created a topic of The Only Necromancer

1. I was liking the story quite so far but I’m kinda getting annoyed by the Mary Sue vibes from the MC, or plot armor or whatever. I get that he’s OP but why is he supposedly good at literally everything? And yeah he’s MC but the everything that’s happening keeps revolving around him. All attention and eyes are on him. As readers, yes we are technically revolving around him, but revolving him as a world build up? it’s so bland. Like he’s the only one that seems to have any good ideas, or good at choosing morally ‘correct’ decisions. We’ve been introduced to quite a few characters that are supposedly smart or have certain skills and traits that was supposed to stand out but it literally gets washed away. Like yeah there’s some incentives or goals here and there (from supposedly important characters) but they’ve mostly been reduced to chasing after him or somehow these goals ends up leading to him? (Main characters being the red girl and the blond guy)

2. I quite like OP characters if they’re created good but so far the MC still doesn’t feel familiar?? I feel like idk them? Like the characters aren’t really feeling fleshed out and has actual personalities but are just here to progress a story. Even the blond guys character traits (like being a team leader, choosing to help others because he was too late to save his own family, etc) have been removed and given to the MC even though the story keeps reminding us that he doesn’t care to take help others or plays in a team. It feels like they just reduced him to someone who’s power hungry just so it can paint a better light for the MC. Which I think is a waste because the rest of the characters are already all in the background. And the one other focus (other than MCs friends, which is not a lot) is just there to have a one sided rivalry….I don’t feel a strong connection to any of these characters.

Probably gonna drop this, maybe pick it up when I’m bored but ig this isn’t really for me.

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