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Jubie April 5, 2024 6:20 am


Jubie June 25, 2021 1:32 am

I am so frustrated with this story. Like I love it and I love both Louis and Maetel but damn they're both so infuriating! Louis is dumb af and Maetel is dumb and a simp. He thinks Louis is toying with him but Louis is thinking the same thing. The misunderstanding is not even fun at this point. They both just keep running circles around each other and the dialogue literally does everything in it's power to the point of madness to misdirect the conversation so that the truth never comes out properly. When Louis came to ask for help from the first guard, if Maetel just straight up asked him something like "Why didn't you contact me? I left you a note," these dumbasses wouldn't be in this mess. This story literally circulates around their misunderstanding and lack of communicating their thoughts and feelings clearly. Also, you'd think that if someone like the Duke was that in love with you, he wouldn't immediately remind you if y'all slept together? Like, tf? I know Maetel is starting to go a bit cray, but I honestly kinda understand him because of how frustratingly dense Louis is. I do hope he doesn't straight up force himself on Louis (which, seeing as the artist wants to disappoint me time and time again, I don't see him stopping himself and this is just going to fall into the stereotypical yaoi stories). Sorry. Rant over. Just my opinion. Imma keep reading and hopefully they prove me wrong

    ChuYang June 25, 2021 2:03 am

    If I immediately assumed a guy like Louis was in love with me I'd be questioning my rationality..... He's displaying the furthest thing from love. Clearly.

Jubie March 4, 2021 4:39 am

The constant misunderstandings is starting to not be cute anymore and just frustrating >o< Also, the MC is a little too dense like he was so smart at the beginning, what happened? Obviously nothing is going like it was in the novel anymore other than the invasion, why you still relying on that shit? Pacing of the story is kinda weird too but I'll overlook that because the art is so so pretty~

Jubie February 14, 2021 10:05 am

So I'm kinda tired of these kids hopping on here and just focusing on what happened in chapter 20 without looking at it for what it kind of message it was supposed to deliver. Given is a well-thought out, human, emotional story that doesn't do anything by mistake. Was chapter 20 sexual assault? Yes and no. Haruki says himself that the assault wasn't what he should've been apologizing for. Haruki has had feelings for Akihiko for a long time and Akihiko knows it. He was always wanting to be physical with him but the situation was all wrong and even with all that, if after he told Akihiko, he'd do anything for him, Akihiko said he wanted to sleep with him, he wouldn't have denied him because that's how much he loved him. It's a fucked up situation on both ends: one being hopelessly in love and frustrated, and the other going through heartbreak, self loathing, and frustration. Not to mention, Akihiko had been drinking a lot. Something we don't really see him doing a lot. The panel showing 3 beers (plus the one he was drinking) wasn't some nice filler shot. Drinking impairs judgement. People make mistakes when they drink. Is it an excuse? No, but it is a catalyst for a person to do things that they will regret. Difference between an actual asshole and Akihiko is that he immediately realized what he'd done to the person he cared about once Haruhi snapped him out of it. He was using the tactics he was used to with the women he slept with, giving pleasure to receive whatever he desired in that moment (usually a place to crash for the night). That scene was crucial because it showed us how Akihiko poorly processed his pain (because he is human) and took it out on the person who was willing to do anything for him. It was also the moment, he knew he had to change and that's what y'all kids are overlooking. Akihiko went through STRIDES to better himself to be a better man. To quote him, "A man worthy" of Haruki. Haruki wouldn't have accepted his request to date if he didn't see this change in him and says it himself that Akihiko has changed. So yes, you can be upset about chapter 20. But remember that it is the basis of a desperate and broken man's character change.

    Miliana February 14, 2021 10:11 am

    « So I'm kinda tired of these kids »
    No need to be a kids for thinks it’s a sexual assault... bruh

    Ludivina February 14, 2021 10:18 am

    « Difference between an actual asshole and Akihiko is that he immediately realized what he'd done »

    Ludivina February 14, 2021 10:20 am

    I’m an adult... and I have experiences many things and all I can say it’s a sexual assault NOTHING MORE to say
    And haruki deserves better than this asshole
    Bye if you things it’s okay and forgivable your the kids here

    PhoenixFyre February 14, 2021 1:26 pm

    I saw the "Movie" on Given and you can see it on Youtube. You will actually see the attack and Haruki & Kaji discuss it.

    It was really good the movie and you feel bad Haruki, Kaji. and Ugetsu. So Mafuyu wrote a song for them. It wasn't a long movie... only about an hour but a lot came out in that hour.

    Jubie February 14, 2021 3:10 pm

    I never said it's okay lol, but considering circumstances surrounding his actions, yeah I think it was forgivable. Sometimes, people make mistakes. And I'm glad you've had experiences, love. I think we all have. It's needless to say. People can change. People make mistakes. If you're the type of person not to acknowledge a person's personal journey, that's fine, but Kizu Natsuki gave him like the second best character development in the series. Second to Mafuyu. But you're entitled to your opinion as I am mine.

    But yeah, not saying kids don't understand what sexual assault is or what the scene is at face value... Bruh.

    Also, yeah I saw the movie. I think they did a really nice job overall. It made me cry almost as hard as the manga lol. Having been through a lot of similar things, Given in general is one of my favorites. Plus hearing Mafuyu's song brought to life is just beautiful.

    wonton February 14, 2021 10:36 pm

    who is dumb enough to even dislike ur comment when you spoke complete facts? tf

    Jubie February 14, 2021 11:07 pm
    who is dumb enough to even dislike ur comment when you spoke complete facts? tf wonton

    Appreciate it

    Jubie February 14, 2021 11:07 pm
    Appreciate it Jubie

    I appreciate it*

    PhoenixFyre February 15, 2021 2:04 pm
    I never said it's okay lol, but considering circumstances surrounding his actions, yeah I think it was forgivable. Sometimes, people make mistakes. And I'm glad you've had experiences, love. I think we all have... Jubie

    Yeah... it was so sad to see them all so hurt. Ugetsu really does love Kaji but knew it was poison for them and their futures. To know it was your goodbye. Kaji will never know how painful it was for Ugetsu to let him go.

    gasha26 February 16, 2021 7:59 pm

    see i dont think it’s necessarily right to say that it was forgivable bc haruki wanted to touch him for the longest time and loved him. that seems kinda weird to me. he said stop more than once. im sure u didn’t mean it like that and i somewhat agree with ur message, but somehow it just isn’t sitting right with me. i think it ultimately depends on haruki. if u think it’s forgivable bc of kaji’s situation then i do not agree. yes, alcohol impairs judgement, but he knew what he was doing: “damn. i’m just taking my frustration out on him.” he was aware so he wasn’t completely impaired. but i’m not trying to argue i just disagree a bit

    Sweetie February 16, 2021 9:32 pm
    « So I'm kinda tired of these kids »No need to be a kids for thinks it’s a sexual assault... bruh Miliana

    Yeah it was, but as that person say there is more, of course as that person also say e can't totally forgive him but try to understand that he got character development and try to understand that you can't defined a person by one mistake, yeah it was awful and disgusting but seriously ? y'all are just ignoring the character developement the mutiple apologie and the fact that he change his all life to change and to be worthy of Haruki, don't forget that Akihiko had a rough life too, his parent left him all alone with just some money, the poor boy has to sell his own body just to sleep at night, so we are not telling you that it was okay, we are just asking y'all to try to see the background and the character developement

    Sweetie February 16, 2021 9:36 pm
    I’m an adult... and I have experiences many things and all I can say it’s a sexual assault NOTHING MORE to say And haruki deserves better than this asshole Bye if you things it’s okay and forgivable your ... Ludivina

    Yeah it was sexual assault, but adult or not, if you can't accept the fact that mistake can be done especially when your drunk and that it doesnt obviously make you a bad person than you are not very smart, you have to learn how to forgive in life, so yeah it was an awful thing and we are not even asking you to forgive him, but aknowledge hos past and the fact that he was drunk, and mainly aknowledge that he got a big character developement

    Sweetie February 16, 2021 9:39 pm

    I totally agree, people arent acknowedging his past and especially the character developement that he get, he got the second biggest character developement after mafuyu of course (well mafuyu's character developement is still on going), it seem like some people are just taking chapter 20 without anything else ;-;

    Jubie February 17, 2021 3:55 am
    see i dont think it’s necessarily right to say that it was forgivable bc haruki wanted to touch him for the longest time and loved him. that seems kinda weird to me. he said stop more than once. im sure u did... gasha26

    I don't disagree with you b. That's why I said it was a shit situation on both ends but yeah it really did depend on Haruki. It was even more complicated on Haruki's end to be honest. I think his emotions, the situation, his feelings for Akihiko, and his perception of Akihiko and how he was acting in the moment played a factor in how he reacted but I do think in the end, he was aware that it was assault but didn't really blame Akihiko or else he wouldn't have said what he said. I shouldn't have come at it the way I did but I was just getting frustrated by people saying Akihiko is a bad person when he really isn't. It's okay to disagree though! Differing opinions are important for discussions! :)

    Jubie February 17, 2021 3:58 am
    I totally agree, people arent acknowedging his past and especially the character developement that he get, he got the second biggest character developement after mafuyu of course (well mafuyu's character develo... Sweetie

    Yeah, I'm glad you got what I was saying :'3

    gasha26 February 17, 2021 8:56 am
    I don't disagree with you b. That's why I said it was a shit situation on both ends but yeah it really did depend on Haruki. It was even more complicated on Haruki's end to be honest. I think his emotions, the ... Jubie

    oh i see. thank u for clarifying! i don’t think akihiko is a bad person either, he showed remorse and i’m sure we will see more growth from him too. but i understand why some ppl may say that. some ppl might have had similar experiences so i can imagine how triggering this could be. but i understand and i agree!

    Ludivina February 17, 2021 10:56 am
    Yeah it was sexual assault, but adult or not, if you can't accept the fact that mistake can be done especially when your drunk and that it doesnt obviously make you a bad person than you are not very smart, you... Sweetie

    Tell me that I’m not « very smart » because of my past and because I don’t want to « acknowledge » him it’s a little bit immature, we litteraly see nothing of his character development... Month have passed without even show us, i found u very disrespectful, to tell me that I’m not very smart just for a story that sound childish, for me it’s not even acceptable or forgivable, he was an asshole and I don’t accepte things like that

    PhoenixFyre February 17, 2021 1:55 pm


    It is a story. Why are we arguing here? Everyone can have their own opinions about Kaji. We will see eventually if the Manaka gives each character their own pasts to see what may have happened. Good or bad... Haruki still loves Kaji and Kaji loves Haruki. Kaji also acknowledges that Haruki always saved his butt for everything. So lets wait and see if there is more of a background for these characters. Peace :)

    Sweetie February 19, 2021 3:04 pm
    Tell me that I’m not « very smart » because of my past and because I don’t want to « acknowledge » him it’s a little bit immature, we litteraly see nothing of his character development... Month h... Ludivina

    You where the first one to disrespect peopl who "forgive" tho ? saying that we are kids because we have a different way of thinking is also immature,
    honestly i totally understand your point of view but you should accept our point of view too without being disrespectful about it, and as for the character development, we didnt see much but he still got one, he acknowledge his mistake and decided to change his whole life, so yeah i totally agree he was a bad person but i just can't hate someone who decide to change especially if the person had a rough past
    So in conclusion, i understand your point of view but i just didnt like the fact that you insult me of a "kid" for having a different point of view, its all

Jubie November 29, 2020 6:29 am

So, I came in late with some of the updates. When Khakia said your son's life is in danger, Bin said he wasn't concerned but he didn't want Gok to worry, I was under the impression that Bin doesn't actually love his son but when the babies were born he said he didn't want his son to suffer like he did so I'm a bit confused. Was there an error in translation or is this character development? (I was really upset because I'm like bro you pretended to love your son for 20 something years?) Please tell me I'm misunderstanding something.

Jubie November 14, 2020 7:32 pm

Honestly, at first I thought they did a remaster just to match it to their current art style (which is insane coming from an artist stand point) but I can see how they've reworked the story to make it a bit more realistic and I love it. Also they both look much better in this current style

Jubie June 30, 2020 4:12 pm

People be talking about Joowon being toxic when Haesoo over here getting off on the chase. He literally said he craved an obsessive relationship with Joowon. They're both at fault for how they ended up. They're two idiots in love who have the added pressure of being a "family". That may just be my opinion but I honestly think Haesoo kinda spelled it out himself.

The story does seem to be moving in a TakuxHaesoo direction, but I think it would be fine if he went back to Joowon ONLY if they put everything on the table and stop hurting each other. Maybe start over and rebuild from a healthier basis.

Also, I think Haesoo's mom is more to blame. Joowon's dad seemed like he was willing to overlook it so he could be with the woman he loves, but she can't seem to get past it so she's the one shooting herself in the foot and making her kid feel miserable.

    joo June 30, 2020 8:25 pm
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    you said it, haesoo loves and cares for joowon but it isn’t romantic love. the reason why haesoo never fully committed to his relationships is because joowon imbedded in his mind that no matter what he’ll always come back to him and says stuff like “I wonder how long this ones gonna last”,,, sigh this is so frustrating

    Magnolia July 2, 2020 9:43 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    And Haesoo doesn't have control over Joowon? Don't make me laugh.

    Magnolia July 2, 2020 9:44 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    Yeah he even manipulated him by promising he will always be there if Haesoo needs him. The true manipulator.

    Magnolia July 2, 2020 10:20 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    I never said that it was wrong?

    Magnolia July 2, 2020 10:24 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    I understand your point. But you used world manipulative. So you are suggesting he purposefully wanted to win Haesoo's back with manipulation.

    Magnolia July 2, 2020 10:44 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    Idk. For me someone is being manipulative if they are doing it purposefully.
    I liked the conversation myself. It was heavy, painful. And it had to be done at some point.

    Magnolia July 2, 2020 11:11 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    Imo he was sincere and there wasn't hidden agenda behind his words.
    And for me if they won't end up together which is rather possible they should cut their ties off. Playing brothers, being friends is not an option for them. They never thought about each other as brothers in the first plays (although the taboo was always keeping their apart, imo one of the biggest factors why their relationship never progressed but there are many other ones ofc) and they have too much heavy history between them. It would be like living in another lie.
    And Joowon looks like the type who won't move on as long as Haesoo will be in some form beside him.

Jubie May 19, 2019 6:28 am

After finishing the story, I had some strong feelings about it all but I had a thought... if Bum was that in love with him, I don't think he was actually going to try and poison him so I'm wondering if maybe those pills disappearing was part of Sangwoo's paranoid hallucinations?

    CrimsonDahlia May 19, 2019 6:38 am

    Bum didn't poison Sang woo, try re reading that part again. It just fell down the cabinet, and Sang woo thought Bum poisoned him because the pills were lacking.

    perkystar May 21, 2019 6:22 pm

    WHY do you think they deserve a happy ending?.. I prayed he got hit by a car even before I saw the stop sign.. He's sick, needs help. He is conveniently glossing over Sangwoo atrocities. They don't deserve a happy ending please. Bum deserves to be in a psychiatric hospital

    Jubie May 23, 2019 7:31 pm
    Bum didn't poison Sang woo, try re reading that part again. It just fell down the cabinet, and Sang woo thought Bum poisoned him because the pills were lacking. @CrimsonDahlia

    Oooooh riiight. Thank you for clarifying. I totally forgot about that. I didn’t read the last 2 chapters for the longest time because I was nervous so it’s been a hot minute since that chapter lol. Honestly thought sangwoo was gonna come out of the flames all terminator style and kill bum lol

    Jubie May 23, 2019 7:52 pm
    WHY do you think they deserve a happy ending?.. I prayed he got hit by a car even before I saw the stop sign.. He's sick, needs help. He is conveniently glossing over Sangwoo atrocities. They don't deserve a ha... perkystar

    Yo.... I never said that lol. I just said I have strong feelings. That could mean a lot of things. Please don’t assume.

Jubie April 20, 2019 5:27 am

I can honestly see why Haru forgave Aki after the assault. He said himself that it’s not what he should’ve been apologizing for. Haru has always wanted to be with Aki physically and mentally but he could tell that the reason Aki was doing that wasn’t because he wanted him in that way but because something was wrong. He was upset by the fact that he perceived Aki’s words as “you can’t help me because you don’t matter to me like that”. That scene was so much more complex than the typical ‘force’ scenes in other BL manga and the fact that Aki apologizes so profusely afterwards means he admits it was wrong and he sorely regrets it. He’s not a bad person. He is complex like all of the characters in this story and sometimes good people do bad things under high stress/emotions. We are only human and have not and never will fully outgrow our primal instincts, meaning we are very capable of doing stupid shit when we’re upset.

    Gaygaygaygaygay April 20, 2019 2:26 pm

    I really enjoyed this manga because it felt more real

    Shiddon April 22, 2019 11:45 am

    I feel so much of what you mean.

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