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16.5 i know those little things were suppose to be clean up or what not, over lapping the words, but they mostly ended up dildo shaped

cakeverse? so weird, i guess this is a way for the creator to process covid issues with sexual desire. as long as we don't get into cannibalism, i think this will be a weird, but fun read.

this is cute. i love how they break gender norms.
i also love when shows and mangas also have a story with food and then they give you recipes! like dude, we need this. have a story where they show case stuff and then give us examples, tips and tricks for making the stuff ourselves!

dude, that was more intense than i thought it would be. like i was thinking cheerleading goofballness, but it was more traumarama and consent stuff.

also, i get that he wants to help his love, but they have limited time so it would have been better if he just told them, that way they could take sexy pics of each other and lead into having more saucy time.

violently trying to make sure your partner is not under the influence even if it is yours so they can consent.

awe, they were trying to get back something precious. though it still is clear that one is more infatuated than the other.

well at least they can work together. after this, he has to work on wooing him to get his boyfriend

dude kicked him out because he couldn't get with him, so weak. but i am glad he is doing well despite being given nothing. like that is a death sentence. so the question leads, the next saint in his family, do they exist now since he left his job or does he have to die?

this is going rather fast. their development is on a speed run. while it is nice and we get to see the whole of the life. i feel we don't get too much time to feel like they have earned the emotions we see.

as for the photographer, if he was to be a threat in this story the world would have to have it were there is gods everywhere acting as idols. the worse that will happen is a little backlash, then again this manga as had a habit of making things into what they want so it might be a big scandal despite the logic in the story it is so far not supporting that.

poor dude. he is doing his best. he didn't ask to be the saint.
my complaint about this is the weird page cuts.

sweetheart ask him out, even random hook up guy tells you that. and now pretty much your boss too.

hahahaha, so now they either got to figure out birth control or be excited for babies. this is so hard for the guys. why didn't he just teleport him to a world that is like that?

stalkers ruin everything. poor guy. hope the media doesn't make him out to be a bad guy, and say he attacked someone. the chick started it, he responded and in his heavy emotions he turned into his wolfy form that seems to be sulking.

the summary was right, nothing happened. dude, someone tell the dudes they can make out and do lots of stuff that isn't sex like groping and cuddling. then there is also switching if they do get to it. think we need to wait for them to level up.

17 and 19 refuse to load for me. rip. that aside they define themselves as coworkers with benefits but are acting more and more like they are dating. wonder when they will realize. seme seems to realize his behavior is getting more of boyfriendish.