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bro, first step, stop calling him uncle. don't let others know you are his nephew. just let them all think the last name thing is just weirdly random.
second step, don't tackle him while drunk. drunks are not as sexy as you all think.

oh yay! pinkie is going the friend only route. but it also seems like he has a masochistic love for his bestie
this was a fun chapter. and who didn't randomly shout "spiderman!" when pinkie showed up to take them out.

the xxx makes it seem like sex instead of a riddle for them to solve. not that it would have helped, they were left alone to fight while their love interest ran out to buy supplies.
so the question lies, will it be a rivals to lovers trope or will they get their love interest to look at them and make a throple.

they find out each other's sexuality, run into the ex, and are like "screw it! we are together!" hahahahaha, that is great. it is also great to see them bonding before hand.

oh no, the ex comes when he is feeling good about the situation and about to let down a wall.

conflicted on his sexuality yet still trying to obtain a boyfriend. boy you are bisexual!

my only joy is he is working with his now pyscho boyfriend into fixing his pyscho obsession. but really, they should have a long talk about how bounties and safety works. looks like they are healthier after the break than they were before.

it is a twisted manga. the fact that he is falling for the seme whom doesn't seem to be showing an ounce of kindness is weird. like Stockholm. and that last bit seems to suggest that seme set it up for our main to get hurt. like what the hell? is seme "getting revenge" for the fact he thinks he is seen as weaker because our main not only was able to tell if he was sick but checked on him? how the hell has our main not broken down as a human yet? being controlled by others so much and dealing with their abusive natures. bro has some stamina to take that.

wanted to see if that was a door he could open, ended up kicking that door in and jumping around the room in joy.

felt like it from the start that our ghost/angel/shingami was really just trying to spend time with the person he has a crush on.

that is funny. however i do like how it evolved where his life is like his old but with love. it was nice and wholesome. the worry that one day he will wake up and be in his old body is totally valid, despite his old body being a corpse.

weird set up. he is worried his family will break them up but at the same time they allow him to select him in the first place? and there is sex on the list!?!
that said, they are cute together. they should have just had watches that showed the level of bonding or something.

time to get your newly blossoming friendship friend to help you save your love interest that you just want to be friends with.

the manga bl god in this is most likely gonna try to push pinkie with out main with the friendship route after having had tried the rival route. let the boy have some friends.

the furry couple has better chemistry than the human only couple. the furry world seems like it should have more lore, but it is silly that they have the easiest to escape cells.

hahahaha, it was a misunderstanding so they needed to communicate?

hahahaha, his dog was so human that when he found out and got use to it after a month of his dog turning into a human, he pounced on him. that is so weird, but i was wondering why it was yaoi. i wholeheartedly enjoyed the pet part, i just think the whole banging the beastfolk that was your dog was too fast and gave no lead in. i mean for god sake, they had points where they could say "are you sure you are really a dog?" to him.

parenthood does change things. they still want to be together for different things, but have to be parents and working adults first. it is something that drives so many insane.

he tried. but i wasn't expecting the debt collector to be the uke. hmm, i wonder what is gonna happen next. it is not a lot, but the fast pace has me hooked.

oh boy, that cat god just fucked them both up for having a silly wish. but listen cat god, you should just make it temporary.

it is nice that they are trying to build emotional chemistry on top of sexual chemistry. since it seems that they do get along if it wasn't for the star struck idol persona that they fell for first. reo seems to be enjoying noticing the little things that rik displays that shows what he really feels.
now what context is that actor apart of things?