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JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of Jinx

Lol, Dan's POV is so far removed from how it's all coming off in readers' perspective, it's hilariously funny. I'm getting an irresistible comical feel that I'm sure was not what the author was going for... lmao. At least he rescued him from those security bullies (at... least... ... ?). But Dan's thoughts are so far off the mark I'm dying

The foster father ALREADY making stupid mistakes like hiring a viper woman to be her teacher... (as for the massacre of the red light sisters, I'm temporarily waiting for it to be revealed as someone else's scheme... I do think the priests who never stopped visiting the place would have had more of a reason to do it in order to cover the whole thing up)

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of ENNEAD

I think in the past people have considered it a legit form of seduction to act a bit touchy feely with a person that one had already had any type of previous "relations" with... The reason is obvious: sometimes, consent could be obtained through sheer "perseverance" (lmao), but of course, cannot stress enough that the idea was "convincing" and not forcing... and, only the other person could say "where" was their limit (unless, of course, the exchange was between an adult and a minor, because those are off limits even when the minor "consents").

To be painfully honest here, Seth is like the KING of mixed signals: just when I thought Horus putting his fingers inside him was crossing the line, what was he doing? Worrying about Horu's face turning serious all of a sudden (when he realized Seth had been with someone else), THAT was what Seth was doing... Talk about getting distracted from the fact that your a** is getting fingered supposedly against your will, by the most random of reasons... How the heck am I as a reader supposed to figure out this character's confusing signals, if he gets side-tracked and starts focusing about different random things, every five minutes? ...So, I was glad the whole thing got cut short.

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of Jinx

So now it turns out JK's not so "experienced" as to recognize the obvious... I see what ur doing, author. Not sure I'll fall for it, though

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of Royal Marriage

It's baaaack!! And I FINALLY got to read the ML's meeting with his Crown Prince papa!! (They'll have to pry my belief that the CP is his birth papa from my cold, dead fingers). If he is, then he's the Crown Prince's only child, and it'd explain why the Crown Prince gives him puppy eyes and tries to win him over, haha. Papa wants his adult baby's attention.

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of ENNEAD

Leaving aside all other debates: anyone noticed Seth ALSO had an awakening as a god, that he forgot everything about? Do you guys also feel that means the theory that Seth before awakening as a god might have had a past with Osiris, which he later forgot all about, could be growing a bit stronger?

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of ENNEAD

Anyone noticed how Isis was totally Seth's Number #1 Fan?
She covered her own temple with records not of her own story... but his. Lmao.
She reminds me of my mom covering her entire apartment with my baby niece's photos

Yaass finally some happiness! The real world isn't perfect but at least it's somewhere where things aren't set in stone, you can fight to make changes and things won't just completely go back to how they were (yeah, even with her parents: coming clean means she won't tolerate crap anymore, and they won't be as comfortable playing favorites).

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of Jinx

Why the heck are his managers so dumb and unproffessional... Straining his body to drop to a lower weight category in just a month, when he already has a potentially career-ending injury?? The ML shouldn't just fire them, but sue the bunch of them for giving fatal advice that could be last nail in the coffin, for his career... WTF are they all smoking??

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of ENNEAD

My theory:
Seth himself ALSO went through the same process of forgetting all his memories from before he first became a full god... and that past, that Seth forgot once he turned into a real god, is the reason Osiris is obsessed with him

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of House Of Desire

The more I read this the more I feel like the prologue isn't one bit true, just the guy being a completely unreliable narrator out of feeling heartbroken at his supposedly "unrequited" love... Once you realize that, you realize he's just being dramatic out of feeling hopeless, and thus we can't take any of the "mean" things he says seriously, at all.