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yall i got probably one of the most biggest exams boutta soon happen in my LIFE. and if i fail this shit without getting 7 or above my ass is kicked from having a roof over my head. I need revision tips asap, like genuinely ones that are able to work. i am in the low end, to get to a 7 man?? I HAVE BEEN CHEATING MY WAY UP THIS WHOLE TIME I DONT EVE......

hitoshi-san followed question about question

ive literally found a pattern every time i masturbate. i reach climax and then i get awfully disgusted w what i just did and then continue to do my everyday things. like, that cant just be me right?? like i just masturbated and lord was it good, but then after i couldnt take it any longer w my vibrator, i stopped but like not even a split second af......

29 04,2024
hitoshi-san asked question about question

ive literally found a pattern every time i masturbate. i reach climax and then i get awfully disgusted w what i just did and then continue to do my everyday things. like, that cant just be me right?? like i just masturbated and lord was it good, but then after i couldnt take it any longer w my vibrator, i stopped but like not even a split second af......

hitoshi-san answered question about question
i feel so awkward w boobs bro that cant just b me feelin that way
hitoshi-san answered question about question
this site never ceases to amaze

everyones sayin how its good the style changed and how they now resembled students is honestly retarded. do you not see that body to head ratio??? what part of all this makes them look younger, they just look spastic

hitoshi-san created a topic of 16647

its the fact that the author isnt even specifying their ages in the character profile I FEEL SO CONFLICTED ABOUT THIS I FEEL BAITED INTO READING SOMETHING WHICH I THOUGHT WERE A MASTERPIECE.

hitoshi-san created a topic of 16647


hitoshi-san created a topic of 16647


hitoshi-san answered question about your opinions
he doesnt brush his detty teeth imagine snogging the man and catchin a whiff of that toxic load
hitoshi-san answered question about being black sheep of mggo
hitoshi-san asked question about discord server

PLEASE I HAVE BEEN SHITTING NON-STOP IN TRYING TO FIND THIS STUPID GODDAMN MOVIE, IS IT EVEN A MOVIE?? IS IT A SERIES?? WHAT IS IT. anyways, ill try my best in explainin. i remember a good lookin man, maybe blonde or brown? short hair but wavy to the side and he had a very nice moustache if that makes sense, and it looked good on him. but heres th......

hitoshi-san answered question about question
i was 12 and somehow found a pirated site that had it uncensored, i fell for the cute description i was told about it being a “father and son going to get ice cream” trick i was told on discord. dont trust discord.
hitoshi-san followed question about character obsession


23 09,2023