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StoryofMinglan June 16, 2024 5:02 pm

Last week was the hiatus that occurs after every four chapters. This week the Mendoza arc begins where we meet Carcel’s mom and Ines’s waiting lady once again. Change of scenery should be interesting as more characters enter the scene.

StoryofMinglan June 5, 2024 9:03 am

Seems some people just can’t read. Cárcel never tarnished Ines image especially in a society that is promiscuous and married people are expected to cheat because nobility rarely married for love. Ines never even cared about Carcel’s past and wanted him to sleep around. Ep46 or so has Ines telling Carcel that his past nor her past matters. As the manhwa already shows, it’s only recently that Ines actually began to get jealous of ‘her husband’ Carcel and that’s because she now has feelings for him.

For the record, Ines herself promoted and relished in a bad reputation in society. She did this because she didn’t want people to interfere with her. After she saw how society reacted to her wearing black dresses and a modest hairstyle, she double-downed on it and was glad when society began to call her a crow. She also wanted society to remind Carcel that she’s a boring woman and therefore set a psychology for Carcel to be encouraged to think she’s not a good catch so that he can seek other women elsewhere.

The manhwa absolutely suck at portraying the truth about Carcel’s life before marriage because Ines herself began to realize that the rumors she based her knowledge of Carcel on from the crown princess timeline were inaccurate and she realized after living with Carcel in Calztela that he lived unlike the majority of navy men there. He lived a quiet, boring disciplined life there for nine months out of the year. Ines found this out from seeing it herself coupled with Raul’s surveillance of Carcel over several weeks. It’s when Carcel went to Mendoza and felt pressured by all sides that he would sleep with other women that he did not seek out or entice himself. It’s women who pursued him and even then, Carcel had standards. Manhwa of course won’t reveal that because they were too busy cleaning up the things about Ines that they didn’t want to reveal in the manhwa just in case readers come to dislike FL. They obviously think it’s okay for readers to dislike ML but not FL. I guess Serena manhwa shows there is some truth in that.

    TurtleGurl June 5, 2024 7:25 pm

    Thats a very good point you made about main leads not being a authors priority, tho i do wish that wasent the case I feel like if bith leads were the priority the story would have a whole lot more dephs into it which would not leave it with a bunch of loop holes. I feel like the authors keeps making the side characters remind us of his scandalous past in orde to induce the hatred towards him but I just don't see the point of that? But what I do like is the touch on how it affects the victims of these scandals because you rarely see the effects of it maybe a few shocking scenes but that's it never about how they truly feel about the situation.

StoryofMinglan June 1, 2024 9:37 pm

After Carcel heard the gunshot, he left the cabin but put two guards directly outside the cabin to protect Ines who was fast asleep inside. By the end of the hunting trip, Ines has no clue that guards were present on the hunting grounds to protect them. Carcel kept everything like secret protection whose presence didn’t interfere with their couple time.

StoryofMinglan May 31, 2024 1:35 pm

Kim ChaCha MTL response about BR manhwa adaptation that casts Ines as purely innocent in the engagement period when it did not in the novel:

Dear fan:

I fully understand what you mean.

But cartoons have limited scenes. That's what might be included.

Perhaps that's why, unlike the novel, Ines' selfish purpose was not emphasized. I am also sad that only carcel has become a bad character unilaterally.

I think they're both flawed people, and they're both bad people. To each other. They are selfish in different ways. Even when they were young, Ines overwhelmingly did. In the past life, too.

So in the early days when the novel was serialized, Ines was also criticized a lot. If carcel is the man who betrayed his fiancee her, Ines is the woman who used her young fiancé.

I think that the two main characters are both imperfect people. And I think they are a perfect couple who can fill in each other's imperfections. No matter who blames them, each other is the best option for them. The journey to show it was my novel.

    StoryofMinglan May 31, 2024 1:40 pm

    Kim ChaCha publicly stating she writes for herself and her niche fans who enjoy her work:

    After writing for several years, basically, I always think that there are more people who hate my writing than people who like it, and it's been a long time since I wrote without expecting a good response.

    So, conversely, I do not evaluate the value of my work based on the likes and dislikes of others.

    I write a lot of things that people hate. But there are people who really like it. This is not the self-deprecating meaning of 'someone might dislike my writing', but it is closer to the information that it is originally like that.

    I won't change just because someone hates or likes me. Just because someone hates it doesn't mean it's not worth it to me.

    If you think that way, you may not dig even if you get a little bit of criticism, and you may not have wind in your lungs just because you get some compliments.

    Nevertheless, I want to write something that people who like my writing will continue to enjoy.

    I can write this and that on my own, but I am not a person who changes just because I curse. I think the most important thing is to write what I can understand myself moment by moment and what I want to write, and my strengths and weaknesses come from that. Just as there are pros and cons everywhere.

    So honestly, try writing like this, try writing like that, quickly finish the text without content...

    Even if you give an instruction hard, even if you mock it out of malice, I'm really very sorry I don't listen and put it into practice.

    tikitiki May 31, 2024 5:41 pm

    HI i just wanna say I understood what you were trying to express in this work. We can see that she forced Carcel into this relationship and we can see she also mistreated him the entire time ZI think some people are just kinda sexist tbh. willing to forgive anything a girl does but execute the man for any slight transgression. normally I am not a fan of the pure maiden x x-slut ship but it doesn't even count for them seeing as Ines has literally had 2 husbands before this.

    snapplecider May 31, 2024 8:12 pm
    HI i just wanna say I understood what you were trying to express in this work. We can see that she forced Carcel into this relationship and we can see she also mistreated him the entire time ZI think some peopl... tikitiki

    In the novel, Ines even told Carcel that she got other men before and that she's not clean so she don't even think herself as pure.

StoryofMinglan May 31, 2024 12:38 pm

This is the second time within 7 days certain readers keep complaining about Carcel’s past. I’m not sure what those readers expect from other readers who already got over that. Do they want other readers to persuade them about something they’re determined to be bothered about? Even Ines do not care about Carcel’s past. She said it in ep46 or so and says it throughout the novel. All Ines cares about is the current Carcel and the only time she began to feel uneasy about Carcel and another woman is around ep43 that’s covered in the novel. Manhwa didn’t include it but Ines began to feel uneasy about Carcel having dinner with another woman in their home after she divorces him. Yet, even after that, she still tried to get him to cheat by inviting a crazy woman in the house. She only stops trying after she accepted him during the sick arc. Her jealous side was finally ignited during the dream of the palace. Before marriage and during the first couple months of marriage, she didn’t care. Even then and to the end of the story, she absolutely hates it when Carcel puts himself down about his past.

If readers can’t make their peace with the beginning of this story, maybe they should consider that this story is not for them rather than posting every week about Carcel’s past. Kim ChaCha, the author of this story, has repeatedly said this story is not for everyone and she is not trying to please everyone. She writes purely what she loves for her fans and herself. She has stated this on her Naver blog and on Twitter many times when people send her hateful comments about her female leads and her male leads. Every reader has to decide what story is for them. This one just might not be it. There are plenty of other stories out there with strictly pure male leads. Inés and Carcel aren’t those.

StoryofMinglan May 9, 2024 1:38 pm

No chapter this week.

StoryofMinglan May 4, 2024 11:07 am

Some readers seem to be confused about this. Perhaps the manhwa is to blame. Not sure what is creating this misunderstanding. Inés already pretty much decided to abandon her divorce plan back in ep59. It wasn’t exactly clear by the wording in the manhwa but the novel part said this:

[The simple idea of leaving as usual, this official residence, people and Cárcel in front of her, all seemed like a distorted picture.

Now there was reality in her thoughts. It was no longer a simple line of words, nor just a feeling of looking down at an empty space on the chess board. This was not the feeling of vaguely looking down at a certain point on a map and choosing her next destination....

‘...It’s me who’s stupid.’]

Notice in the excerpt above she said leaving Carcel and the people in her home now seemed like a distorted picture because there was reality in her thoughts now. From this point of the story, Ines became fully active in returning Cárcel’s romantic overtures. In fact, when Carcel woke up after being sick, she kissed him repeatedly at points during their conversation.

Next we see them sitting one evening in the library and flirting and kissing. We also learn in the novel they’ve been having amorous affairs almost daily. We see Raul and Alfonso observing them in the hallway after Raul spread gossip about Carcel being crazy about his wife. Raul then felt like a fool for doing all that work when Carcel and Ines clearly couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Just from the perspective of the servants in the house, they saw that their masters relationship had grown closer and more expressive.

Then to add even more development, the author had Ines dream a second time about the previous timeline to open her eyes to more facts about Carcel. As usual, because Ines recognizes her husband now, she observed him even closer in the dreams and discovered things she missed about him. That’s the most important point about these dreams. When she woke up, she was sexually aggressive with him and wanted to be even closer with him.

Then later in bed, she began to admit how much her husband has become a safe border to her. How much she’s never lived like this before. How he makes everything alright for her even without knowing it. How her life is peaceful and stable. Then she also decides she doesn’t want to live denying herself anymore and only looking for death. Now she wants to live and do the things she loves like hunting and horseback riding. She wanted to do those things with her husband. She was so moved to tears by her husband’s love and care that in the novel she said she always lived wanting time to pass but she didn’t want that moment with her husband to pass.

Then the story moved on to her receiving a letter from her mother encouraging her to get pregnant. Despite Olga’s outrageous content, Ines agreed that she wanted a child sincerely. She even reminisces about seeing that child run down the hallway and that the child looks more like Carcel than her.

All of the above is so minute compared to the depth of the novel. Not because Ines didn’t say “I don’t want to divorce him anymore” in direct words doesn’t mean it isn’t clear she ditched her divorce plan. It’s clear that she dropped her plan ever since back with the crazy woman incident in their home. Manhwa also left out that she was uneasy the next day because she thought Carcel might still be angry about the incident. She even told herself that it’s no big deal if he fell out of love with her because of the incident. Does that sound like a woman who doesn’t care and still only want a divorce?

    Bibi May 4, 2024 12:11 pm

    Feels like the translation doesn’t do it justice .. I got confused bur I got the gist of it . When is he gonna start remembering btw ?? That will be a whole lot of pain .. I do want to ask though .. will there will be more turbulence in their relationship or it’s gonna be loving with painful past rememberance

    StoryofMinglan May 4, 2024 10:40 pm
    Feels like the translation doesn’t do it justice .. I got confused bur I got the gist of it . When is he gonna start remembering btw ?? That will be a whole lot of pain .. I do want to ask though .. will ther... Bibi

    Spoiler. It will be amazing

    He will begin to remember after Ines goes to Mendoza after their hunting trip. An attempted assassination was made on his life while Ines was away in Mendoza and this triggers his memories.

    If you guys already love the way Carcel loves Ines, it only gets better and deeper. For me, I came away from the novel blown away by ‘his’ love. And, because he loves Ines very deeply, he is always on her side no matter any outside turbulence. He is even on her side when she wrongs him. Amazingly, there is not just the known pasts to deal with, there is a hidden past that’s revealed later that shakes Ines. It makes her realize even more just how deeply Carcel loves her. There is really nothing to fear as readers because Carcel always treats Ines well and always chooses to protect and love her. If there is anything bad that happens, they face it together and he always makes sure she’s protected. On the other hand, Ines will develop to the point that she protects Carcel as well. She does everything she could to make sure he’s safe when there are certain circumstances that arise where he could be premeditatedly killed off.

    Bibi May 5, 2024 6:15 pm
    Spoiler. It will be amazingHe will begin to remember after Ines goes to Mendoza after their hunting trip. An attempted assassination was made on his life while Ines was away in Mendoza and this triggers his mem... StoryofMinglan

    Just reading ur reply made me tear up I can’t wait for their moments together ! I knew her first life isn’t known to her but him remembering is gonna be cherry on top and oh my gosh I cannot wait for this !! Thank u for telling me ! I knew the whole spoiler but this just makes it so much better ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

StoryofMinglan April 14, 2024 1:08 pm

I see readers are already thinking the new crown princess is an ‘innocent’ girl. Please wait to see more about her. If anything this story should have taught us as readers that not everything is what it seems and it’s probably better not to jump to conclusions. Wait until next episode and hopefully the manhwa will show more about this new character. Granted, it’s in Ines’s pov but it at least gives a glimpse into her experience with the woman who will be crown princess.

    Yameteeee April 14, 2024 4:52 pm

    Could you spoil us please?

    StoryofMinglan April 14, 2024 8:55 pm

    Hmmm. Spoilers about crown princess. Absolutely do not read the spoilers below if you do not want to be majorly spoiled. Please move on if you want to learn who the crown princess is as the story unfolds.

    WARNING! Major spoiler. Even Ines does not know yet just how intertwined the crown princess is with her original tragedy.


    BEWARE! Huge spoiler below.

    She’s not an innocent person at all. She’s been crown princess in two lives before. She is the one who started Ines’s tragedies. She’s hated Ines in all lives since they were kids. Her mentality is very twisted. She the one who first destroyed Ines’s life in the forgotten timeline and that’s why Ines got a second chance to live then her tragedies began with Oscar after the forgotten timeline. So crown princess is actually a villain equal to or just as bad as Oscar.

StoryofMinglan April 12, 2024 11:59 am

The reason why Ines’s mom is so unhinged is because she’s mentally ill. There’s a past story that exists for her. While she and Ines have probably burned too many bridges between them, since Ines remembers two timelines, the fact is the author wrote this story from a human perspective. Her mother is not totally a lost cause. Carcel’s mom will eventually find out how Ines’s mom treated her children and she’ll talk to her about her bad behavior and counsel her on being a better wife, MIL and grandmother. It might be too late for her and Ines but it’s never too late for Ines’s mom and her future daughter-in-law and all the grandkids Ines’s mom will get to babysit. At least Ines can be civil with her mom at some point in the future. Carcel’s family will be a blessing to the Valeztenas.

So in this story, unless people don’t change, they are never written off.

StoryofMinglan April 11, 2024 2:51 pm

Confirming new chapter out. Ines finally learns CP is marrying his fiancée after making her wait many years. Glimpse of new crown princess although she has appeared in a previous ch panel. Mendoza arc is around the corner but before that, the hunting trip that Ines spoke about in ep 65.

    janine April 12, 2024 2:28 am

    What happens during the mendoza arc??

    StoryofMinglan April 12, 2024 6:29 am
    What happens during the mendoza arc?? janine

    Mendoza arc brief spoilers

    - Carcel’s mom, the best mom in this story, is introduced.

    - Everyone who sees Ines is shocked by her transformation. Even her waiting lady whom Carcel’s mom summoned from Perez was surprised. Ines is supposed to finally look like she’s blooming when she returns to Mendoza. I can’t see it in the manhwa but definitely in the novel, she’s positively shining and happy and all the nobles gossip about it.

    - official introduction of crown princess who is actually the first person who began Ines’s tragedies.

    - Re-entry of crown prince and hints to him having his memories

    - Crown prince and princess plot to make Ines his mistress

    - Ines learns from Carcel’s mom all the bad things that happened to him as a 6 year old kid providing the manhwa doesn’t cut them. These are things that happened because she chose him as his fiancé at 6.

    - Ines realizes she never took Carcel’s life seriously so she begins to seriously read his old war letters that were sent to her to familiarize herself with all the dangers he faced when she didn’t think much about his life.

    - Carcel begins to regain vague memories of his past lives after an assassination attempt on his life. He remembers the two men in Ines’s past

    - Carcel visits Ines in the capital since she sent him a letter saying she missed him. He finds her at a party at the palace where Crown prince couple was trying to coerce her into dancing with the crown prince.

    - Ines hears Carcel’s voice, gets up and run into his arms. All the young nobles at the party were all shocked by them. Ines was genuinely happy to see Carcel and the lovers sincerity was on display for all to see.

    - Carcel takes Ines home and he starts to have memories of the two men from Ines past again. He asked Ines if she likes him to which she says yes. He’s remembering his unrequited love in the past two lives.

    - Ines and Carcel has hot and very wild sex. Ines even tells Carcel he can do whatever he wants to her. She thinks privately to herself that as long as it’s him, it’s okay. Next morning her waiting lady finds her blushing like a teenager when she’s reading the love letter Carcel’s left for her before he returned to Calztela in the early morning hours.

    -Waiting lady is pleased that her mistress had hot wild sex with her husband as she retrieves all the torn pieces of clothing off the floor in their bedroom. She commends her mistress for being passionate like a true Perez woman.

    - Carcel arranged for Ines’s brother to escort her to a field tournament where the crown prince couple was trying to make it look like Ines will become crown prince mistress. Ines’s tells her brother of the plot. Starting now, Ines and her brother will begin to work together to counter the crown prince couple schemes. Ines also tells her brother how crown princess tried to harm Carcel as a child.

    - Ines notices Carcel has a bullet graze on his side. She writes to Raul to find out the truth since Carcel was obviously trying to prevent her from asking questions. Raul writes back and tells her the truth that an assassin appeared in their bedroom in Calztela and tried to kill Carcel when he was asleep.

    - Ines is enraged by the news. She even breaks down crying and cursing because Raul told her that Carcel knew about the assassin attempt since the hunting trip and he sent her to Mendoza to his parents because their mansion has knights and security to protect her. Raul also told her how relieved Carcel was that they were only trying to kill him and not her.

    -Ines suspects it’s the crown prince that was trying to kill Carcel once again. She starts to curse the crown prince and even vaguely wonders if the crown prince has his memories.

    - Ines goes on a shopping spree in the capital to buys lots of guns, weapons and knives for Carcel. Then she adds clothes and jeweled cuffs for him and send them all to Calztela.

    - After shopping a shocking event occurs. Ines meets the Angel in this story. He’s a Catholic priest in this timeline. She fears him with good reason. He gives her back forgotten memories after commending her for making the right choice in this timeline.

    I think that should do it as an appetizer. lol There is so much more that will happen.

    Sou April 12, 2024 8:45 am
    Mendoza arc brief spoilers- Carcel’s mom, the best mom in this story, is introduced. - Everyone who sees Ines is shocked by her transformation. Even her waiting lady whom Carcel’s mom summoned from Perez wa... StoryofMinglan

    Thank youu

    bella April 12, 2024 11:26 am
    Mendoza arc brief spoilers- Carcel’s mom, the best mom in this story, is introduced. - Everyone who sees Ines is shocked by her transformation. Even her waiting lady whom Carcel’s mom summoned from Perez wa... StoryofMinglan

    Thank you so much

    Lulovesblue April 12, 2024 11:38 am
    Mendoza arc brief spoilers- Carcel’s mom, the best mom in this story, is introduced. - Everyone who sees Ines is shocked by her transformation. Even her waiting lady whom Carcel’s mom summoned from Perez wa... StoryofMinglan

    You're the best, ily

    StoryofMinglan April 12, 2024 11:44 am

    Typo mistake.

    The person who harms Carcel when he was 6 is the crown prince. Not the drown princess. Crown princess is younger than Carcel and Ines so she would have been probably a toddler.

    Thirteen1234566 April 12, 2024 12:22 pm
    Mendoza arc brief spoilers- Carcel’s mom, the best mom in this story, is introduced. - Everyone who sees Ines is shocked by her transformation. Even her waiting lady whom Carcel’s mom summoned from Perez wa... StoryofMinglan

    Thank you this appetizer was delicious
    Sorry to ask but where can you read the novel?

    Thirteen1234566 April 12, 2024 12:22 pm
    Mendoza arc brief spoilers- Carcel’s mom, the best mom in this story, is introduced. - Everyone who sees Ines is shocked by her transformation. Even her waiting lady whom Carcel’s mom summoned from Perez wa... StoryofMinglan

    Thank you this appetizer was delicious
    Sorry to ask but where can you read the novel?

    Thirteen1234566 April 12, 2024 12:23 pm
    Mendoza arc brief spoilers- Carcel’s mom, the best mom in this story, is introduced. - Everyone who sees Ines is shocked by her transformation. Even her waiting lady whom Carcel’s mom summoned from Perez wa... StoryofMinglan

    Thank you this appetizer was delicious (=・ω・=)
    Sorry to ask but where can you read the novel?

    janine April 13, 2024 2:56 am
    Mendoza arc brief spoilers- Carcel’s mom, the best mom in this story, is introduced. - Everyone who sees Ines is shocked by her transformation. Even her waiting lady whom Carcel’s mom summoned from Perez wa... StoryofMinglan

    Thank you!!! Aight that means imma let this manhwa cook for a year or 2 ┗( T﹏T )┛

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