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Not_yo_cheese created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Call me horrible but personally the first few things done to the mc was deserved, being rped is a horrible thing but he also deserved it because of the shit he did, I'm mostly talking about the two times he got f'ed by the ml for context. However the rest of it is just uncalled for, the scene where he tried to drown himself should have been the scene where everything stopped he had already payed the price for his crime tenfold, by not only giving birth to two of the ml's children but also selling his body to random people just to survive. The rest where he's just popping babies left and right for the ml and being abused by him was too damn much, heck even him selling his body was too much already but because of the seriousness of his crime I'm letting it slide. Personally I think the most twisted thing here is that the only time when he seriously regretted his actions was when he decided to walk away and get rped by random people. My dude you have paid for your crimes enough! but at the same time it's like... Why are you only realizing all of this now that you're dying??? Like it's hard to feel absolutely remorseful for the mc when he showed that he only then regretted his actions. From the looks of it that's the reason why the author made things go that far, mc just accepted everything at face value as a crime for killing, it's hard to explain but he didn't care who the person he killed is or what that person had to suffer through he knew it was his fault so accepted the punishment but wasn't actually remorseful.

Not_yo_cheese asked a question

Story idea: Story about an alpha ang Omega who love each other very deeply, the only problem is because of the alphas past trauma his completely possessive towards the omega not giving the omega much freedom, the omega doesn't really care much that he cants talk to other people but he does get very upset whenever the alpha gets mad and force's him on the bed, tired of this the omega plans to take revenge by buying aphrodisiac and a bat (yes) one they while the alpha was mad the omega talked to another alpha woman the omega decides to take his plan into action lunging at the alpha with a deep kiss feeding him the aphrodisiac, completely startled the alpha looms over the omega mad then turns away but as he does he's hit in the head hard with a bat by the omega. When the alpha wakes up he finds himself tied to the bed with the omega inside him, in fear he angerly shouts but it doesn't last long as the aphrodisiac take affect causing him to moan out in pleasure, as time goes by the alpha is ashamed as we gives in to the sensation..
Bad ending: the omega keeps paying with the alpha basically holding him at gun point (kinda)
Good ending: as time passes the alpha completely reflects on his actions and try to better himself, one car crash later they're both still deeply in love now in a more healthy relationship occasionally switching positions in bed ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Is it me or does the black haired dude look like Sebastian

The king knows Legis does what he says because of Juvel but does he really think he'd still be alive if he did end of killing her like???? Like he does know he's ONLY alive because Legis wants to protect Juvel right? Like max said he could easily overthrow the king but chooses not to.

No but I just realized that the reason why the original story stopped updating was because the duke went on a killing spree on the main characters

Not_yo_cheese created a topic of Monster Throne

No but can we talk about the fucking ostrich egg

Not_yo_cheese asked a question

Y'all know ascendance of the bookworm? I just finished watching it and saw in the comments that they had a funeral scene. I was wondering where I could find that in the manga version?

The fuck, y'all mean I've basically waisted an hour reading this..... also what the hell is up with her dying at the end like "oh you're done raising the children? Good! We don't need you anymore" like huh???? Why couldn't they just extend the story and let her find actual true love?? I'm ok if ainz and the fl just see each other as friends but the least you could do is let her hook up with someone who'll love her. Also can we just talk about how ianz is loosing friends left and right.... Boy lost his two best friends now he lost Marchen

Not_yo_cheese created a topic of The Villain's Savior

Hello I'm just starting this story so can someone tell me what to mostly expect? Like who fell harder and other stuff. No I don't like spoilers sometimes but with stories like these that I'm unsure of I would prefer being spoiled

Not_yo_cheese asked a question

Can someone recommend a hidden gem of a manwha where the fl is a knight that isn't your same old same old emotionless knight, I want a girl boss that's hella crazy but still empathetic towards others (kinda like loyd ig). They're not over powered just enough to be on their feet and although they're in politics they still have a lot more fight scenes. It doesn't have to be a manwha it can also be a manga honestly

Love the story. But I feel like the introduction of the grandpa was honestly disappointing, like they're hyping the all powerful dragon slayer and how much power he has the least they could do is show how powerful he is physically. I'm not saying he needs to fight immediately for his reveal but like at least show him in a chilling aura yn?

I'm sorry but really..... Another red eyes and black haired ml -_- ? Bro I would have been fine with a red flag (at the start only) ml as long as it wasn't another carbon clone. Like seriously if they have black hair and is handsome then they're most likely the ml. Only way they aren't the ml is if the ml is already shown in the cover. No hate to the kid himself I'm sure he's a great dude but cant he at least look different for once

Not_yo_cheese created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

The comments here are on crack, like boy it's so obvious heejae still wants to fuck him over. It's either he hears it from lala or heejae which ever one it is they're clearly heading to the angst road

I'm sorry but that was the quickest divorce ever, like at least have a few days before they get back again. Bro went down one second and the next he's in a rpe scene, also what in the world is up with onegaverses and gangbangs I'm surprised I haven't seen an omegaverse with just the gangbang

Not_yo_cheese asked a question

Someone recommend me some yaoi smut, the bed scene is just steaming while the bottom is filled with jizz

I'm sorry but I just had to say this, if you just read this manga and think the aunt is an ass and that she should have been more understanding and mature. Well then can I just say you should ALSO be more understanding and mature? This is the same as in real life trauma, depression and guilt isn't easy to get rid of, you need help to get rid of it which clearly she did not get. Just because someone has reached adulthood doesn't automatically mean they're sage's of wisdom that know everything, just like how children need an adults help when it comes to emotional and physical pain. Adults ALSO need other adults to help them, what she needed was therapy and help that I didn't see her getting. And before you say maybe it was off screen you don't have a mental breakdown and no contact of reconcile with your nephew years later if she did, not only does she need to deal with her mental state she has to take care of a newborn baby, a child that activates her trauma, and a grown man that can't/doesn't help with any of it. Y'all know how they talked about taking action with not just omega kids AND alphas? That's literally like a metaphor for what I'm saying rn the omegas being the children in this scenario and the alphas being the adults, you can't just focus on helping one cause you think the other doesn't need help. All I'm saying is just cause you say someone should be more understanding and mature doesn't mean that you shouldn't also be understanding and mature of their situation, ofc no child should experience this but as the other mature person (us the reader or third person) we should try to understand the different perspective's of the situation

Not_yo_cheese asked a question

I know this is gonna sound hella weird and maybe gross to some but I'm really curious how it would look like, does anyone know a yaoi one shot or even just pictures where the dude is just in a gang bang with his clones? Either on this site or off the site will do

I'm only at chapter 6 but PLEASE just let him be a brother/father figure and not the fucking ml, bro is fucking 20 up I don't care who it is just please not him or anyone who age inappropriate for that matter. Heck I'll even consider the red haired kid she was with before (no idk if they're blood related or just see each other as siblings)

Not_yo_cheese asked a question

anyone know a yaoi recommendation where the CEO/prince/king/master basically anyone with serious power or looks duke of the north style, that likes being pegged and the top just gives golden retriever vibes

Not_yo_cheese asked a question

Looking for a yaoi manwha. Forgot what the plot was mainly about but basically the bottom and top are from the same company and both are good at their job, there a scence where the top was scared of spiders and another where he accidentally poisoned the bottom because of his cooking but learned how to cook cause he really likes the bottom, in the last chap I read the two were already dating and top assigned an impossible task to the bottom. Also the art style is hella pretty but they all ALWAYS look like doll's cause of the lack of expression in their eyes and face, like they all look so good but their face looks so damn off