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can't tell which is more unhinged about this author: the plotlines or the titles

the prince is actually so stupid. like he knew the guys he exiled were untrustworthy way before he sent them to the elves and before he exiled them AND he let them live. for what? like make it make sense pls. I could not imagine following a leader like him. He's literally just coasting off the luck and help from MC


bussy so good it makes a man propose

All their friends: this submissive and breedable twink got mad rizz, what a lady's man!

ML and anyone with eyes: that's a hard F bussy w legs

beefyqueefs created a topic of Portrait of a Bad Guy

I feel like an ancient evil has been vanquished now that this story is finally over

beefyqueefs created a topic of 99.99% Lovers

I'm reading this out of order bc the plot is so unserious but a few things I've noticed:

• mc's breastmilk looks like Japa mayonnaise
• the morning sickness vom looks like funfetti
• where is he getting all the grenades???
• their child giving cgi baby from twilight
• ch 31 ML's revelation of "does he not like me anymore?" I screamed and shit and pissed myself
• wtaf is up w that baby tho fuck outta here with that Joe biden hairline
• "she looks just like you!" was shade

Theo's shrewdness and tenacity are the driving force moving the plot forward

beefyqueefs created a topic of Tomodachi engagement

Completely forgot that he was stalked and threatened into doing acting work side plot

beefyqueefs answered question about read 1000 manga or more
Paul Mescal's character, Calum, in After Sun but also the following pokemon
beefyqueefs answered question about explain your username
I have yet to meet a bitch whose pussy popeth as severely as mine
beefyqueefs created a topic of Can't Think Straight

he eat ass the same way I devour a Doritos Locos Taco Supreme

beefyqueefs answered question about question
self imploding on an illegal manga aggregate board is just so painfully internet six million years of evolution and this is where we're at
beefyqueefs created a topic of Love Tractor

I'm rereading this and I realised Mark Piller is most likely supposed to be Markiplier. Foreigner, half korean, ruggedly handsome, eyes

beefyqueefs created a topic of Secretary to Stage

2nd ML: I miss him
MC: *getting his back blown out*

beefyqueefs created a topic of Can't Think Straight

character development is being comfortable with giving your partner that down and dirty sloppy toppy

my cat would have just let the poison kill me and then make biscuits on my corpse

beefyqueefs asked a question

is there a page that shows all of your current reads that have been updated/last ch read?( T∀T)

Someone said the history tab acted like that before but bugged out such that now only 2 pages worth of reading history are shown.

Other than a lack of chapter specific comment section, the site is great, I just wish it had this one feature _(´꒫`」 ∠) _

beefyqueefs created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

MAN this story is GOONING levels of slow burn edging