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beefyqueefs created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ lets goooo long awaited reveal

after this hiatus we're gonna give the readers what they deserve

Ofc MC doesnt think they're dating Considering how much shit ML put him thru before he was signed, and how he interacted w MC even after the misunderstandings were revealed, who in their right mind would think they're officially dating??

think abt it from MC's pov: "this powerful asshole, who has my career in a vicegrip, basically runs my life. Do we fuck? sure, but we've never discussed anything past that. If I'm wrong and make assumptions, he's proven to be more than capable and willing to destroy my entire life."

not to mention Bro literally never even brought it up before that point honestly ML is kind of insane for just assuming that things would work out that way?? Especially since he hasn't apologised for ANY of his actions. if you think ML's sufficiently atoned for everything he's done to MC, the bar is in hell

beefyqueefs created a topic of Jinx

finally got his ass out the psycho's gorilla grip ML can go suck a fat turd ٩ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ۶

i was wondering how they were planning to increase the bunny population without it being an Adam and Eve moment

beefyqueefs created a topic of Spinach Bouquet


"I would never fuck a man with a willy yuck >:("
"you have a cute dick :)"


beefyqueefs created a topic of Ranker's Return

im sorry theyre just so domestic together like if the bff was a girl everyone would be on this ship ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

this story really does hit all the bl notes
tsundere uke
crazy ceo seme
rapunzel arc
"my item"
now we hitting the amnesia arc

the real question is why the prince didn't address the letter to avoid this exact problem. This trope is so head empty

doesn't MC eventually escape at some point and ML goes loco? I swear I saw a novel reader spoil that before. I'm just holding out hope that the story moves along in some way shape or form 彡(-_-;)彡
it's been an exhausting read thus far

beefyqueefs created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

who tf names their kid Spencer icarly ass

beefyqueefs created a topic of Boy Girlfriend

IT SHOULD BE ON SIGHT put that rat into a COFFIN BRO

beefyqueefs created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

lmaoo stay mad girl u scammed urself by not checking pre release patch notes before buying that staff and trifling with a taken gay man ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

beefyqueefs answered question about talking on walkie talkie
POV: you're an npc in gta
beefyqueefs created a topic of Boy Girlfriend

Like pls all of this forced drama when the initial premise was so light and stupid is giving tonal whiplash I didn't ask for

beefyqueefs created a topic of Neighbor

this friend group sucks ass. None of them are good influences on eachother, like I feel bad for the ppl that relate to this story

"when I talk to girls I get diarrhea" is insane

i would kill a man for a bear son _(꒦꒫꒦」 ∠) _