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beefyqueefs created a topic of To deny the route

yandere activated ε=ε=(╯°Д °)╯

beefyqueefs created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

GET HIM GIRL ʕ • ꒫ •ʔ

beefyqueefs answered question about can't sleep
both at the same time. really just let it all out
beefyqueefs created a topic of Can't Think Straight

finally ヾ( ╹◡╹)ノ~╧╧

He should get that guild leader helping his family to send him one of those tower cellphones and maybe a solar powered charging device so he can at least have some contact with other people even if it's limited to within the tower

beefyqueefs created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

with every update i keep trying, but the drastic change in art is too jarring for me to get back into the story. I understand the new artist probably didn't want to just make an immitation of the previous artist but bro literally nothing was preserved from s1. Not even the character models. Like these are two whole ass different dudes. MC has a completely different hair colour, build, and face It's not hard to see why everyone's dropping this but it is sad to see _(´꒫`」 ∠) _

beefyqueefs created a topic of A Dangerous Invitation

"why he fuck stupidly?" the tls at zinchan are unintentionally the funniest ppl ever

beefyqueefs answered question about question
If you want a true example of a good horror film Martyrs is great. Viscerally brutal and shocking in a way that does more for horror than any bad cgi and cheesy jumpscares ever could. It's a film that sticks around in your brain Also surprised to see no one mentioned Blair Witch. it's not the scariest but absolutely one of the most iconic and gro......
beefyqueefs created a topic of Half of Me

Minjae the REALEST character I've read in a while. Rocked his ex's shit, and then lit his ass up with facts

beefyqueefs answered question about shipping
The Rami trilogy was a quintessential early 2000's film and laid the foundations for the rise of superhero films that followed. Everything from the direction to the goofy line deliveries has an unintentional camp nature to them that perfectly encapsulates the cartoonish nature of comics. Contemporary superhero films have lost this quality to matc......
beefyqueefs created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

the way the kid just floats away after dropping that out of pocket willy lore

beefyqueefs created a topic of High Clear

we love a couple that learns how to communicate their feelings

When your boyfriend has to come save you from a guy that just won't leave you alone

beefyqueefs answered question about question
Heres some buff mam scetches uwu This is a close up on a really really big piece I sometimes work on during my breaks at my real job. and here is a super super close up on some detailsFull piece if you're interestedhahaha MGG compression makes lineart go brrrrrrr
beefyqueefs created a topic of Can't Think Straight

he's like that friend that despite all the advice and reasoning you provide, he continues to be stupid as hell and ruin his own life and you just look at him like I told you so you dumb idiot

the possessive husband has appeared