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namja June 23, 2021 3:08 am

what's that one yaoi where the seme keeps cheating on the uke and bringing people over to their house, deliberately showing him cheating and so the uke has enough of it and brings back another guy, sleeps with him knowing the seme will be back home soon, and when he gets back the uke moans loudly from the room

The seme pounds on the door demanding him to open it (he's breaking down) but the uke doesn't give a shit they continue to have sex

Anyways yeah it was one where they actually got back at their cheating partner. The art is quite old school and I don't think it was very long, POSSIBLY a one shot but my memory could be failing me (?) I think the seme had white (probably blonde but yknow black and white colors in manga) and the uke had black hair

namja June 14, 2021 4:26 am

HEART WRENCHING ROMANCE MANGAS/MANHWAS, DOES NOT HAVE TO INCLUDE DEATH BUT RATHER JUST VERY BITTERSWEET... I'm in the strange mood of just wanting to cry tonight while feeling miserable, it gives me endorphins ;^-^;

namja February 10, 2021 10:22 am

romance manga/hwa where the uke/fml is in an abusive relationship and the seme/ml helps them escape it

namja February 8, 2021 11:33 pm

manga or manhwa that will 100% make me CRY i want to feel MISERABLE like the whole world is crashing down and my damnation awaits

namja February 8, 2021 9:19 am

manga where puppy seme gets jealous? like at the most recent chap of :

plz im craving a usually kind seme gone bad over desire and possessiveness

EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY December 8, 2020 7:18 pm

the seme and uke startes off their relationship very wholesome, light kisses etc stuff like that then after they had sex for the first time they couldn't stop and did it whenever they could. this is just the background of the story and is told for the first few pages of chap 1

it was a manga and also the sex scenes were pretty nice... the seme was very possessive they were sort of in a dom/sub relationship almost because whenever the uke would go out and talk to other boys the seme would drag him and "punish" him mind you they're in uni/adulthood now, i cant remember which. they first got together in junior high

the uke had shoulder length hair i think? it was tied back? god my memoryyy... also by dom seme and sub uke i dont mean they had like bondage or anything like that, the seme just radiated dominance and he was in control and the uke welcomed that; he enjoyed it whenever the seme punished him or whatnot but he was still the rather friendly type not those types of ukes who deliberately plan everything

if anybody knows what im talking about ty it was about 5-6 chapters prob

EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY December 4, 2020 10:20 am

manga/manhwa where like the FML is mistreated but eventually gets her redemption and the people who treated her badly get what they deserve... romance is a plus + non-douchebag ML

but like not any of those isekais that are the trend these days cuz like ive read practically all of them, im serious

kamisama November 26, 2020 5:27 am

sorry this is long

its a BL manhwa
the seme has black hair/dark brown and dark eyes (blck)
the uke was either blonde or had a purple(y) hair color i dont actually remember what color it was but it was light

the first chapter shows the uke being hung up in the air above the ocean by this machine alongside this random dude in glasses who the seme thought the uke seduced or was fucking around with, the megane dramatically cries saying he didnt even make the advances but "the dude beside me did"

which made the seme go "oh?" or something like that and was like "drop him." megane freaked cuz he thought he meant him but he was talking about the uke and the uke was like "you son of a bixtvh!!" mad n shit and then right before he was released (mind you he was still tied to a rope so he could be brought back up it was just "punishment" or something) into the ocean he said "i love you" and thought the seme would falter but the seme didnt

the rope got cut off somehow which the seme found out after a few seconds of silence "bring him back up" and he was no longer on the line

the seme immediately dived into the ocean and found him, brought him back up blahblahblah

and then we go back in a flashback or whatever/past and show how they met/what led them to there

some more context, the uke was pretty loose around the edges (he had quite a lot of experience ill put it nicely) and the seme even if he tried to threaten him through sex it wouldnt work since the uke practically was the one jumping him first

ALSO if i remember this right, in the "past" before chapter 1 he lost his memory after they met and his whole demeanor changed (more "innocent" after the memory loss) and the seme decides to make use of him (he was trying to get info out of the uke because the ukes sister is in their debt or whatever or something happened, she disappeared) and tricked the amnesiac uke into thinking they are lovers

If anybody knows what I am talking about thank you!!! Please name the title because I've forgotten it and cant find it no matter how hard i try

samsdine October 28, 2020 3:44 am

been a while since i asked a question here. any recs for either a strong female lead (shoujo) or an adorably sweet, innocent female lead? i either want them to be strong or they can be like a sheep... soft, if you know what i mean... as long as she isnt foolish/stupid. like, actually retarded yknow?

plz nothing popular(as well as webtoons, i just want a manga), chances are ive already read it, im finding it hard to find new shoujos worth the read thats why im asking here now thanks in advance if anyone knows any

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