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I definitely have a completely different mindset from everyone, just by looking at some of the other comments posted here lol.

I’m not gonna call them Uke and seme cause I’ve read too many confusing comments with people repeatedly saying that lol.

I genuinely worry for jungkwon (tan guy). I don’t exactly know why everyone hates him?? Like yes, I know he never should’ve said those things when they broke up, they were terrible to say. However they both were pretty young and they were HIGHSCHOOLERS. The dude literally had his crappy father die, gang members wreck his house, hurt his mom, threaten his family, and gets seen by the one he loves. How much pressure can he take at that age? Add to the fact that his family’s got a debt he’s helping to pay by working crappy jobs and his mother is hospitalized.

And I’m not gonna take kangjin’s side just cause he’s the bottom, or he’s the “more heartbroken.” I feel like I saw some issues with kangjin as well. He heard about how jungkwon saw his own mother jump from the balcony after connecting eyes with her, then joked “hey I have your mom to thank for us dating now, cause me jumping from the roof reminded you of her~!” And then as they’re breaking up, threatens to jump off the roof and die if he leaves. I must be the only one to see how f*cked up that is. Either kangjin has mental problems or personality problems. Like he said himself, “I can’t live if I’m lonely.” Judging from his interactions with others in the raws, he likes a lot of affection- though I don’t know whether it matters who it is. So far the only misfortunes he looks to have are a broken heart and being lonely.

And about the “mafia guy,” I don’t really like him lmfao. Hotness nor being the second option doesn’t make me instantly like that character. It’s bad enough that I seriously get nauseous and feel disgusted when looking at the scenes with him and kangjin, unlike everyone else’s thoughts of it being hot. The thought of the dude who caused such misery to one of the main characters, and then joyfully sleeping with kangjin like nothing, makes me gag.

Anyways I don’t really care whether or not kangjin and jungkwon end up together. All I hope for is that jungkwon ends up having a happy life without worrying about anything and kangjin hopefully learns how jungkwon felt back then, and be happy as well.
Mafia dude leaves a bad after taste in my mouth just looking at him, idgaf about him lmao. And the supposed “slutty” guy (even tho kangjin sleeps with others as well ?) I don’t care much about him either, idk what his motives are nor care lol.
2021-04-10 07:51 marked
I think the reason I loved this so much was that neither of the characters fell into the stereotypical personalities of those whom are under the love triangle narrative.

Joowon was not the bad boy the MC chose for no damn reason. While his feelings and negative tendencies were babysat by Haesoo in the first half of the story, in his heart, he truly loved and wanted to protect him. He grew out of this unhealthy dependence, and took the initiative to step out of his safety net, which allowed Haesoo follow him.

Haesoo was not the indecisive MC. He knew that he always loved Joowon. He was selfless and prepared to sacrifice anything if it means that the people around him will be happy, and from that, he developed to the person who is unafraid of searching for his own happiness.

Taekyung was not the nice guy with a savior complex. He wanted Haesoo simply because, no other reason. He didn't pity Haesoo, tho his desire to win him over was born from the overwhelming feelings he had for the first time in his life. I truly believe that Haesoo and Taku met solely for the lessons that they needed to learn. And if the creator bids it, I hope we see the full development of Taku's complex character in another story. Cause he's my favorite out of the trio even tho I was rooting for J x H.

But before that, I do hope we get more happy moments from the couple, Joowon and Haesoo, in the side stories :(
2021-04-10 06:00 marked
I always wonder why there are people that read psychological horror and then get offended by shit like aggressive behaviour or noncon just because there's gay elements in it so they expect a couple.

Like, hi, welcome to literal psychological horror, where the sexuality of your characters doesn't magically change the fucking genre
2021-02-15 03:03 marked

Long ago immotal ones lived on earth but they became arrogant and feelings created demons. God ordered them to live in heaven and created sun mirror with his divine power to let the land warm. Later 4 demon generals broke the mirror. King Chan came with power sealed 4 demon generals with the help of Moon family (Bohyun's family)and Lee family (Hwan's family) and Fox demon betrayed his brothers demons and help king chan. Fox demon Hojung let himself a mirror sealed himself and his siblings.

Later mysterious happens at Central ministry and Bohyun brother Sihyun died (He's human from moon family, not demon Hojung fox demon, they just have similar appearance)

Some demons out which is why later on Geunsendae servant Sahon always attacking Ryujin to use his body as Geunsendae vessel (with Geunsendae order I guess)
4 demon generals
Geunsendae - shadow from
Hojung - fox demon
Daesun - dream demon
Kangchul - steel demon (now he died)

Ryujin was born with the body that can hold divine energy that's why Sahon(Geunsendae's servant) can live in Ryujin body and demons always attacking Ryujin. With Ryujin body Immotals can use his body as vessel when they left earth and Ryujin can become Immortal himself. Imae has mysterious power which causes force power when his mom got dragged by powerful water demon. His mom got shocked and told Imae to run away from village and he met Ryujin.

Both Ryujin and Imae studied at exorcists school and met with Bohyun Hwan Jaha and Juwon. Later found out that their head of minister Taeryung exorcist was actually spy half demon. He killed Hwan, Bohyun and Jaha. And revived Fox demon Hojung who turned himself a mirror.
Now Ryujin Imae Juwon Baeki Gwiye saved by Moon family.
Now the land is getting cold without Sun mirror.
Ryujin Imae and Wudo (dream demon from Gyeru institute team up to get mirror back and find other 4 general demons.
Now they team up with Daesun demon. He's lover of Wudo. One their way, Some villager asked them to get rid of Kangchul who's been killing villagers.
They met with Kangchul, he revealed Imae is more of demon.
Kangchul revealed all that human and demons were once use mirror together in harmony but human betrayed demons, human and demon agreed to break mirror and hide in places, demon looks underground and human will find mirror pieces above ground.

So that's why in the past, hojung the fox demon betrayed demons and helped human and King Chan, seal himself and his brothers in mirror.
Human schemed demons and trapped them under world and there's no mirror they got deceived by human and trapped them there.

Kangchul got severe injuries, give the important sword to Imae and demons dragged him back under the ground.
Hojung came and met Daesun and no reveal what did they talked yet. Now Geunsendae send those demons again to use Ryujin as his human vessel, Imae protects Ryujin with sword that Kangchul gave to him. Later immotals came and saved them.
I think he didn't use cast cause he afraid Ryujin will leave him just like his mother. in the past, when he helped her, she had accident with water spirit
2021-02-14 21:11 marked
This is kind of a cringey quote I read somewhere but I felt like it really fits Love or Hate. “When you like a flower you pluck it. But when you love a flower you water it daily”. Taku’s feelings were never that strong or deep. Sure in the end he like Haesoo more than he expected but he still revealed that he wished Haesoo feels terrible for not choosing him. Whereas Joowon continues to show that he is no thoughts, head full of Haesoo. Throwing away career for Haesoo? Got it. Gave Haesoo space after their “breakup” because Haesoo asked? Big sad but yes. Throwing away relationship with father for Haesoo? Sure. Understood that he can’t make Haesoo choose between him and his mom? Yep. Let Haesoo pursue his dream abroad? Respected that too. Joowon just shows again and again how much he deeply care bout Haesoo’s well being regardless of Haesoo returning his feelings or not and man that’s love right there. Some of you gotta take off your rose color glasses and examine this story for real for a second. Would you actually pick a guy like Taku in real life? Are those really the kind of qualities you would be ok with in your partner? I wouldnt and that’s why Joowon is a much better partner for Haesoo. Because yikes he shows all kinds of red flags throughout this story. I genuinely hope you guys don’t end up dating guys like him in reality.
2021-02-01 15:49 marked
Ugh...I'm done. I don't even know who this "Nakyum" and "Seungho".
What bothers me the most is that she forgot her characters personalities. Nakyum is now this bland and blank character, who stumbles his words and is completely submissive to everything. He's nothing, he's become boring and quite annoying because of this. He used to be a man that stood on his values and talked back to Seungho, and was a little snippy at times.

Seungho was a rational intelligent lord, who is violent but always thought things thoroughly. He was calculated and used his power accordingly. Now, he's a more abusive dickhead who never thinks anything through and continues to rape a man he is supposed to love.
2020-12-26 06:44 marked
This is by no means 100% accurate but just based on my perception
Writing this as I read, so tend to ramble, sorry
We started with the myth of Set killing Osiris, which did happen, but it wasn't because of a game. This is because Set found out that Anubis is Osiris son. Set very much wanted to have a child but he's unable to do so because he's actually infertile. To make him happy, Nephthys asked Osiris to impregnate her, although they did so in magical rather than a carnal way. So Anubis was conceived between Osiris and Nephthys, and Nephthys passed him off as Set's child. This is also the reason why Osiris can possess Anubis, as he was his child. Sekhmet, as is her nature as goddess of disaster, told Set the truth, hence, he confronted Osiris.

Now, this is where it gets interesting yaoi style. Osiris is the god of life, but he can't create new gods, only goddesses can do that. To fulfill his duty, he married Isis so they can procreate. Osiris is actually in love with Set, and although he let his union with Nepthys happen, he can't stand the thought of him having a child with her., and ultimately caused his infertility. He only agreed to helping Nephthys beget a child in exchange for having Set for one night

So now back to the night Set confronted Osiris, Osiris drugged the wine he has given Set so he could have his way with him as and prevent him into turning to sand to escape. He also held Anubis' soul as hostage so Set will do his bidding. Set actually loves Anubis as his own son, despite knowing he didn't father him, so he begs Osiris not to kill Anubis in exchange of doing whatever he wants. So they have sex, and Isis witnessed it.

Earlier that night, Isis confronted Nephthys after learning the truth from Sekhmet. She confessed to Isis everything and asked her to kill her, but Isis refused. This seems to be the reason why there are two Nephthys, the fake one in the dungeon and the real one in Hathor's mirror. Isis then went to confront Osiris and Set and caught them in the act. In her despair, she tried to kill Anubis but didn't went through with it. She also cursed every one with "The more you want it, the harder it is to obtain". What I gleaned from the rough translations is that Isis' ultimate goal is revenge on Osiris, Set and all the gods that turned their backs on her after Osiris dies. In fact, her real reason for reviving Osiris and conceiving Horus with him is ultimately to help her with her revenge. Whether Horus wins or not, she has prepared for war by enlisting foreign powers, Her ultimate plan is to flood the Nile and instead of just eradicating humans, she intends to include gods as well, This is also the reason why she sent Horus to have Nut's blessing instead of Geb, when the latter could have helped with his battle with Set as the god of the earth. Having dominion over the sky from Nut will save Horus when Isis floods the Nile.

Now, back to Set and Osiris after thee deed was done, Sekhmet put Osiris to sleep and help secure Anubis soul. With Anubis safe, they planned on killing Osiris. It was Sekhmet who hinted throwing Osiris in the Nile. Osiris can't be killed unless he wills it, so Set pretended to commit suicide so Osiris will follow him. Osiris may be the god of life but he can't create new gods or resurrrect dead ones, so Set smartly assumed that his obsession with him will make the god of life follow him to Duat.

After Osiris was murdered, Set became mad and very destructive. He changed from a loving father to an abusive one. One time he hit Anubis and Anubis ran away to Duat. This may be when he met Osiris and got possessed. Unknown to Anubis, Set went on a rampage when he went missing. It was during this time a young Horus went to meet him just to see for himself the god his mother hated so much. . Drunk and high on incense, Set mistook the young Horus for Anubis and became very affectionate to him, begging him for forgiveness. This was when he unwittingly passed down the curse from Isis to both Set and Anubis, with added personal terms which was to stay as his son, thus preventing them from growing and becoming Gods.

This was also the time when the young Horus fell in love with Set, as he quoted "I wanted to be the only one who loves you." Sigh, like father like son.

Horus coveted Set's love, and kept on keeping him drunk and high so he keeps receiving the love meant for Anubis. However, this causes Set to decline, so Horus decided to give up "being loved as Anubis" which counted as one of the criteria for breaking the curse , specifically "giving up something you really want". This caused him to grew into godhood, even if only partial.

Now, back to Osiris and his interferences, since tricked to die and stay in Duat, he's been trying to take Set to Duat too. Isis' ultimate revenge is for Set's soul be eaten as punishment so that he can't even go to Duat and be with Osiris

So ending stated Nephthys actually loved Osiris, considering what Osiris said that Set only love Nephthys because she enables him to be a respected familyman which differs greatly from Osiris deep burning obsessive love, I like the idea that Horus might be the first guy he will actually love as a person. He's kinda rapey tho so boohoo to that

Poor Anubis, learning Osiris is his dad probably made him give up "what he wanted most" = starting as a family all over again with Nephthys and Seth. His life is also at stake. At least we can finally see his partial god form
Also who's the hot foreign god, Bacchus?

Hngggh the welcome for Season 2 is soooo hot. Show us Horus' face demmit
2020-12-18 18:48 marked

I think love or hate fans are the real toxic ones is this story. They don’t understand this beautiful story and reduced it to ship wars where they just insult each other and the author blindly. This story was never about any ships. It was a story about how lack of communication and lack of courage lead to years of hurt on both sides even when both parties loved each other endlessly. We read the story from Haesoo’s perspective 96% of the time because of which we have a biased opinion on so many things and tend to always blame Joowon for hurting Haesoo. We forget that that we don’t see the other person’s perspective at all so our opinion on certain events may be wrong entirely because we’re only seeing Haesoo’s side of the story and of course his opinion and thinking is biased and not what happened entirely. It is true that Joowon has hurt Haesoo but Haesoo has hurt him too just as much but neither of them hurt each other so much that their relationship was beyond repair. People say they need therapy but in my opinion what they need is courage. They both always lacked courage and because of their circumstances they kept on lacking courage until they reached this point. Their relationship reaching this point also has a lot to do with how Haesoo’s mother and Joowon’s father handled the situation. They both did such terrible jobs handling things that they completely destroyed their sons happiness for so many years. In terms of Taku I’ve never thought he was a spring board for Haesoo’s and Joowon’s relationship. Both Taku and Haesoo gained so much from knowing each other which they didn’t before. Taku’s interest in Haesoo lead him to want to know more about Haesoo. No one else apart from Joowon has had that kind of interest in him before. Taku also having a way with words kept poking deeper into Haesoo’s mind. I’m not saying Taku’s manipulative because he’s clearly not but he did know what words to use to get Haesoo relied up as seen during the photoshoot. The current situation with Haesoo’s and Joowon’s parents with their remarriage and Taku’s interest in Haesoo made Haesoo think that it’s hopeless after all and that that’s his chance to get out before he and Joowon get more hurt. Taku’s increasing interest in Haesoo which he had not experienced before lead him to being impatient which later lead him to ask Haesoo out. It necessarily wasn’t the right or wrong decision because I don’t think the overall outcome of the story would have changed but it’s true Taku’s decision was rushed. Taku’s and Haesoo’s relationship wasn’t a waste of time for all three of them. For Taku it made him realise what it means to love someone which he didn’t know before. He didn’t realise what love and what loving someone meant and loving someone does means leaving yourself open to getting hurt. That’s love. Sometimes it’s successful and sometimes it’s not. You can’t blame people for it. Matters of the heart are hard. His character only developed because of their relationship. For Haesoo it made him realise just how much in love with Joowon he actually was. It also made him realise that Joowon and him had a much normal relationship than he had thought. Taku made him realise what a normal relationship was and also made haesoo realise what he had with Joowon was so natural that at the time he never realised it. For Joowon it gave him the opportunity to understand his own weakness. It made him understand what they had lost because of their lack of communication and courage. For me Joowon showed the most growth because even when Haesoo was with Taku and said those cruel words to him Joowon never resented him or was angry with him. He never told Haesoo to come back to him. To him all that matter was Haesoo’s happiness and his safety rather than his own. He was willing to be with Haesoo in any form be it as a lover, brother or friend as long as Haesoo was doing okay. He was willing to ruin his own career which he loved just to keep Haesoo safe. He took responsibility for everything by himself and kept always protecting Haesoo even when they were young. His separation from Haesoo made him realise just what lack of courage did to them. He reflected on himself and their relationship. Haesoo and Joowon being together just makes sense to me because they both can only love each other to that extent. They can only care about each other to that extent. They both even helped each other reach their dreams. If they both can have courage this time around then I don’t think anyone can ruin their relationship. The love they both have for each other is a once in a life time kind of love. I don’t know how you can hate that. I know Taku got hurt but he knew what risk he was taking by asking Haesoo out. Like I said before his time with Haesoo wasn’t a waste because it only made him understand things he didn’t before. When people say he deserves better I think that’s an insult towards Haesoo. It’s better to say Taku deserves someone more suitable for him, someone who loves him enough to make him forget about all the pain he’s ever felt. I hope all three of them are happy this time.
2020-12-14 02:55 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-12-04 22:04 marked
Spoilers and unpopular opinion

I feel that it's going to be really unpopular opinion but yes on the one hand we can agree that Seungho's unstable, traumatized man, that it's hard for his character to change drastically (62 *cough* chapters *cough) but there is a one BUT:
Why should Nakyum keep up with this and get the short end of the stick all the time?

Nakyum falling for Seungho looks more and more unbelievable and unrealistic. It would be more similar to some disarranged "Stockholm Syndrome" than genuine feelings at this point.
It's all sweet and glorious that SH is changing slowly, there are these small changes here and there but what about Nakyum?
A lot of people in their big essays, analyses focus mostly on SH and how hurt he is but they forget and overlook Nakyum and his feelings/state of mind.
Why is Seungho's pain more valid than Nakyum's?

Readers blame Jihwa and Nameless... But doesn't this situation show how lost and ruthless Yoon is?
Even if NK escaped on his own, why should it be so surprising? Because SH showed NK some of his vulnerable side and threw some scrapes of affection, Nakyum is supposed to be over heels in love and forgiving?
Seungho doesn't even try to understand the painter.
Yes add to all of that history circumstances... But then they will never stand on equal grounds.
2020-12-04 15:32 marked
Okay so this is gonna be long.

I just want to talk about Taku in the latest raws, cause I think it was a defining moment for him. Basically, Taku was quite selfish in this chapter. He got angry at his friend because she told Haesoo about Joowon’s accident. Like even if Taku hates Joowon, his reaction to his friend is OBVIOUSLY in the wrong. He knows how much Joowon means to Haesoo, and wanting to hide something like that accident from Haesoo would be terrible.

Yeongha is quite realistic in her depictions of people, and I think Taku acting like that kind of proves how Haesoo really wasn’t the one for him. Joowon was selfish too... earlier in the story. But he overcame that aspect of himself, and apologized. He was accepting and completely ready to stand down for Haesoo’s sake. Despite not getting what he wanted, he said he would always stay by Haesoo’s side in whatever way Haesoo would have him. Hypothetically speaking: if Joowon and Taku switched roles in this situation, Jowoon's current self would NOT react the same way about the accident. He would want to tell Haesoo immediately because he knows that Haesoo cares about Taku, and the fact that he wants Haesoo to be happy trumps how much he wants Haesoo for himself. Basically his love had changed from selfish to selfless over time. Taku meanwhile, is like a young Haesoo/Joowon right now. He’s so impatient with his advances onto Haesoo after only like a month or two of dating him, that it just doesnt make sense for Haesoo to end up with him.

Taku still has a lot of growing up to do and yeah he didn’t “win”, yes he didn’t end up happy in the time being... but if you ask me, he learned some of the most valuable lessons as a person because of his relationship with Haesoo. Haesoo was the first person who he actually *loved* and cared about. Him losing composure and getting angry like this in the chapter makes so much sense, because he really doesnt know how to deal with all his new emotions, and he can’t fully grasp a sense of sacrifice, or patience, or selflessness in his love. It’s a realistic portrayal. And it’s when people lose what they want (cough joowon cough), thats when they show the most growth. Him ultimately losing Haesoo should make him realize his faults and missteps with HIMSELF— and that he’ll be better for whoever he loves in the future.

I like this manhwa because i find that in most romance stories, the second lead is this flawless and perfect person, and it literally makes zero sense for the mc to end up with the crappier first lead. But in Love and Hate, ALL of the characters are flawed. Their growth is what actually matters, and it makes sense for Haesoo to be with Joowon in the end. Because A) they genuinely LOVE each other -and- B) as much as they loved each other, their relationship in the past was just... not it. Its the fact that Taku broke the cycle of their messed up relationship, and literally forced Joowon and Haesoo to change without even realizing it himself, that made them good for each other in the end. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
2020-11-30 07:52 marked
I have too say that I love this current development. In a unintentional way the red hair guy put a strain in the main couple relation. To the noble man (I can't remember names TT) it would seem as if the painter didn't care for him and only want to escape! It's brilliant and allows for a deepper layer in red guy character too. ¡Claps to the author!
2020-11-30 04:38 marked

Idc what anyone says I feel so much sympathy for jihwa. People act like he’s the cruelest person in this series for getting upset and wanting revenge if anything it’s understandable. if I were in his shoes I’d be miserable like he is bc imagine watching the person you knew almost your entire life and loved fall for someone else and on top of that is of a lower status of you...not only would I feel hurt but humiliated as well especially being a noble. I feel a lot of people are forgetting that too like?? nakyum is a low born, he’s a painter who refuses to paint with nothing to his name. And jihwa, who comes from a noble family and almost on the same footing as seungho, is getting treated lesser compared to nakyum. Obviously if it were real life and modern times, this would be labeled classist and horrible but this type of hierarchy is a part of the potn world so??
For example, in season the first or second chapter seungho killed a man bc he thought he was lying. That man was easily disposable bc he had no noble ties to him and seungho didn’t even blink. That goes to show how low borns were looked/treated by nobles but all of a sudden when jihwa, a noble, puts a hit on nakyum and doesn’t even go through with it he’s the bad guy? Also not trying to excuse everything jihwa’s done bc they were indeed horrible but it’s the double standard that’s bothering me. Because if anything, seungho has been way more cruel towards nakyum than jihwa has. That’s a hard pillow to swallow for some of you guys but it’s true and I will gladly die on this hill.
2020-11-28 22:47 marked
A lot of people don’t talk about this a lot because the story doesn’t highlight, but can we take a second to think about the fact that Haesoo has been in love with the same guy for a majority of his adolescence and adulthood? The connection between him and Joowon goes so deep. Haesoo is utterly transfixed by Joowon but since Haesoo has a prickly personality, as he doesn’t like looking weak, people overlook it.

Joowon was literally everything to him. They opened so many doors together and Haesoo was extremely influenced by Joowon’s presence and words. He did things just to get a rise out of Joowon because he so badly wanted Joowon’s attention. He took a very toxic approach just to have Joowon’s eyes on him, by smoking with other guys in HS and making Joowon jealous, which developed into adult Haesoo sleeping around to fill the empty space Joowon would leave behind.

If it wasn’t for Joowon’s encouragement, he would have never pursued his writing career. Joowon is really a Hyung( social status wise, not sibling wise) that he really looks up to and cares for. He admires Joowon’s seemingly high self esteem and straightforward approach towards his goals and dreams.

And whenever Joowon calls him, Haesoo always appears no matter what type of attitude he puts on, he’s always there for Joowon. He won’t admit it but he wants to be around Joowon too.

I think Haesoo struggles a lot because he has low self worth and an inferiority complex. On one hand he loves Joowon a lot and has been influenced by him for a significant portion of his life, but he doesn’t want Joowon to know just how much power he has over Haesoo. Haesoo himself can’t reconcile why he holds Joowon so high, why he would let someone have so much power over him and his emotions. So much so that in 10 years he has been unable to maintain any functioning romantic relationship because he’s so in love with Joowon.

He masks and alleviates the anxiety by lashing out at Joowon, putting him down at times and generally wanting himself and Joowon to believe that Haesoo doesn’t feel as a strongly as he does. That he’s not trapped in this and unwilling to truly let go. That he doesn’t want someone “better” that he just wants a Joowon who isn’t afraid to admit that he loves Haesoo as much as Haesoo loves him. That Joowon fell for Haesoo just as hard and deep as Haesoo fell for him.
2020-11-25 21:13 marked
Why are people so mad that two people who’ve loved each other for 10 years have finally come to a place where they’ve healed/are healing the issues that hurt them and kept them apart.

Taku isn’t getting a raw deal. His storyline is developing too, y’all just refuse to actually read canon and choose instead to believe your own interpretations. From the very beginning, it’s always been a love affair between Haesoo and Joowon. All 3 parties know this, and Taku interjected himself KNOWING that his pseudo relationship with Haesoo was not INITIALLY based on love or genuine care. It was mere curiosity and attraction, a distraction for the both of them. Somewhere along the way, he finally started feeling something he’s never felt before. His character development is that he’s no longer going to treat romantic interests or love so lightly. Taku was arrogant and believed himself above the vulnerability that love draws out of us. He’s been humbled and now he’s capable of truly loving someone.

Honestly, I feel sorry for Haesoo. He’s been holding in the pain and torture of being rejected by his first love yet still engaging in a dysfunctional sexual/romantic relationship with him for T E N Y E A R S. I don’t know if any of you have ever actually loved someone and been in a dysfunctional relationship but that shit is no walk in the park. It’s emotionally and mentally destructive and changes who you are as a person. Mostly it alters how you value yourself. Haesoo loves himself the least out of all 3 characters. He just wallows in this misery and refuses to really move on because he doesn’t feel worthy of love. That rejection really scarred him more than he lets on. His attitude is just a defense mechanism because he doesn’t want Joowon to see just how much power he has over him.

His happiness and peace of mind has been so contingent on validating this strange thing between him and Joowon. It’s no wonder he’s so irritable and spiteful. He has built up so much resentment over the years and has had no real outlet to express himself. His writing career is stalled, his relationship with his mother is strained because if his relationship with Joowon, he and Joowon avoid the truth just so they can stay in each other’s lives, and his relationship with Taku reminds him too much of what he yearns for with Joowon. He’s so alone. I used to not be so sympathetic of Haesoo, but I see now that he’s been the only character standing still, trapped in the past while everyone else finds a way forward. Haesoo is literally trapped in that moment Joowon told him “Don’t fall for me”.


That’s why the confession scene is so poignant. It’s not just a confession but Haesoo’s first step forward in 94 chapters! He reopened that wound by being honest about still loving Joowon as much as he did all those years again when he tried to confess. Joowon recognized it too because he rewrote their story as he said he would and confirmed what Haesoo has been silently begging for, that yes they do love each other and it’s always been love and Haesoo hasn’t been alone in feeling all the emotional turmoil from the lack of communication and blatant lies they’ve told each other. They’re finally standing in the same place after 10 years. Youngha wrote something beautiful and it’s so stupid to reduce it to ship wars.
2020-11-25 21:11 marked
Someone else did this not too long ago, but they got some details wrong, plus their post is like buried so I will be providing another one. Please reply with corrections and I will try to edit my post.

Ryujin and Imae Backstories:
Ryujin was born with a disposition that attracts demons to try and posses him. A Shaman warns his family and tries to take him away, but the family refuses, so Miss Shaman warns them to keep him away from fire. Ryujin is plagued by demons (or specifically Sahon, the demon servant to one of the 4 demon generals) and that makes his family afraid of him so he is confined to a remote room. To keep himself from being afraid in his isolation, he lights a candle that burns his family and home to the ground. Miss Shaman comes back and tells him to go to exorcist school.

Imae, whose real name is unknown, was born to a mystic exorcist and mariner. However, since his mother is sworn to serve a local deity in exchange for her powers, she cannot have a relationship with her ex-lover and child. Imae grows up with his loving father who awaits the day when the 3 of them can be a true family. Imae only visits his mother when he needs help warding off demons who come to haunt him (because he has mysterious power??). One day while waiting for his father to return from a fishing trip, Imae witnesses a demon destroy his father’s ship, killing his dad. With no other family, he is sent to live with his mother, who gives him a small room in a shed and does not concern herself with him. One day when watching his mother cleanse water sprites, he sees the water sprites drag her underwater. He runs to save her and his mysterious powers exorcise the water sprites but also kills the village’s deity earning his mother’s scorn, costing him his name, and resulting in his being kicked from his village. He wanders the mountains alone for a year or so before meeting Ryujin (who was on his way to exorcist school).

Legend of the Mirror (Chapter 9):
Immortals One lived on earth with humans, humans worshipped them and the Immortal ones became arrogant and their emotions created demons. God forced the Immortal Ones to go a space called “Heaven” while humans were confined to “Earth”, but were bestowed a “Sun Mirror” made of God’s Divine Power. Once the Immortal Ones were gone, the Four Demon generals attacked and broke the mirror, stealing some of the shards. There were still shards left with the humans, but the broken pieces of the mirror did not have enough power to act as a sun, warming the land, so a persistent winter arose. King Chan comes into power in the future and is visited by a divine Flaming Lion. King Chan then uses the remaining power of the mirror shards to perfect a sealing spell where he sealed the 4 generals (in the shards). 200 years later, the mirror is whole again and becomes the sun (again) bringing warmth back to the kingdom.

Note: King Chan did this with the help of five compatriots, who then make the five great exorcist families. Two of the known families are the Moon and Lee family (Bohyun’s and Hwan’s family)

20 years from the “present”, the First Attack on the Central Ministry of Exorcists:
Part of the Seal on the Hall of Hidden Mysterious where all the sealed demons are kept breaks "mysteriously" and some demons escape (maybe this is how Sahon came to haunt Ryujin who is 20). Many exorcists die (including Bohyun’s brother Sihyun).

Ryujin and Imae are accepted into the Central Ministry from exorcists school (even though they spent years failing), the first recruits in 20 years. Head of the Ministry is Taeryung (who we later learn is some half-demon/human being and is also a double agent in the Ministry). When the main duo get sent on a mission to visit the Gyeru Institute (which studies demons), Ryujin falls into a secret Immortal Ones portal (ch. 20/21), so now we learn there are some (few) Immortal ones trapped on Earth. When the mission is over, Ryujin and Imae are heading back home to the Ministry, but find it on fire (like it had been 20 years ago). Everyone is dead save Juwon (the exorcist with pink and cyan eyes and the chocker tattoo who would give Ryujin advice). We learn Taeryung’s true identity and that he was the one who partially broke the seal 20 years ago and completely broke it now. Current King/Emperor does not trust the Ministry or exorcists, so he blames the entire incident on them, which is why Ryujin, Imae, and Juwon are in hiding. Since demons are actively wreaking havoc, the king still must now rely on the 5 great families for exorcisms, so the Moon family is hiding the 3 ministry exorcists as king cannot touch them.

Four Generals:
Geusendae- Shadow Demon (Sahon’s master the one who first proposed they break/steal the mirror)
Daesun- Dream Demon (snake boi who is infatuated with Wudo, a demon who loves humans and works with the Gyeru institute [Wudo I mean not Daesun])
Kangchul- Steel Demon (first to agree with Geusendae because she believed the mirror would be the only way for demons to survive if the Immortals left Earth; a demon lover)
Hojung- Fox Demon (betrayed demon kind and my theory is he became a new mirror to help King Chan seal himself and his “sibling” generals)

Wudo is a demon we first meet at the end of ch. 21 who introduces himself as a demon allied with the Gyeru institute. He says he loves humans which is why he lives with them and wants to fix the current never-ending winter that has fallen upon the kingdom. It seems Wudo and Daesun were lovers of sorts in the past, but when Wudo choose to interact and live with the humans, Daesun grew jealous and joined his siblings in destroying the mirror (the first time) in order to reclaim Wudo’s attention (it didn’t work as he planned).

Ryujin's Disposition:
We learn that Ryujin's body is able to hold enormous amounts of Divine Energy (which is what demons and Immortal Ones alike need to survive). This is why Sahon has attached himself to Ryujin like a leech from birth (to get Ryujin's body as a vessel for Geusendae).
2020-11-22 20:27 marked
Why people still want Taku with Haesoo? Before all the scandal with Joowon and all the mixed feelings that Haesoo had, they already have problems that shouldn't exist in a "healthy" relationship.

During the time we saw them together, the story kept coming back to the same conclusion: Even tho they were having normal moments as a couple and show us that they CAN be happy, Haesoo was not mentally ready for the relationship and he was constantly roleplaying being Taku's boyfriend, being reminded time and time again about Joowon because Haesoo did not take his time to find himself or process that he lost a part of him that lasted 10 years and worst, he ended up blaming himself for the bittersweetness of the situation. Taku knew this and he felt so insecure and frustrated because Haesoo is his boyfriend but he is not really his.

And you know what? Those problems should have been expected considering how they started their relationship. Please, don’t romanticize Taku begging on his knees for it while Haesoo was just feeling bad for him, this aspect simply shows that they didn't commit to their trial relationship because of "love".

Taku didn't wait for Haesoo and he decided to do this to himself because he was insecure, he decided to embrace his "selfish love" rather than respecting Haesoo and his decisions as an individual. They shouldn't be together, why you want Taku to be in a relationship that makes him feel unloved? Why you want Haesoo in a relationship where he has to force himself? I don't get it.
2020-11-18 17:14 marked
am I the only one that the comment are rude which say that Jihwah just needs a dick? I'm not saying that he is in the right but i can understand why he has lost his mind. We can see that Seungho shows signs of mental disorders bcs of the therapies the went through. But we have to remember that Jihnwah went through the same and most importantly, he went through hell with Seungho. Therefore, i can understand him feeling entitled. Feeling that he should deserve Seugnho bcs they were there for each other. So I think Seugnho should speak. Speak to him that he doesn't love him. He should show him that it would break him, if Jinhwah would kill Nakyum.
2020-11-16 00:20 marked
As the author said,they’re filling each other’s holes(i mean logically). For suk-yun, his insecurity about being imperfect. Wooin accepted the way he is and still sees him as a perfect man. For wooin, maybe suk-yun fills his heart cuz he’s totally wooin’s type. For yoonseol,he changes after seeing how jungsoo struggled his life not to fall apart while he’s living his life as a total mess. And for jungsoo(my babyTwT), he’s been trying his hard and forget to take care of himself despite some people who took advantage of his kindness then there’s yoonseol who recognizes his hard work and care for him!
2020-11-15 06:38 marked
Tbh I don't understand the whole hate towards Jihwa. For all these chapters Seunho's wrongdoings were explained and justified by historical context. That Nakyum, other servants are just lowborns, for nobles literally second human category. That's why we shouldn't look at his actions so harshly because they were completely different times.

But suddenly the same logic doesn't apply to Jihwa.
Imagine the dishonour. That the fellow noble man you've been in love with for ages... Prefers some LOWBORN over you.

Let's be real Seungho treated Jihwa like shit. And I seriously doubt that he didn't know about his feelings. He is intelligent and perceptive man. He's just used them to his advantage.

So imagine you've endured the mistreatment of your beloved for ages and you were tossed aside as some trash and replaced... Not even replaced: your beloved fell for some LOWBORN. Maybe said lowborn bewitched your beloved.... Because it's unthinkable.

Seungho didn't have bigger problem with torturing, hurting, raping or even murdering someone from lower status. But suddenly when Jihwa wants to do the same.... It's an unbelievable sin.

Some readers even judge if it wasn't his very job.

The same with InHun. For him Nakyum is just a pawn in his play, second category human. Nothing less,nothing more.
2020-11-14 21:52 marked

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