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damn jooin kys u shouldve stayed single instead wtf

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the author probably giggling and kicking their feet after making jooin and yahwi's toxic asses end up together, lol making profit from the romanticization of sexual assault and rape, big EWWW. i feel bad for the mfs who paid to read this hot messy garbage bye!


Those goofy ass faces never fail to take me out ong

They are so chill about it I can't<span class="emoji emoji1f602"

Finally someone acknowledges the psycho ass stare the mans be givin<span class="emoji emoji1f480"></sp

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For a sec I was like who made this question, saw who it was and was like that makes sense-
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Whatever the ending may be...I ship Cain and Yahwi..there's no Joo inbetween.

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what is bro yapping about

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I thought Yaoi and that Blondie gave birth to those blond twins somehow

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I hope not, this manhwa should have ended in this chapter. But nope, the author wants to play Yaoi Bingo and added Office Romance into the mix. I swear if the guy ends up with YeeHaw I'm loosing it.

Reincarnation, childhood friends, r4pe considered as nothing, second ML syndrome and now office Romance. Bingo!

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I wish I can see him( Cain) in teacher suit next ep please

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The armchair, hallmark-level philosophy in the author's writing is starting to grate my nerves. I've always thought that visual novels were more about SHOWING (via artwork) and less about exposition (via the written word). But the author has gone off the rails here with the last several chapters reading like the denouement of a poorly written Austen-era romance novel.

And yeah, I'm still gonna read the sumbitching thing.

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What is this random ass poetic bullshit that was nowhere present during the entire series?????

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It is VERY obvious, He gets on my nerves more than dong-gyun. I hear someone say "dumb bitch" and I instantly think of him. I know we should all hate Jaekyung and his stupid ass face but something about Dan just pisses me off so much because he can do SO MUCH better yet he's settling for the shitty, problematic, doesn't have an ounce of kindness ......
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it's Jooin x Rock endgame 'n Cain x Yahwi endgame I can confirm I am the drawing program the artist uses.

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He really searched for Cain just to reject him? Like damn bruh, stab him with a knife too while you’re at it… sheesh