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Yeet like topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

fuck yeah, take your emotional support pipe with you babe, you earned it

Just when I had enough of him

Tags: psycho


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Shove that question mark up your ass

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Fix your goddamn expression before talking

If this webtoon prolonged its update, not only I'll continue to be a homophobe, I'll also be heterophobe despite being straight myself.

Tags: literallyme

I love this kid

This sent me

Her expression XDDD

Yeet like the answer
Also when it comes to BL turning into a heteronormative playground. No man or gay man that I know acts that messy! Have these authors ever spoken to a man for more than one second straight or not? They don’t even care about drama enough to be like “he’s mine bitch” like bro its so unrealistic. I also hate the idea of over feminine bottoms o......

Okay now THAT'S cursed

She fucking ate with that advice

Yeet add 1 photos to T^T

She is me, I am her

Yeet add 1 photos to T^T
Tags: wholesome