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Yeet add 1 photos to art
Tags: psycho


Yeet like topic of Please, Candy!

That's one wild way to promote chupa chups

Yeet add 1 photos to T^T

Stupid ass tsundere

Tags: sobaditsgood

Bro went from happily taking two dicks at once to struggling with one... peak consistency

Yeet add 1 photos to T^T

His face looks so uncanny omg Fugly ass art

Tags: wholesome

Now that I think about it, he's def having Morinaga vibes

Tags: wholesome

I didn't expect him to hold Bun like that

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Told him I want to fuck him hard in the ass He replied "you don't have anything to do that with" (I'm trans so I don't have a penis) He's one of my best friends and I've known him for about 9 years I'm pretty sure he took it as a regular gay sexual joke in our friends group
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Shy sperm is crazy XDDD I wish my level of creativity was this high
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The only way to beat those "sucking dick" and "pubic hair" is to make new ones? 'Fight fire with fire' type shit.
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Any YAOI in the perspective of the SEME. Or where the SEME gets cucked and sufferssssssssss plsss, I need to heal my misandry

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