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FireFistLaw12 May 16, 2024 9:27 am

I would've preferred the Tang bastard to be swatted like a fly, but it's truly for the best for little ol Jo to get some proper experience and learn.

Imma be real mad if he gets super poisoned though...

    Rosette May 16, 2024 11:25 am

    Ohhh he will be . . . swatted

    Though Jo Gul made some "mistakes" in Chung Myung eyes cause of his excitement

    Trinity May 16, 2024 3:38 pm
    Ohhh he will be . . . swattedThough Jo Gul made some "mistakes" in Chung Myung eyes cause of his excitement Rosette

    By whom?
    By our mc , or my jo gul himself?

    Trinity May 16, 2024 3:38 pm
    By whom?By our mc , or my jo gul himself? Trinity


    FireFistLaw12 May 17, 2024 9:41 am
    Ohhh he will be . . . swattedThough Jo Gul made some "mistakes" in Chung Myung eyes cause of his excitement Rosette

    I'm so excited to see this fight ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Rosette May 17, 2024 11:51 am
    By whom?By our mc , or my jo gul himself? Trinity

    By our boy Jo guuuuul
    He may have some injuries (cause of the "mistakes" he makes, but oh boy that Tang boy go home with a valuable lesson),

    Y'all be excited Cause Chung Myung will be swatting someone soon

FireFistLaw12 May 14, 2024 12:33 pm

Okay so like, he beats them up, then they wake up later and just leave quietly like ?

FireFistLaw12 May 14, 2024 9:21 am

What kind of moron starts a war without gathering information

Have fun having your ass beat, little cringelord

FireFistLaw12 May 13, 2024 9:21 am

Guys I'm gonna be sick, I'm so god damn nervous, especially after chapter 96. Y'all can't all be raising your death flags at the same time, my heart can't take it.

Sub party 2 absolutely getting obliterated, sub party 1 and 3 definitely losing some members, and main party is going to lose at least 1 member here. I fear that for the main characters itll be [Godhand or Lily], [Junior or Jupiter] and [Evangeline or Damien], they really aint feeling too safe right now :')

    Koi!! May 15, 2024 11:19 am

    Evangeline and Damien has to be for SURE safe. Purely because Evangeline won't be in any death before her death (it jus won't workout like that since they wanted her to grow up and Mc still has a deal w her)
    Damien won't die cause in the earlier chapters Mc said that it would be Damien who will kill Mc so Damien is def safe unless Mc dies
    But thats jus my takes on those two anyway!

    Koi!! May 15, 2024 11:20 am
    Evangeline and Damien has to be for SURE safe. Purely because Evangeline won't be in any death before her death (it jus won't workout like that since they wanted her to grow up and Mc still has a deal w her)Dam... Koi!!

    Won't be in any danger before she's grown mb if it's a little confusing*

    FireFistLaw12 May 15, 2024 1:57 pm
    Evangeline and Damien has to be for SURE safe. Purely because Evangeline won't be in any death before her death (it jus won't workout like that since they wanted her to grow up and Mc still has a deal w her)Dam... Koi!!

    I don't know man, she's about to make a breakthrough, which means she'll gain enlightenment and turn the tides of war, or she'll gain enlightenment and sacrifice herself to win the war. For Damien it feels as though because he took out the spider queen, Celendion will know to go for him. The man just seems more and more tired every time I see him too. Lucas 100% safe though, so there's that, and his presence kind of makes it so it's less likely for Evangelene to go since we've only just touched the surface of the rivalry.

    The good thing about this manga is it's unpredictability. Are they safe? Will they die? Nobody knows because it's well written!

FireFistLaw12 May 12, 2024 12:57 am

Hey guy, maybe don't try to piss off the dude who's famous for beating the shit out of elders from renowned clans and killing famously strong people. Time to be humbled xx

FireFistLaw12 May 11, 2024 3:24 pm

Absolutely dropped what the actual fk??? Author is mad if they think ANYONE wants the rich rapist to be the ML?? Usually there's the horrible SA in the beginning, and then nothing else, but we have to keep seeing the MC get SA'ed again and again like bro, aint nobody wanna see any of that shit

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! May 11, 2024 4:58 pm

    Er.... I do.
    And the same goes with everyone else reading it even though they hate it so much.

    FireFistLaw12 May 12, 2024 12:47 am
    Er.... I do.And the same goes with everyone else reading it even though they hate it so much. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    Absolutely wild thing to admit

    I figured everyone was reading to see him tell red head to go die and end up with black hair. I won't knock you for your tastes, but damn

FireFistLaw12 May 11, 2024 1:47 pm

Was gonna dodge this, but y'all got me too curious

    FireFistLaw12 May 11, 2024 2:07 pm

    Well, the moral of the story is always listen to your gut, and never get curious from reading comments. I naively thought the uke would be safe due to the size difference, but when the dude shrunk down I knew, "Ahh, I fked up"

FireFistLaw12 May 8, 2024 9:33 am

Of course MC likes the prince, they both make 0 IQ plays and are lucky plot armor protects them. Yeah go release the dudes who just said, to your face, that they were gonna take revenge. That's awesome and definitely doesn't put any of your subjects who can't fight in danger at all!

    Idon'tknowwhoiam May 8, 2024 1:13 pm

    Naive people like each other

    Jewel May 17, 2024 8:51 pm

    NO DEADASS like dude what? If you value everyone they shouldn’t you value your innocent citizens enough to kill the people that have literally sworn to come back? Tf at least cut off a limb or smth

    FireFistLaw12 May 18, 2024 12:17 am
    NO DEADASS like dude what? If you value everyone they shouldn’t you value your innocent citizens enough to kill the people that have literally sworn to come back? Tf at least cut off a limb or smth Jewel

    Dude fr, if I was one of those citizens I would NOT want that man leading us. Brother gonna get us all killed 100%

    Shiro May 27, 2024 3:36 am
    NO DEADASS like dude what? If you value everyone they shouldn’t you value your innocent citizens enough to kill the people that have literally sworn to come back? Tf at least cut off a limb or smth Jewel

    Sadly, they changed quite a lot of stuff in this arc vis-a-vis the novel. Originally, the two bad guys were kicked out of the village with their few followers and the transmigrated guy slaughtered the lot after they'd left the boundaries of the village. And the prince both knows and supports the action as a necessary evil.

    FireFistLaw12 May 27, 2024 8:40 am
    Sadly, they changed quite a lot of stuff in this arc vis-a-vis the novel. Originally, the two bad guys were kicked out of the village with their few followers and the transmigrated guy slaughtered the lot after... Shiro

    See, THAT makes complete sense!! Unsure why they would cut that in the manga? It's just one small scene, maybe 2 pages long. What an odd choice

FireFistLaw12 May 4, 2024 11:54 pm

Dropping "attention to detail" from my resume as we speak. So much time had passed that I didn't even notice the art style change lmaooo

FireFistLaw12 May 4, 2024 10:22 am

I was hoping this was going to be like "The Heavenly Demon Can't Live a Normal Life" where he breaks off the engagement and it stays broken even when the fiance wants to get back together now that he's strong and not an asshole, but it really seems like they're going to get back together down the road.

I honestly have no ill feelings towards her atm since she's done nothing annoying, but the usual "peerless beauty" title makes me think she's gonna be a problem later down the line (and he also mentioned not taking a wife and having a family and whatnot so red flag #1 has already been raised). Honestly if she had any brains at all, she would be on friendly terms, but never fall for him due to his past treatment. Mangas great besides this worry!

    RandomPasserby May 7, 2024 8:25 pm

    Its not a red flag. I feel like thats what mc needed in this lifetime. He never had any family or close relations in the past, nor did he manage to keep any of his lover. This life kinda feels like a chance to give him all that. Feels like this is that kind of story from the way the mc was talking about his previous life. Also Murim manwhas always ends up having romance eventually.

    FireFistLaw12 May 8, 2024 9:21 am
    Its not a red flag. I feel like thats what mc needed in this lifetime. He never had any family or close relations in the past, nor did he manage to keep any of his lover. This life kinda feels like a chance to ... RandomPasserby

    Ahh yeah I meant red flag for readers who don't like romance in action stories. Honestly I'm here just for the action story, if I wanted to read romance I'd go read something from that genre. Don't really understand why so many action stories need any romance at all.

    I do get that they've set it up so it would be nice of him to have a family, but personally I would hope that his yearn for family would be satiated by the family he currently has! I'm a bit of a sucker for those kinds of dynamics (▰˘◡˘▰)

    RandomPasserby May 8, 2024 10:17 am
    Ahh yeah I meant red flag for readers who don't like romance in action stories. Honestly I'm here just for the action story, if I wanted to read romance I'd go read something from that genre. Don't really under... FireFistLaw12

    If you wanna read an action murim manwha without romance, its best not to read anything where mc has noble origins or the child of a sect leader. They always end up married somehow.

    FireFistLaw12 May 8, 2024 11:36 am
    If you wanna read an action murim manwha without romance, its best not to read anything where mc has noble origins or the child of a sect leader. They always end up married somehow. RandomPasserby

    God that's facts, they're so hard to find! You could be 40 chapters in then BAM! Romance outta no where. No story is safe

    RandomPasserby May 8, 2024 7:28 pm
    God that's facts, they're so hard to find! You could be 40 chapters in then BAM! Romance outta no where. No story is safe FireFistLaw12

    Romance not that bad as long as they make sense for the story and doesnt like take over everything. I hate when they heavily focus on romance in action story, which happens a lot, weirdly enough. Or when they just pick the hottest and most capable girl for the mc without working on their chemistry. Like in solo leveling, Jinwoo honestly barely interacted with Cha Hae In, they dont even know each other long enough. He has more chemistry with the B-rank healer, who we barely even see, but since they have a history of knowing each other and being friends for a long time, and the air is ripe with chemistry when they meet, they make much more sense.

    RandomPasserby May 8, 2024 7:31 pm
    God that's facts, they're so hard to find! You could be 40 chapters in then BAM! Romance outta no where. No story is safe FireFistLaw12

    Like you dont need much to create romance between characters, just sprinkle interaction every now and then, give them a history of knowing each other, dont make the girl follow the mc arround annoyingly, like its so unnecessary when theyre there and all they do is be amazed or act all arrogant like theyre stronger than mc. Like id rather have a damsel in distress than a strong girl who doesnt even help mc with anything. Like youre apparently strong too why arent you doing anything?

    RandomPasserby May 8, 2024 7:40 pm
    God that's facts, they're so hard to find! You could be 40 chapters in then BAM! Romance outta no where. No story is safe FireFistLaw12

    Like they do so much then they do so little. If you cant write romance properly then just stick to action. Dont add romance. Like most romance in action story are just badly written, its why fans developed a certain aversion to it. Like who would wanna read something where mc end up with the most annoying character? Now even when action manwha have good well phased romance that doesnt take over the whole plot, fans are malding.

    FireFistLaw12 May 9, 2024 10:12 am
    Romance not that bad as long as they make sense for the story and doesnt like take over everything. I hate when they heavily focus on romance in action story, which happens a lot, weirdly enough. Or when they j... RandomPasserby

    Omg you took the words right out of my mouth. The romance in SL was absolute DOGSHIT and honestly ruined the whole story for me. I couldn't give it more than 1 star because it was the worst romance writing I had ever seen in such a good manga. Agreed, the healer girl should've ended up with him if they absolutely had to insert romance, I'm a sucker for women who liked/helped the MC before when he was weak and actually needed support.

    I feel like almost all action manga get the romance aspect so wrong, most of these authors don't understand pacing, chemistry, or even the fundamentals of writing a female character with a likeable personality. It's easier for them to fall into dumb character troupes that no one asked for. There have definitely been some manga where I didn't mind the small amount of romance in it, and it absolutely wasn't a main focus (see Reaper of the Drifting Moon), wish more action were like that.

    I think the peerless beauty in this manga deserves better than, from what she knows, "a guy who was disgusting and disrespectful, who has now turned a new leaf". When you suffer assault from people like that, you can forgive, but you never forget.

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