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Sir tf do you mean "settling debts later" there are no god damn debts to settle. Your friend, who idgaf was made to act more impulsively, burned his place of business and murdered his lover, he absolutely had 100% justification in killing that dude. Man was already cooking up some nefarious shit anyway from the way he was acting up before. MC killed someone lawfully, there is absolutely no debt to settle you absolute dimwit, maybe don't have such shit friends and a hypocrisy ridden moral compass

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Mad Dog

Boy do I really wish they didn't release any side stories. Alas, authors cant resist the temptation of ruining a good yaoi with SA. Disappointing and annoying, especially right at the god damn end where feelings were already confirmed between the couple, this was so unnecessary

Okay guys, is this a proper assassin who kills, goes at it alone and is sneaky, or is this one of those fake villains where the character is meant to be villainous but the character is actually whatever the male equivalent of a Mary Sue is

His first memory best be in the next chapter I stg, we've been waiting too long to find out. Though that being said, we've been waiting so long that I no longer remember why it's important that he gets his first memory back. Excited either way

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Love in Orbit

I hate how real this is wtf I'm so aggregated by this turn of events because i get it. Parents who just keep taking and taking and you feel so bad that you keep giving. The part where he's talking about how it's finally his chance to tell him to piss off, he's gone through it so many times in his head, and in the end still couldn't go through with it.

I'm so mad, that father gonna screw him over AGAIN, hoping for the ML to just evaporate that bum!!!

Welp, that's a death flag if I've ever seen one.

Love you Jupiter you will be missed

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Cooking Wizard

I'm kinda glad it hadn't updated in a year. Looking back on my comment I was super pissed during the whole Duke that kidnapped her arc, like, how tf do you just show him you have all these powers and cook him the best meal he's ever had so he'll potentially lock you up and force you to work for him.

Now I can finally let go of my anger and rate this 5 stars so I can just watch the cute romance unfold...and pray to god that noble doesn't make another appearance so I relapse :')

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Oh hell nah. This season did NOT just end like that, who thought this was a good idea PLEASE??

End of season 3 he gets his memory back and then they both develop amnesia again or what? We already had to sit through the first god damn amnesia arc, and now we get a second NOBODY asked for. I have had it up to HERE with all this god damn amnesia I stg

Who's the blondie, and why does he have it out for MC? I can't remember shit


  • Author: Sookjoo,Pisal
  • Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Fantasy

Truly a woman who hasn't wavered in her revenge, picks people off slowly but surely, and is almost always one step ahead. I'm sick of seeing regressions where the "revenge" is having everyone fall madly in love with you, I want that good ol fashioned dirty kinda revenge which is quite nice and slow paced in this manga

Man the crusty ass emperor so embarrassing~

You really think the Duke boutta die from a dagger to the shoulder, like please. Y'all really went in without knowing anything, and think a couple peeps from the shadow unit gonna do it? Embarrassing fr

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of To You In My Hand

Hey man, I'm no sexual deviant, but who tf brings their son with them when they're blackmailing a man to let them pound his ass??? Man even had the gall to present MC with lacey underwear, like SIR

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Absolutely insane comments section. How tf y'all saying you're hoping MC ends up with red hair when the dude literally sexual assaults him repeatedly? MC has voiced his disdain for it, and ML leverages his mother to force MC into doing things he really doesn't want to.

And then we get to chapter 7, y'all absolutely MAD if you're calling MC homophobic. You see your friend jacking it to gay porn when you don't know theyre gay? You're gonna be surprised and not know wtf to do about it, especially when you're just a kid. Hell I accidentally avoided people for less back then, people process things differently and sometimes just need space.

Stop romanticising this disgusting rich prick who forces himself on other people. Black hair ML who actually cares about MC's thoughts and feelings aren't even be comparable?? Worried about y'all's relationships with others, stay safe if you're thinking red hair is a green flag

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Profundis

Not the author realising they made the Blondie ML too unlikable, so they had to nuke every other character to make him look like a decent option lmao nah

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Salvation Spirit

If they truly switch up the ML at this point I'm gonna lose my mind that's so sick!! And with an actual baddie of a man? PLEASE!! WOOF

Why does this manga make me wanna ship every single person straight after meeting them. Tell me, WHY WAS THE CHEMISTRY SO STRONG WHEN THEY ONLY JUST MET EACH OTHER GOD DAMN. Romance novels can't get it right, but a random action manga about lizards can do it without even trying

Finally this manga has updated, I been waiting too damn long. Wish the chapter wasn't so short, it's a bittersweet feeling :')

Why is Ares always portrayed as dark skinned and hot? Is that canon? Can't imagine it being so when they're Greek, I ain't complaining either way

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of I Am The Dengle

How was one cemetery of dead people enough to apparently replenish 50% of his death energy when he spent 20 years killing high ranked monsters to get the energy in the first place? Also why is his power at 50% so weak, would he not still have the abilities and everything? Idk it's all a bit weird and nothing really explained at the moment, I'm having fun though so no harm done

Hands down this got to be the thirstiest, absolute dirtiest comments section I've ever witnessed in all my years.

I can't say I understand it, but god damn I gotta respect it