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FireFistLaw12 created a topic of High Clear

I honestly don't even know what this other dudes problem is. Like, stay gone fella no one misses you, and if you're going to come back, stop being such a tool.

Man's better not out the boys or become a side couple with the friend (absolutely 0 chemistry there so I doubt it, but there's no other dudes close to MC). Man has too much potential to be in a side couple because, as much as I hate to admit it, he's big, buff, and handsome. Please just eliminate him fr

Can someone please be so kind as to link me to the prequel? I've been trying to find it on here with no luck

Nah I'm not going to be able to take Karina being sent home, only to be confronted by the dumbass duo (her father and brother) while she's by herself and vulnerable.

Please god let them be stopped at the door

A dilapidated mansion sits on the outskirts of Seoul. Among its residents are frauds, murderers, and...

  • Author: Guwol,Nanggaek
  • Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Webtoons

A bunch of crazy bastards. Toxic, but consensual

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Upsetting that he died like that, but can I just say...thank GOD!! Thought they were going to drag the death out for another 10 chapters. Like no offence but I'd like to see what's happening in real time pls, we've been stuck in the past for waaaay too long

Had this on my "Want to Read" list for a while. Clicked into it to read the synopsis and saw a god damn underwater pineapple house in the "Photos About this Manga" section. Welp, I've been convinced, see y'all in the other side

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Risky Vice

Went to reply to the weirdo in the comments who's super aggressive and keeps calling people names unprovoked. Turns out im blocked by her. Guess she just lurks in comment sections to start fights and have bad takes, then blocks people she can't win an argument against because she feels threatened. How about you stop bullying people and just read the damn manga

Honestly the manga is a decent read, but can we please not have every single female character gush over the MC every moment they're in frame? I like to see my women think with an actual brain, sick of the ooga booga bullshit fr

Hooooo boy where do I start with this one. I dont see a single redeeming quality of this manga. Pushover MC, a sibling who blames them for their fathers death, emotional immaturity from characters of all ages, forced marriage to a stranger, blackmail, very likely physical and emotional abuse from a coma induced mafia husband, and somehow that's not even the worst part; we got a dude who grew up with MC as his brother (and may not even know theyre not brothers) lusting over him and banging look-alikes. I've read some shockers in my lifetime, but not even I will pick up this steaming hot mess

How I wish she was reborn with powers so she could at least protect herself. I have a bad feeling this manga gonna make me go mad from all the abuse she's gonna have to endure

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Informer

Life has not been kind to that 18 year old, RIP muscle bro

Well, it was a nice, peaceful academy life for blue hair while it lasted. Man's just sealed his fate and will have to work his ass off helping to clear the gates. Truly a fitting end


  • Author: Lattepanda
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Drama

-Cute and loveable story and characters
-Problems are always silly so no need to panic
-Feels cute, pure, and fluffy, with the added comedy and ridiculousness

I had to double take her clothing when she was taken as a shadow wtf. Why was she the only one who had a sudden revealing costume change?? Also she's a twin knight, gonna look ridiculous fighting together with her brother not wearing her knight armor?? Dumb af

First Return of the Heavenly Demon, and now this. Whoever's doing these translations is an absolute menace. I would rather no update than seeing a notification for an update, only for it to be this unreadable garbage

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of 6 and 7

Okay guys this one actually has an interesting concept. We're not exactly sure what seme is, man thinks he's human and he can only eat people? But doesn't realise he's eating people/wanting to eat people? All I know is that there's already murder and that already makes it a bit different from most generic yaoi

Oof that was a rough translation, and all those pet names are really throwing me off. I couldn't even get through the first new chapter, absolutely devastated

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of BAITS

You've been lied to your whole life and been made to take random medication where you had no idea what they were doing to your body, on your parents' direction - so you start taking new medication some random person you just met told you to take and you have no idea what they are or what they're doing to your body. This dude, on top of being a dumbass, just does not learn. Feed him his ass exploding medication, see if I care

FireFistLaw12 created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

Look I don't condone the silver haired ML because dude (shockingly, outta no where) straight up killed his older brother to manipulate MC's feelings for him. That being said the director seems slimey af, i dont trust that mf. Silver hair we already know is a full out of the closet psycho, but the director? He on that sneaky shit

Y'all if any of them die, I don't think imma be able to take it. The black on Lind's clothes around his neck made it seem like he was decapitated in that fight, almost had a god damn heart attack