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Yes, this is a harem but truly the "romance" with the girls are only there for Kiyoungs plots and plans. He doesn't actually romantically love anyone but likes them because they are useful and powerful and easier to sway to his side using romance.

He does care for the girls but you'll find the author puts much more emphasis on plot and bromance later on. And truthfully, in the novel he has MUCH more bromance and chemistry with the men instead and at some point in the novel the romance takes a backburner and focuses more on Kiyoungs schemes.

GareBear created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

I don't mind, pls someone tell me White Hair Psycho isn't the endgame

GareBear created a topic of Comes In Threes

Can someone spare me some mercy and please explain the plot because I am super confused. I'd appreciate a spark notes summary starting from ch 1 because that's how lost I am

I want to start reading this but Im terrified seeing the comments can someone tell me what the ML did? I heard he cheated on MC??? Is this correct?


But the dick prince that watched her get executed in the past life is complete scum.

GareBear created a topic of Bluelock

I was a Kaiser Defender and still am, let my boy live y'all, he's just in his slump period before he rises like a phoenix

GareBear created a topic of Gig of the Day

WHAT DO YOU MEAN "oh a nosebleed..."?!?!?

You're ramming his ass all night long bro! The least you could do is show a little more concern!

Even secretary has more consideration than your deadpan constantly horny face

My sweet summer child, lets get you a ML that has more empathy than a half-salted peanut

GareBear created a topic of For My Abandoned Love




So the king is also an A-hole. Didn't even bother to try listening to his brother or his side of the things and just exiled him. I know he was inexperienced and young but that is a complete D-bag move when he didn't even try to verify the facts or look further into it.

He's worried he's being manipulated as a puppet by his brother? Jokes on him, he's a pathetic usable doll his mother can manipulate to her hearts desire now instead. What a trifling fool.

I hope he loses an eye and is not forgiven. A man just lost years of his life that he can never get back being banished, his own brother mind you, and I hope a dramatic plot twist throws a wrench into this understanding Kings throat.

If after they get together and ML still has girls hanging around him and he's still allowing that AND FOR SOME DARN REASON the MC is ALSO OKAY with that then the Author and I will be needing a chat

If this twin brother is about to do something scummy I will introduce his face to the pavement floor via my fist.

Yeah no, im shipping MC with that teacher more because ML is not it.

GareBear created a topic of The World Without You

I understand both parties have their own trauma and need to work through it (preferably with a therapist) so I'm not bothered by the psychological factors the author based this story. However my main issue with the ML is that the entire time he was with the MC he was thinking of another person.

Every touch, interaction, and conversation he was imagining someone else through him. Regardless of if the person he was thinking of is fictional or not, this just means he never interacted with or thought of MC sincerely as an individual and his own person. All the time spent together and every moment he spent with the MC has technically been fake.

Nothing about their relationship has been real on the ML's end. It has always been another he imagined and that is where I find a fundamental issue with their relationship and why I don't truly want them together as a couple. Either they get time apart and grow and then meet again to start fresh or please have the MC end up with someone else and the ML get the therapy he definitely needs.

Im getting nervous, can someone tell me if its true that the ML lead will treat the MC terribly later on? I saw someone on the comments saying it was going to happen in the future in the side stories or something I really hope not because they're so cute and fluffy


I just feel so bad for Eclis, he's going through the wringer already with his tragic backstory and now he's not only being manipulated once (Our girl Penelope, tho we get why but its sad for him cause he'll be left behind) but also TWICE unwillingly (by Yvhoe who is clearly brainwashing him)

Like let this man catch a break and give him a happy ending please

GareBear created a topic of 2gether the Series

I think the reason everyone is so dissatisfied with Soohyuk is because we had so much hope that he was going to be a great ML and to see that he didn't prioritize the MC in his time of need (especially when he was going through such turmoil) is what makes it so disappointing.

Its like having a high level of expectation because of how great Soohyuk was in the first half but then being let down time after time because he kept making disappointing choices in the second half (like when he didn't even help MC when he asked for help to the bathroom). Its almost like a sort of betrayal we feel on MC's behalf.

GareBear created a topic of Gig of the Day


Is this ML a green flag? I really hope he isn't toxic to the MC??