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Yesi created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I hope this doesn’t just swing with them in the next chapter sleeping with each other. It’s so disappointing how he says that he doesn’t love him enough to change his shitty behavior. And I was livid when the word “settle” was thrown. UGH. Their love story started awful, is going awful, and now it’s going to end awful.

I think it’s obvious who beta is gonna end up with. The first cover was omega looking at beta, beta looking at alpha and alpha looking at omega, basically who likes who. Now it’s alpha holding onto beta (he now likes him), omega still staring at beta, and beta facing omega (since they’re dating) but his eyes are closed (meaning he is not in love with him)

Yesi created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

I’m a little sad they stayed in the rabbit kingdom but I love happy endings <3

Yesi created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

The little frog on the bed, I’m crying

Yesi created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)
Yesi created a topic of Backlight

I’m hoping and praying Yeongwoon pushes ML AWAY and goes to save Hae-Yool, like please forget about your desires for once and be rational. You were just a trial run !!!!

Yesi created a topic of Guiding Hazard

My heart hurts, the guy from the past most definitely assaulted him. What’s even more sad is that they made sure to include him saying “before I awakened” so he could not defend himself :( but powerful or not, no one should ever blame themselves for getting assaulted :(

Literally nothing the alpha does from this point on will make me like him after what he said this chapter. I’m begging for the author to pull a wild card and make MC not end up with anyone

Yesi created a topic of Flip the script

I get why people are calling the MC stupid but just look at real people like Princess Diana or Kim Jung Un’s brother who were also powerful but met there end (everyone speculates they were killed by their families). I’m being dramatic but please stop saying the MC is stupid because now I can’t help but think that as well lol

Yesi created a topic of Yours to Claim

I think it’s heading toward the Yawhi endgame route, and all I could think about was the quote “you could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve that boy” that boy being Jooin. From the non con, to mistreating Jooin, to the Yawhi mind games and Yawhi pulling out the victim card every chance he got, sigh. Yet, Jooin is thinking of Yawhi.

I liked Cain more than Yawhi, but Cain was the Jooin in their relationship, that’s why I believe it wasn’t meant to be. Like Jooin implied last chapter, you can’t live your life for others.

Yesi created a topic of Yours to Claim

I get what Jooin wanted, he saw himself in Cain. Like when Jooin let himself get walked all over for Yawhi to be content with him. He knew living for someone else is not the way to go, and so he freed Cain from that burden. I know people wanna be like “Jooin is so dramatic/Jooins dragging it on/Jooin is leading Cain on yet again” but Jooin is the only one who can give Cain closure with a proper breakup. I really like Jooin, I didn’t want him to end up with anyone because both options were unhealthy, but if Cain comes back after finally living life for himself, then I wouldn’t be upset if they got back together. Jooin is so misunderstood, I hope every little Yawhi dick rider learns to put themselves first like Jooin did throughout this story lol.

Yesi created a topic of An egocentric way of thinking

Omg I was hoping his tattoo was a tramp stamp

Yesi created a topic of My Suha

He should have never got a side story to begin with. Antagonists are antagonists for a reason and when you place them as the MC, let us read their inner dialogue, see their struggles, make us sympathize with them, in a morbid way it makes us root for them even tho he’s done things that are nowhere near redeemable. There’s only two ways this side story could have played out and they are both terrible, redemption (which he has done things that redemption can’t atone for) and karma which no one with empathy wants to see, like the whole gang rape was gross and did not need to be be shown, and it again throws the reader into a dilemma of feeling bad for a bad character. I get that this ending is his karma, but imo if that is what the authors goal was, then that last panel should have been Dohyeok bawling his eyes out realizing what he lost and will never get back. This whole side story was not needed. (Plus why make Siwoo, Suhas BEST FRIEND, be his love interest, now he’s also a shitty person)

Yesi created a topic of Reunion

Absolutely hate that this story is licensed by Manta, I just hope they still show their dialogue even when they cover the explicit stuff and not just completely skip the entire chapter

Yesi created a topic of Instant Family

The dads mistake was thinking his son lived anywhere but the top floor

Yesi created a topic of Yours to Claim

The way Jooin ended it was so great, it felt realistic, especially when he said the thought of Yawhi loving him and not loving him hurts him, he was honest, something Yawhi still failed to do till the very end. But Jooin is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t because the audience this manhwa has accumulated are stupid. “Jooin acts like a victim >: (“ because he is? I will never forget the scene of Yawhis friends making fun of Jooin and he does nothing to defend him, just stares at him. I’m not even a Cain fan either, he inadvertently took advantage of the fact that Jooin was hurting from what Yawhi did and slept with him. Jooin has been put through loops, he can’t read inner monologues like we do, he’s been in the dark about everything so I don’t blame him for the way he acted, it was understandable

Yeah both alpha and omega are sick in the head. The omega is more disturbing because he knew what the alpha was going to do to the beta (rape) and he didn’t stop them from leaving cause this will eventually make the beta come crying to him. I believe the author wants him with the alpha, personally for me, I hope he breaks the trope and moves on to someone else

Yesi created a topic of Sunshine Shower

Ugh I got so bummed when Blondie said he had a bf. I keep searching for a story that revolves around childhood friends who obviously like each other, and one is like the MC who is nervous that the other person doesn’t like them, and the other person is a aware of their feelings but chooses to tease them by dating other people but still leads them on. BUT then a new person enters the picture and decides to pursue the MC which causes a lot of conflict with all three involved

Yesi created a topic of Form of Sympathy

My eye twitched at the stupid comment in Yuri’s letter saying he worried Mr. Lee would go off and sleep with a man if he got too drunk. Like ugh, I hate that became a running gag in this story that started as a realistic take on letting go and moving on. I really enjoyed the story, the epilogue kinda ruined it, but I’m glad they ended up with each other.

Yesi created a topic of Reunion

Playing the song as soon as he started playing, omg it really set the mood, especially with all the pretty closeups of the rain.