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Yesi created a topic of Yours to Claim

There goes Yawhi again, doing stuff without Jooin’s consent

Yesi created a topic of Form of Sympathy

I hate how they downplay Yuri’s toxicity as a joke. This story had been so emotionally grounded in acceptance and a “found family” type of trope, and then the side stories took a comedy route… I get that Yuri has a bit of trauma from Teacher leaving so he’s not being purposely manipulative by begging him to stay but to call his lover a slut knowing the reason why he felt the need to sleep around is distasteful.

I wish Nakwon never would have raped Mokhwa. It’s good that the pacing of the story is slow but rape is such a hard thing to get over, especially the kind shown here where Nakwon took advantage of someone who he knew could only sit there and take it, not able to fight back at all. And that small detail of Mokhwa indirectly revealing that he was also raped in prison made what Nakwon did 10x worse. I’m glad the story addresses the rape as bad but I wish it was never apart of it to begin with. A bit of threatening and beating up would have been enough to kick start the story to show their dynamic

Yesi created a topic of Housekeepers Love Affair

I can’t get over the fact black-hair MC was sex friends with purple-hair ML and then they had a threesome with blonde-hair ML and blondie is just okay hanging around his bf’s ex fwb? AND THEN they all decide to go on a trip with red-hair MC who is completely in the dark about what his brothers bf use to do with his bf and what the three of them did together??? I would’ve preferred if we didn’t get this side story with the four of them

Yesi created a topic of Yours to Claim

I don’t get how people think Jooin is leading anyone on. He clearly told Cain he didn’t fully trust him and Cain said he was fine with that. And with Yawhi he still has his walls up, Yawhi kissed him this chapter not the other way around. Plus why are people so confused hes conflicted, who the fuck wouldn’t be after the guy who treated you like shit does a 180 and tries to act apologetic to then again dump a huge thing he’s been hiding that poor Jooin was completely in the dark about. Of course he’s frustrated, poor thing, he now has trust issues because of Yawhi. Someone in the comments said “Jooin can’t stay single” when it’s Cain and Yawhi PURSUING HIM. Jooin has already refused Yawhi, but he keeps coming back, and he put a line between him and Cain, but guess what, Cain keeps coming back. Man some people are just so close minded, makes me wonder if they’re so easily gaslit in irl