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Hey guys, I'm in the mood to watch anime. Problem is, I'm not sure which one. I have an account on crunchyroll and netflix. Any suggestions?
Stuff I really liked:
1. Hunter x Hunter
2. Legend of the Legendary Heroes
3. Baccano!!
4. Yuuri on Ice!!
5. AOT
6. All the Naruto
7. Death Note
8. Castlevainia (netflix original, highly recommend)
9. Ouran High School Host Club
10. Boko no Hero Acedemia (already watching second season)
Listed above are some that I have already watched and enjoyed. But, really anything with a good amount of action in it usually does the trick. Hopefully this gives you guys a better idea! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
2017-07-10 06:31 marked
hello everyone :), which are you favorite anime of this season, any recs? All genre except ecchi and hentai, please.
2017-11-01 15:14 marked