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I don't get how he could say no. I mean... LOOK AT THAT BOOTY
2017-03-04 04:19 marked
2017-03-09 05:27 marked

29 year old bisexual female from Suriname.I don't know when i started but i was already a pervert and the things i read were right up my alley and my addiction just keeps growing . I honestly believe i'm a bisexual male trapped in a woman's body . a little parting gift (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

2017-03-30 16:18 marked

24 years old, male, pan sexual, I'm african italian mix, live in USA Nevada, not working or going to school since I'm disabled unfortunately... so that means I have PLENTY of time to read yaoi! My sister got me into it one fateful day and I've never looked back. ;D

2017-03-30 17:22 marked

He Tian x Mo Guan Shan

2017-06-12 02:31 marked
Haesol, baby you make me drool
2017-08-02 22:44 marked

Yess! I love drawing and I wanna work as an illustrator so I have several art pages, I use Instagram the most though

2017-11-15 01:22 marked

of course I do!! Drawing is the most beautiful moment that I have!! Lo hago desde que era pequeña y desde ese momento no he parado de hacerlo, incluso si me arrancaran las manos lo seguiría haciendo con los pies :) pero jamas me detendría de hacerlo

2018-01-03 06:28 marked

I love drawing, especially on my iPad. My work is 95% sketches, 5% colored, and 100% exhausting over details. It’s one of the few things that can help to level my mind during my episodes, so it’s also a lifeline for me. I draw things that make me happy :) Original Original Merida And one of the 5%, still working on it... original And ......

2018-01-04 09:30 marked
2018-03-03 15:33 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2018-03-05 20:44 marked
Bitch is your dog (mayama rika)
2018-10-12 18:20 marked
Public School (novel)
2018-10-12 18:24 marked