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WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A created a topic of Eleceed

Also I get people's frustration and honestly I rather have the author and artist to have a break on this manhwa [which I thought they would] and come back healthy and refresh so this doesn't give a rush and incomplete feeling making the reader not feeling the excitement and hype.

Like the delivery on some part of the story aren't done well like they use to be, as if they're just throwing stuff out there, is worn out or out of ideas. I love this author's work but the rush of the story is reminding me alot of what happen to noblesse and I hope they don't do this dirty cause this is my favorite manhwa

Sena Mind: How to solve a problem? Violence, and if U can't solve the problem, use more violence.

Something about 2 hot men in aprons

And the fact that mahiro owns one

So husbando material

Somebody better upload that "The story of an angel like devil" manga

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A created a topic of Eleceed

I think it's about time he gets divine judgement

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A created a topic of Eleceed

the artist had only been drawing pretty characters recently that this mf's face gave me a jumpscare

Boy is a horny gaslighter, and a rapist.
The sympathy he has for the girl's trauma is just non existent.
girl on the other hand is a dumbass "he wouldn't do anything to me, he's a nice guy" bro had been doing everything u said no to since chapter 1, what u on about?!

The art and story is just all over the place tbh, girl had a close up shivering from the guy's forceful act, then 2 panels later the drawing is suddenly cutesy and jokey like the girl's trauma didn't exist, it continues to the rest of the chapters. Also making the guy's action as one of those "I can help u forget about him" when mf just acts like a plain rapist is just ughhhhhhhhh. Both of them are fcking irritating, one more than the other but still this ain't just miscommunication, it's just "imma pretend I didn't hear that" to "I bet, he didn't mean to do it"

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A created a topic of Drunken my boss

Good ol alcohol doing the trick to do the deed

Bus-kun is not like truck-kun. He's just different. It did not reincarnated 1 or 2 students but 21, not only that they're not princess/princes but monsters lmao

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A created a topic of Eleceed

Kayden not showing up cause he prolly knows jiwoo is with jiyoung and doesn't need to worry

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A created a topic of Eleceed

Jiwoo literally getting attack: man the view up here is so nice
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A created a topic of Yours to Claim

They really made Cain looks sus in the beginning, making me think he was a bad guy only to be a cinnamon roll, and the one who ended up looking and being bad was yahwi and yet surprised surprised he's the endgame

Glad mc didn't get cain cause he was too good for him anyways

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A created a topic of True Beauty

Honestly I feel like the author lost focus on the supposing plot of the story due to focusing too much on the romance, and got dragged out, realizing she needs to give mc a somewhat development while still focusing on the romance/drama. I already had a feeling suho was gonna be the endgame but I feel like she didn't need to make seojun and jugyeong date cause people ended up falling out of love with mc×suho. Not only that suho's ghosting reason sucks ass in the eyes of the reader since jeogyung was also affected by it and never really got talked about as much as it should. Like his sis could've said something, or them communicated but no, the love triangle took over and also made suho "the guy he told you not to worry about" since seojun and mc are already dating yet he still get WAY TOO close with her, mc didn't help cause she was also thirsting over him [like i get it but dont forget ur bf]. Sigghhhh i have more to say but this is getting too long

Director and alice have more chemistry than most of these couples

If this is actually real, which I doubt, I find it weird people calling it mid expecting it be like porn when its already seem exaggerated just not to the extreme