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WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A's experience ( All 0 )

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A's answer ( All 3 )

Almost find a h...ho..hobbie   reply
04 04,2021
about crying
This comment is hella embarrassing, Who tf goes to Twitter and tiktok to find a site for illegal manhwas and manga knowing its gonna be public and can have the site reported. I understand If ur finding/ or talking about recommendations of manhwa or mangas in social media but finding sites there is just *facepalm* but anyways there u go talking as i......   2 reply
17 03,2021
about crying
Watched the amigops/dream smp on YT or twitch, and force myself to go to the w3bt00n app even though I stop going there ever since they're shitty update [don't @ me] And check MANGAGO daily if it works again   3 reply
17 03,2021

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did first yaoi

Boyfriend skirt and you are my bff

2 hours
did first yaoi

Accidentally read a pretty simple one when I was like 10 and I was so confused. I read it a few times and finally realized they were gay

2 hours
did first yaoi

BJ alex. Hated the ML so much.

5 hours