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amimie May 19, 2021 11:18 pm

The drama at ch6-7 felt so forced... a bit disappointed... ^^'

Bad writing, very superficial, however, it wants to seem deep. Full of clichés, a messy mix of tones, taking easy routes, no effective build-up of tension, so it falls flat sometimes... Well, I think I prefer the old dumb BL. ^^

I'm really not hating on this manga, I really wanted to enjoy it. But it was really confusing... Fluff doesn't excuse everything for me...
Well, I guess it's just the dumb BL of modern times. I still enjoyed some parts though.

    Forgot May 22, 2021 8:53 pm

    The story just wasn't for you then, it did exactly what it set out to do, which was making a simple cute fluff story. If you don't like it that's fine, but no need to call it superficial, dumb and whatnot. It wasn't meant to be deep, and I would like it less if it was trying to be complicated. It's meant to be fluffy and happy, and it's perfect at that.

    And i don't get what you have against modern bl? It's only recently I've been able to find less rapey problematic stuff, old bl was mostly abuse with big yaoi hands lol

    amimie May 23, 2021 5:36 pm
    The story just wasn't for you then, it did exactly what it set out to do, which was making a simple cute fluff story. If you don't like it that's fine, but no need to call it superficial, dumb and whatnot. It w... Forgot

    I don't have a problem with modern BL, in fact I like well written stories that don't take its reader for a fool. (I'm not talking about the author here. It's about the work she/he produced. Writing is an art that I studied, and I myself have been given this critique. I didn't take it like a personal attack, but strived to improve. I'm just saying it's a mistake you can easily commit as a writer...)

    I don't remember there being much fluff... I only remember the forced drama. x))
    The issue is that I couldn't get emotionally invested in the story because of many distracting points... and the less I was emotionally invested, the more I could pick up faults with the writing... it was like an unending loop...

    At a time like this, usually, I can just have a good laugh going through all the absurdities... That's what I do, usually, when I read the old "simple" BL (since you don't want me to call it dumb... or whaterver) because you can feel the manga itself doesn't take itself seriously at all. (also about all that rapey stuff, there are usually no consequences and it's brushed off so easily that you yourself won't take it seriously at all, also in the same way, all the characters are gay, and homosexuality is accepted by all. Which wasn't true at all at that time in Japan... so you can hardly take anything seriously.)

    But here, it tries to talk about serious stuff but brushes it all off just like that without further development, like why was it mentioned in the first place... it literally doesn't serve any purpose, apart from the drama (but let's not start talking about that subject, or else this message will have no end....)
    (exp: school bullying, homophobia...)

    Also, what I meant about it being confusing was about the abrupt change of tones, from that absurd profetic app to the more "serious tone" at the end...

    In short... I couldln't enjoy it at all. :p

    Forgot May 24, 2021 3:41 am

    Did we even read the same manga lol? There was only like 1-2 chapters of drama as a small plotdevice to keep the mc's from eachother for a bit. The rest was fluff and it wasn't seriously trying to tackle those issues, like they were not any of the main themes of the story.

    But again it's fine that it's not for u, it's just kinda weird to critique it on the false premise that it was supposed to tackle bigger themes and be deep. It was meant to be simple and light for the most part. I think the author note said that too. You usually take in the authors motive/goal in the critique, if she wanted to make a story about trauma and homophobia she would have done that, instead she used brief scenes of homphobia and bullying to showcase the acceptance of the friends and classmates. To show they might get some hate but also acceptance and love, and focus on the positives so people can read it to escape harsh reality and hope and be happy intsead. Gay people need happy love stories too, that don't necessarily go all in on all the negative. There's lots of that as it is.

    It's fine if u don't enjoy this kind of story tho, it's just not for u

    amimie May 24, 2021 6:34 am
    Did we even read the same manga lol? There was only like 1-2 chapters of drama as a small plotdevice to keep the mc's from eachother for a bit. The rest was fluff and it wasn't seriously trying to tackle those ... Forgot

    "It's fine if it's not for me" but I cannot give my opinion...?

    Forgot May 24, 2021 1:32 pm
    "It's fine if it's not for me" but I cannot give my opinion...? amimie

    Lol when did I say that? I can give my opionion on ur opinion too, I'm not saying you're wrong for ur opinion. But the way you phrased it before made it seem like it was objectively bad (bad writing, very superficial, messy, etc) while imo you just don't like this style of writing and intentionally light storytelling, it's not that it's objectively bad writing / meant to be deep / etc.

    amimie May 24, 2021 6:24 pm
    Lol when did I say that? I can give my opionion on ur opinion too, I'm not saying you're wrong for ur opinion. But the way you phrased it before made it seem like it was objectively bad (bad writing, very super... Forgot

    Most yaoi are about light story telling, I've read about more +1000 yaoi...
    And it is objectively bad writing... Writing is a technique after all. A skill that you learn, and there are many ways to appraise it objectively.
    I said I didn't like it because it is objectively bad, that's different.

    Your only argument is that it is fluffy... so it can't be objectively bad...?
    Also, there is a difference between, bad and simple. This is bad and simple. ^^

    amimie May 24, 2021 6:29 pm
    Lol when did I say that? I can give my opionion on ur opinion too, I'm not saying you're wrong for ur opinion. But the way you phrased it before made it seem like it was objectively bad (bad writing, very super... Forgot

    Why I didn't like it is a totally subjective matter, so I didn't try to develop why, because not everyone can relate.
    You also told me I can't call it superficial and whatnot, but then, I was only describing it objectively. I don't why I shouldn't say a dog is big, when it is in fact big.

    The writing is superficial, "simple" is not an exact synonym. And I'd like to use the right words in the right place.

    Criticizing the way I gave my opinion made me feel my opinion wasn't validated just because, subjectively, you didn't agree with it...

    Forgot May 25, 2021 1:33 am
    Why I didn't like it is a totally subjective matter, so I didn't try to develop why, because not everyone can relate.You also told me I can't call it superficial and whatnot, but then, I was only describing it ... amimie

    Dude in every single comment I'm pretty sure I made it clear that you are entitled to your opinion and that I'm not saying you're wrong for your opinion. Take it easy, i wasn't trying to come at you. Nowhere have I tried to invalidate you. I'm not saying you can't call it superficial or whatever, I'm just saying taking into account the authors motive, it's kinda pointless to point that out since it's basically intentional. It would be a different story, for a different audience, with a different effect if it wasn't "superficial", and superficial light stories have value too.

    Basically it's like critiquing a kids book for being simple, or a horror for being too violent, etc. It doesn't fit the intention. it's doing what it's supposed to do.

    And again for the hundreth time, your opinion is valid, and you can dislike the story. I'm not attacking you or your opinion. I'm not saying it's a deep masterpiece, I'm saying it wasn't supposed to be and that's fine. It's just not for u.

    amimie May 25, 2021 7:13 am
    Dude in every single comment I'm pretty sure I made it clear that you are entitled to your opinion and that I'm not saying you're wrong for your opinion. Take it easy, i wasn't trying to come at you. Nowhere ha... Forgot

    I would get it if we were talking about a yaoi, since most of the time, the purpose is just porn.
    But here, there's just the story, what else can I focus on.

    Saying the author meant for it to be superficial doesn't eliminate the fact that it is superficial. Why can't I say I didn't like it because is superficial.
    And don't tell me you didn't say that, because you did: "If you don't like it that's fine, but no need to call it superficial, dumb and whatnot."

    But the fact is, I don't like it because it is superficial and dumb... x))

    As long as I know, shonen ai generally are not "kid's stories" for "kids". Most of the time the writing is good. It can be superficial and simple, but the writing is still good.

    Here we have superficial + bad writing... ^^
    simple =/= bad writing

    But here, it's not only superficial, the writing isn't good. (focusing more on the 2nd vol)
    The first volume was okay.

    If you want me to develop why it is bad writing: "full of clichés, a messy mix of tones, taking easy routes, no effective build-up of tension, so it falls flat sometimes..."
    The "full of clichés" car be attributed to the fact it's superficial, although here it's only built on clichés not only of situations, but also the themes... re-working on the common themes in BL is normal, but if it's done without any purpose... it looks a bit meaningless.

amimie May 19, 2021 9:20 pm

The first chapter was my favorite! :3

amimie May 18, 2021 1:54 pm

Their names are really long..........

amimie May 13, 2021 10:11 am

plz add a dj tag..................

    ren May 13, 2021 10:36 am

    i stated that but they didnt put it

    amimie May 13, 2021 11:00 am
    i stated that but they didnt put it ren

    Thank you ;)

    ren May 13, 2021 11:03 am
    Thank you ;) amimie

    the tag is up :)

amimie May 11, 2021 9:13 pm

Is it just me? Whenever I start reading a BL, I have the sensation that I might have read this before... although I know I didn't... But I realise I can't be too sure... ^^'

amimie May 9, 2021 12:06 pm

Was this dropped?

    Gudaguda May 14, 2021 12:33 am

    I wrote to translator they're waiting for full volume to come out and then continue

    Tai May 26, 2021 3:14 am

    the author has only released two more chpts since chpt 11. they seeml ike they update once a month. perhaps thats why the team is waiting? at any rate u can read the raws for 12 and 13 here: for free. (it says free, its official site, so no gross ads and u are supporting the author with views, and if u get a pixiv account u can leave him/her lil smileys and stuff too). hopefully this tides u over while we all wait for more translations (since it seems unlikely any of CTK's works will ever be licensed its rly up to fan groups to make it readable for the rest of us non japanese readers)

    Thysa May 28, 2021 5:32 pm
    the author has only released two more chpts since chpt 11. they seeml ike they update once a month. perhaps thats why the team is waiting? at any rate u can read the raws for 12 and 13 here: https://comic.pixiv... Tai

    Why is it unlikely for their work to be licensed? Sorry im not really familiar with the licensed of mangas, but your comment made me curious. Is there any reason why some author works licensed and other wont?

    Tai May 28, 2021 6:11 pm
    Why is it unlikely for their work to be licensed? Sorry im not really familiar with the licensed of mangas, but your comment made me curious. Is there any reason why some author works licensed and other wont? Thysa

    demand. there has to be a high demand for a manga to get licensed. cuz the platform hosting it and company translating it need to make MONEY. so far none of CTK's works have been licensed and she's not as famous overseas as some other BL authors. its still possible she can be picked up at some point ofc! but just going by past, unlikely. esp since it seems her main site of release is pixiv and not the BL anthology mags that big label works get published in before being collected into volumes (tho her or his or they's work does get published in physical book form like any other one after enough chpts are released. but yeah there's an Indie ish aspect to CTK's stuff that means less chances to be picked up by overseas labels, at least in english. it may be that it HAS been licensed in other langugaes and i didnt know about it)

    Thysa May 29, 2021 3:51 am
    demand. there has to be a high demand for a manga to get licensed. cuz the platform hosting it and company translating it need to make MONEY. so far none of CTK's works have been licensed and she's not as famou... Tai

    Oooh i see. Yea this make sense. Tho because CTK's works (the ones i read) usually hv stories with no japan/korea/china background, i thought it will be easier to be licensed (i mean for reader from oversea or like american it can be more relatable right? No? Lol)

    I initially thought CTK is some big famous author because honestly their work is so so much better than many big titles out there like the story idea, the plot execution and ofc the beautiful arts are all superb! But i get it, their work isnt the cutesy lovey dovey (sometimes rapey) as usual. There's something heavy and serious underlined it. But imo their works has similar vibe to Zariya and Zariya is the BL-god i worship

    star# June 23, 2021 5:20 pm
    Oooh i see. Yea this make sense. Tho because CTK's works (the ones i read) usually hv stories with no japan/korea/china background, i thought it will be easier to be licensed (i mean for reader from oversea or ... Thysa

    i dont know why this author is not famous when her art is so beautiful

    Aud July 3, 2021 6:08 pm
    i dont know why this author is not famous when her art is so beautiful star#

    And stories are compelling. Wtf world? Give this author more attention!

    Aliezofwonderland July 19, 2021 11:23 am
    i dont know why this author is not famous when her art is so beautiful star#

    In conclusion, CTK is a hidden gem♡♡♡♡

amimie May 9, 2021 10:47 am

There's just one more chapter left, plz someone, pick it up!!

amimie May 9, 2021 7:04 am

The next and 6th volumes are expected to be released around March 26, 2022. :'(
I hope we're gonna live to see that day :p

"The release forecast is not an official announcement from the publisher, it is only calculated independently by Bell Alert from the period of the latest issue and the volume released before that. The timing may be significantly different due to various reasons such as suspension of publication."
They got meh ^^

amimie May 9, 2021 6:26 am

Does anyone have the japanese raws?

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