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Gabriel April 22, 2020 3:19 am

The story num 4 was the grosser than num 5. that brother should just die horribley not to leave happily wtf he rape his brother and treat him awfully who would do that?and above all the rapist live happily ever after so fuc*ing marvellous.

Gabriel April 22, 2020 2:36 am

Fuc* this manga this one is messed up.who rape s.o he love constantly to the deat and treat him like his personal slu* and call it love.that was disgusting man.the fun part is the bottom one fall in love,follow,begfir his rapist love.the better part is in this manga rapists live happily ever

Gabriel April 21, 2020 9:11 pm

I hate the story the bottom character had no self respecr or any pride let whore top charater treat him like trash the funny part is he followed him and beg him not to break up after all horrible things that top person did to him well that was super gross.

Gabriel April 19, 2020 8:14 pm

The top character was a totall shit he doesnt love the bottom one or give damn abot him first he told his ex that he is btter than him .2nd he slap his lover face when that poor boy follow him.and the bottom one has no self respect or pride after he hread what he said but still he follw him.

    Dan May 27, 2020 1:42 am


    Jesss June 23, 2020 3:35 am

    that was so messed up. i always hoped it was an error in translation.

    Pumpkin July 31, 2023 12:08 pm

    I thought I was the only one who thought this.. he should’ve ended it right there…

Gabriel April 19, 2020 4:41 pm

The last story was totall shit the top person go every where and whoring and cheating around and call it his love for that bottom person thats totall bullshit when u love s.o u never cheate or betray him .and why the bottom one doesnt have pride and have more respect for himseld he follow him eventhough the top one treat him so ?!!

Gabriel April 19, 2020 3:52 pm

Maki u manwhor* you deserve to burn in hell forever.i hope at least in story his wife and every one left him alone.this kind of character doesnt deserve love.

Gabriel April 19, 2020 2:24 pm

I hate Dai's character alot.he let his gang raped that girl.and that boy follow Dai like slu* and the slip away easily Dai and his gang deseve to die not to live happily.

    Mario May 5, 2020 10:35 am

    When I saw Dai doing that after the first volume I just stopped liking him. I already thought he was sus when he went and beat up Jaehyun but my god,,, that was intense. After reading the comments though there were so many people who said that they loved it like?? IDK AHAHAHHA seeing your comment was like a breath of fresh air.

    Gabriel May 5, 2020 10:53 am
    When I saw Dai doing that after the first volume I just stopped liking him. I already thought he was sus when he went and beat up Jaehyun but my god,,, that was intense. After reading the comments though there ... Mario

    Thank u Mario

    Gabriel May 5, 2020 10:56 am
    When I saw Dai doing that after the first volume I just stopped liking him. I already thought he was sus when he went and beat up Jaehyun but my god,,, that was intense. After reading the comments though there ... Mario

    I honestly cant understand how people can enjoy and love this

    Mario May 5, 2020 12:10 pm
    I honestly cant understand how people can enjoy and love this Gabriel

    Yahh same but I like to give things the benefit of the doubt so I went ahead and read Volume 2 and it still ?????? confuses me, like the way these characters act are quite annoying.
    I dislike how halfhearted Jaehee's apology to Eunhyung, the gf, I dislike how he had little to no remorse after she shouted at him, I dislike how even after he went and moved to a different place and switched schools, he still seeks for Dai and even ended up finding him. Euuughh I don't mind it if he wanted to see him again but I think it would be better to at least let Jaehee feel mOre anger towards Dai for doing something revolting??

    Gabriel May 5, 2020 1:59 pm
    Yahh same but I like to give things the benefit of the doubt so I went ahead and read Volume 2 and it still ?????? confuses me, like the way these characters act are quite annoying.I dislike how halfhearted Jae... Mario

    Wow this is really interesting my thoughts were exactly the same as yours while i was reading this story.frankly every moment of the story was torture for me.i hope it wont be like this for you.

    Gabriel May 5, 2020 2:14 pm
    Yahh same but I like to give things the benefit of the doubt so I went ahead and read Volume 2 and it still ?????? confuses me, like the way these characters act are quite annoying.I dislike how halfhearted Jae... Mario

    And stay safe and healthy during qurantine.wish u all the best

    Mario May 6, 2020 5:53 am
    Wow this is really interesting my thoughts were exactly the same as yours while i was reading this story.frankly every moment of the story was torture for me.i hope it wont be like this for you. Gabriel

    Great minds think alike, Gabriel aHAHAHA but !! Ive got a great tolerance for dumbass characters, in the end Im just curious to see how it ends and see why people actually like it. Though.... I say that,, the length of the manga is so... long. 15 volumes... with a dummy main character...? I hope their character development comes soon so that the length is at least bearable aHAHAHA

    Mario May 6, 2020 5:53 am
    And stay safe and healthy during qurantine.wish u all the best Gabriel

    Aw!! Thank you Gabbb

    Samy September 10, 2020 10:53 pm

    FINALLY SOMEONE WITH COMMON SENSE. I wholeheartedly dislike Dai, he's abusive trash and that's it. If we forgave every criminal just because of their sob story there would be no laws at all. I felt really sorry for that girl, she didn't deserve that, they should all burn in hell. She literally jumped off a building to kill her self yet everyone is talking about the lOvE between Dai and that passive boy.Well sorry to destroy all your dreams, but that's not love, Dai especially is not deserving of love after he and his gang made the life of many people a living nightmare. He literally considered others as things with no feeling and didn't give two shits about hurting them, he's a selfish bastard who considers only his own feelings.

    Gabriel September 15, 2020 11:05 am
    FINALLY SOMEONE WITH COMMON SENSE. I wholeheartedly dislike Dai, he's abusive trash and that's it. If we forgave every criminal just because of their sob story there would be no laws at all. I felt really sorry... Samy

    100% i agree.u are totally right bappy to see people still think rape or crimes like that are not simple things.and charcters like him must severely punished not to be forgiven in mangas.

    Aerika October 3, 2020 9:30 am

    You came looking for Harlequin and you got Shakespeare.

    The reason people (including me) love it is because it's one of the most stunning representations of the medium there is. This story could not be told another way, and it was told perfectly. It's an exercise in contrasts. Subtlety and starkness. Brutality and gentleness.

    You are not meant to think Dai is a good person. You're meant to engage with the story, the characters for what they are.

    You (and others in this thread) didn't understand what this was because you were looking for something else.

    Aerika October 3, 2020 12:33 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    He's not meant to be redeemed. He's mean to stay problematic. He said himself, nothing he did to others mattered. It only mattered when he fell in love with Jaehee. And then he knew what it was to hurt someone. But there's very little evidence his empathy extended far beyond Jaehee. Jaehee is effective, his soul. And his soul is still young.

    "The thing that is scaling this lofty fence is not the sum of my parts. This thing that sticks to the wall, sucking the life from all that it touches, is not mine. My love is not such a thing.

    The days I've endured are clinging on like cold drops of sweat, like fallen leaves...but I must leap over that fence.

    I must go until I can stand proudly with the force of my own strength, at least until I reach the desert.

    That grounding force of life that years to embrace its birthplace, yet still it pushes with all its might to reject it."

    "It's just like the way I love you"

    That's everything. The bad Dai does/did is not all there is to him. But what he's done, and who he's become is not something he rejects either. Most of what he's done, he likely doesn't regret. No matter how bad it was.

    Samy October 3, 2020 8:05 pm
    He's not meant to be redeemed. He's mean to stay problematic. He said himself, nothing he did to others mattered. It only mattered when he fell in love with Jaehee. And then he knew what it was to hurt someone.... Aerika

    exactly why he is a beyond dislikable character. loving a person doesn't change anything. He's genuinely a bad person and like you said, there's nothing redeemable about him. Seriously this manhwa only managed to piss me off since it only gave salvation to the little pathetic world if these too bastards and treated others like insignificant trash when in facts other people endured way more suffering than those two did. Pathetic, that's what this ending and plot development was to me(by that I'm not saying it was not well written, the author did a great job)

    Aerika October 3, 2020 8:31 pm
    exactly why he is a beyond dislikable character. loving a person doesn't change anything. He's genuinely a bad person and like you said, there's nothing redeemable about him. Seriously this manhwa only managed ... Samy

    Yeah, I think you just weren't looking for this manhwa.
    Like I said earlier, people come for Harlequin and when they get Shakespeare, it can be a shock.

    Dai wasn't a good guy. But he wasn't completely unlikeable for me. The unapologetic attitude where other people would do bad shit and make excuses was a big part of his character. He did what he wanted to do, and he did it without remorse. The anger and frustration he had with the world was very relatable to me from a queer perspective.

    Loving a person, for him and Jaehee, changed everything. For them. It upended and permanently altered their lives.

    I can understand it making you mad. BJ Alex is one of the most popular pieces here. I think it's well-structured and well-written. But it pissed me off. I hated the pairings. I hated the characters. All of them. Can safely say I'll never touch it again. I left it mad.

    This kind of story would normally piss me off too. But the way it's crafted appeals strongly to the part of me that went to school specifically for writing. They make you take complex novels, usually with morally questionable characters, and you pull them apart and examine all the bits and pieces that make it great. Love that shit. So it's really easy to read Let Dai from that perspective. I can definitely say that it's a very well-crafted work. But no shade if you didn't like it.

    I spent an entire term with Chekov. A master. I hate the bitch. Different tastes are great things.

    Samy October 4, 2020 12:42 am
    Yeah, I think you just weren't looking for this manhwa.Like I said earlier, people come for Harlequin and when they get Shakespeare, it can be a shock.Dai wasn't a good guy. But he wasn't completely unlikeable ... Aerika

    I get what you mean. Dai is a character that is: Well written? Sure. Likable? Absolutely fucking not (at least for me). The thing is that I'm the type of person that can't drop something once I've started it even tho i only end up stressed and annoyed. Honestly i regret reading it, mainly because of the approach of these characters towards the girl that got raped. I just dislike characters that are egocentric, thinking that the world is all about their feelings while the others come out of the picture. It's as if whatever appears to him that the other person must be feeling is absolute, and whatever that person is actually feeling goes to trash. The world is all about him, "his feelings", "his pain" while everyone else is like a ragdoll not capable of feelings. Anyway, I'm not judging you for liking his character, that's solely my opinion.

Gabriel April 18, 2020 8:06 pm

The seme raped uke.and treat him like shit but uke follow him every where like rape is nothing bad thing and over all he liked it when he raped him really?and the seme like had no regret to rape him .that was super shit and disgusting.the story was supre disappointing

    Killua August 7, 2020 4:08 pm

    When did he rape the uke? Did you really read the story?

    Gabriel August 31, 2020 11:50 am
    When did he rape the uke? Did you really read the story? Killua

    Lol i can ask u the same question.

    wei-rei December 7, 2020 10:28 am

    I don't think the seme raped the uke (when he kissed him on the sofa), he stopped just before but it causes doubt because the uke slept in the seme's bed (or maybe this is just how i interpret because i can't stand rape). So i think there is just one sex scene at the end and they are both consenting (=・ω・=)

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ November 19, 2023 9:59 am

    he violated him against his will jerk him off then uke fainted but that don't consider as rape you guys needs to know what actually rape is he didn't put it in insertion against will called rape.

Gabriel April 18, 2020 7:26 pm

It was great story utinl the rape part.i dont like this story.that was disgusting and so disapointing.

Gabriel April 16, 2020 2:39 pm

That was a perfect story.i love it

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