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Rookwood December 20, 2019 10:09 pm

Is my wonderful little Lord of Evil and Darkness, the Great Serpent from the Nile, Enemy of the Sun, He That Is Never Vanquished finally being given some recognition?! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
If that is him, then Set is the Netjeru's only hope ╮(≧∇≦)╭

Also, I hope they turn the character of Nebt-het around and that they don't follow the Osirian mythology too much more than they already have. I love ANPU and I want him around, but I don't want our little Set to be hurt (っ°﹏°;)っ

Rookwood December 10, 2019 7:42 pm

Chapter 53, page 5: Brothers gazing at each other.
No one:
Me: *whispers* now kiss (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

#sorrynotsorry #fujoshibitch ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Punani December 14, 2019 4:39 pm

    Lmao even as a yaoi lover I detest incest sooo much ( ̄へ ̄)

    Moon01234 December 15, 2019 12:15 pm

    Hahahaha kiss on the blushing cheek of the elder brother from the innocent younger brother

Rookwood December 5, 2019 7:47 pm

Does anyone have any clue on how to pronounce the Sapin princess' name?! It's a name that you're purposefully meant to misread until you notice it and then it drives you insane!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
FYI it's spelled the same way in the novel so it's not just a typo.

Rookwood July 18, 2019 10:09 pm

I was totally blindsided by all the whinny excuses of the male species in the topics. However, when I thought about it, it makes sense that they would take offense to a manhwa that they can (horrifically) relate to. Since none of them would be able to keep a woman, much less please her in bed. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I also found it funny that not one of them is man enough to use their real account to spout their topics of idiocy. Guess we now know who actually has a pair around here. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
#BitchHere #I<3Orgasms #ManUpLittleBoy #SorryNotSorry

Side note:
I sincerely apologize to all those who came to this manhwa solely for enjoyment and entertainment purposes, only to be smacked with all this disgusting misogynistic behavior (like I was.)
Also, just to make myself clear. I DO NOT HATE MEN. I don't at all condone Sola's sexual abuse of her ex while in his body. Sexual assault is sexual assault, no matter what sex you are.
I also don't mean to include any of the guys that have commented well thought out topics/arguments in this topic group. I'm only looking at wastes of space that can't string three coherent thoughts together. . . (︶︿︶)=凸

Rookwood June 27, 2019 6:13 pm

*double take on the clock* (Ծ_Ծ)???
Yup, it says '14:43 am'. (¬_¬)
Pretty sure that's not how clocks work...(눈 _ 눈;)

    Riaya June 28, 2019 7:26 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Chouck

    But it isn't military time since it specifically says AM lol
    P.S sorry OP I got butter fingers and accidentally pressed the dislike button

    Rookwood June 28, 2019 8:18 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Chouck

    I know they use military time a lot, but military time doesn't need the AM/PM bit (hence the whole 24 hour clock thing.) Also, AM is in the morning and 1400 hours is 2 o'clock in the afternoon... If anything it needs to be 14:43 pm.

Rookwood June 24, 2019 9:39 pm

All I could think about during that bath scene was:

Soft kitty,
Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty,
Purr, purr, purr. (=・ω・=) <3

Rookwood April 8, 2019 10:09 pm

So far I see no difference between the MC and her, for some reason, "slut" of a servant and Big Boobs Mackenzie... We've only seen her be nasty and petulant except for when she was inexplicably "interesting" to the king. I can't see any redeeming features in her as of yet.
Also. . . *ahem* light hair color and off eye color can be indicators of inbreeding, which given the setting wouldn't be seen as too. . . "off-color" (=・ω・=) We can already see the first prince isn't exactly right in the head (⌒▽⌒)

    Anonymous April 8, 2019 10:39 pm

    Lol I agree XD That first prince has some issues. And yeah, the MC right now seems a little "ehh" to me, but I like the fact that she doesn't let them talk bad about her country :3

    LuxX April 24, 2019 3:34 am

    Lmao "big boobed Mackenzie" its been a while since I heard that Markiplier quote

Rookwood February 7, 2019 1:33 am

So it almost looks like Athy and Jennette have switched places in regards to Claude's heart.
I think when Mr. White was dropping hints about how wonderful it would be to have a second daughter he just made things worse for Jennette, especially after that whole "Well then, bye Papa" scene Athy pulled. That was the moment Claude realized how precious Athy is to him and how despite his original feelings on the matter; if he was to lose her he would be right back to feeling the same kind of pain he felt when Athy's mother died only worse. Claude instantly recognized Jennette for who she was and that whole garden scene was him warning her away from trying to make a claim as a princess. At this time I feel like Jennette is in very real danger of becoming the "tragic princess" in this round of the story. Sometime in the future her life will be in danger from Claude, only this time I think Athy will have the heart and courage to nay say her father and save Jennette in the end.
On the matter of Ijekiel I really do believe he has feelings for Athy and the only reason he married Jennette (who is like a LITTLE SISTER!) in the old story is because it was expected of him, both by Jennette (who probably does love him) and his father. But now that a new player has appeared who is interesting, unexpected, and unconventional he's probably smitten with Athy.
As for Lucas I think he'll be the victor of Athy's heart in the end, Ijekiel is just too obvious a choice. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I think once Jennette fully realizes that she will never achieve that idealistic family that she always dreamed of she will start to hate Athy, maybe even Claude. Also because Athy would be taking Ijekiel away from her too. With a little nudge from Mr. White and her well meaning aunt she could become a danger to Athy and try to kill her (maybe why Claude wants to execute her). Also that whole 'being born from black magic' stuff is a little too janky from me... not really feeling she's his legitimate kid.
Mister Mysterious-Black-Eyed-Not-Black-Eyed-Sounds-Like-Trouble is totally Claude's older brother ( ̄へ ̄)The conspiracy theorist in me says that he's Jennette's daddy (I mean he was sleeping with Jennette's mother) and the only reason he's appearing now and deviating from what Athy has given us of the book is because Mr. White is failing at infiltrating Jennette into Claude's heart. Where she would be his number one and inherit the kingdom ensuring it was Big Brother's blood on the throne. Not Claude's. That would also explain why Jennette's aunt (her mother's sister) felt it was needed to frame Athy for Jennett's assassination attempt in the old story. To ensure the truth was never revealed and that the actual heir was taken out.
Also thinking Athy's mother was a little something more than human... just waiting for Athy to really start singing to Papaヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    beanie February 7, 2019 5:44 am

    Oh my goodness I need this to happen, beautiful words T-T

Rookwood August 28, 2017 7:33 am

Okay, so I just need to get this out there, my theory of what's happening and going to happen. With this newest update (Chapter 31) we now know the out come of Sangwoo and Seaungbae's confrontation. A cornered Sangwoo now lying through his teeth in an attempt to wriggle out of trouble.
As I seriously doubt this series is drawing to a close, it's pretty safe to assume he succeeds. Especially with Seaungbae's past record, his credibility is shot and his witness/victim, Bum, is his only way of swaying anyone to his side as it's his word against Sangwoo's. As of right now, he has zero evidence aside from Bum's testimony.
I'm seeing a lot of people in the topic area debating whether or not Sangwoo and Bum really love each other. The thing is Sangwoo is a classic example of a psychopath, and not just the "she so crazy" - psycho, but the clinical definition. They are quite literally unable to love anyone but themselves, they cannot empathize with other people and place the value of the people around them in their usefulness and the feeling of power they have over that person. You can be sure if it comes down to Sangwoo saving himself or Bum, Bum is getting thrown under the bus.
That being said Bum is a classic dependent (something I've unfortunately seen time and again working in Criminal Law and closely to Civil Law). Whether it be monetary, psychological, or emotional dependency; the defendant is almost always going to make excuses to protect their abuser as often times they cannot see a way out of the relationship or a way to live without their abuser. With Bum it's teetering between the two. He knows Sangwoo is a monster but with one word from Sangwoo and a dash of protective/affectionate bravado Bum is going to turn around and become fiercely loyal to Sangwoo. Not to mention Bum is now convinced he is just as guilty as Sangwoo in murdering that girl (her name escapes me).
Unfortunately for Seaungbae this whole fiasco is only going to strengthen Sangwoo and Bum's bond. He's putting their loyalty to the test and they're going to come out the other side completely trusting each other. How this trust is going to manifest one can only guess, but chances are the relationship is only going to deepen and spin faster out of control with the body count rising.
And don't get me wrong Bum isn't the only dependent, Sangwoo is an emotional dependent but it's not about his love for Bum, it's Bum's love for Sangwoo. It's the emotional stimuli Bum gives Sangwoo of not being alone and being needed and wanted. I don't doubt Sangwoo will fight for Bum, but again it will only be for his own peace of mind and Bum's usefulness as a scapegoat.
But yeah Sangwoo is so not going to jail. With every rise, there is a fall and crash, it's my thinking he'll be killed later on in a blaze of glory when everything has finally crashed and is burning. And with how much the author likes twists I'm waiting to see Bum strike the killing blow...
Phew ε-(´・`) フ there I'm done now, thanks for staying with me m(_ _)m
Also just to be absolutely clear I love this series! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    usagi chan August 28, 2017 11:43 pm

    Amen xD....I really love this story too, it might be my favorite series ever...also I agree with everything you wrote, your profiles on the two of them are so accurate, so thanks for writting this:)

    However, I have to say because I really feel invested in their twisted relationship I can't help but cling to a false hope that Sangwoo might at one point develop some sort of romantic feelings even if just for a breif time. Like at the end I imagine the two of them being chased by police and Sangwo in a moment of clarity deciding that even though there is too much evidence on him, nobody knows about Boom's crimes, so he helps Boom escape and dies taking on all the blame for the murders. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Viira August 29, 2017 5:42 am

    So wonderfully stated. I completely agree with your breakdown of Bum, Sangwoo, and the situation. I've been trying to press your exact points about Bum and Sangwoo from the beginning! It pains me to see people still saying they think or hope Sangwoo will fall in love with Bum. Thats not going to happen and is NOT what the story is about. The characters are so amazingly written, deep and realistic. These character types are rarely explored especially as accurately as Koogi is doing these two. She's doing these characters so much justice in her writing, her story really illustrates how murders can manipulate their victims in order to survive and their extremely intricate egos. Ugh, just love everything you said, so perfectly worded. I wish everyone would read your comment!

Rookwood May 19, 2017 9:18 pm

I loved this story so much, simple and sweet but way hot (when appropriate.) I don't usually go for Omegaverse storylines, just because they can get a little too caught up in themselves and the story goes a little askew. But this one made it seem just so effortless and natural, more like background noise even though in reality it was a major plot point. I just have to have it for my manga collection. Could anyone please tell me if there is an English publication planned; with what company and what the English title will be (yes I know what sayonara means, but sometimes the titles are totally different between the original and the translation). Thanks for any help/news ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

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