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Love this chapter; Woo-wan is such a great character man. However, the next couple of chapters is what I fear.

The fool created a topic of Our Sunny Days

“so I thought to myself…I might as well go do some adoring myself.”

Guys I literally think that killed me. Like I think I’m dead.

They’re literally as sweet as a honeycrisp apple and I’m taking each and every bite like Eve asked Adam to do!!

The fool created a topic of Backlight

HOLY—EW?!? LMAOO WHAT?!??? If I was Yeongwoo I would literally get creeped OUT and be mortified—IT TOUCHED HIS NECK AND CAME?!?????

“I want to be a good fit for you. Someone you won’t be disappointed in…My dream is to become a dignified person in your eyes.”

I love, adore, applaud, how this comic is written. How well written the character’s are and how complex they are. It’s so refreshing to read realistic characters after reading wild, bonkers, mind boggling, fuckery.

The fool created a topic of Our Sunny Days

“I’ve known her since she was a kid!” Yeah SPEAK on that, tell that to a handful of manhwa authors.

The fool created a topic of Jinx


The fool created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

“Why can’t you just be a regular homo on the loose, like you used to be!” Has to be the most craziest, diabolical thing I have read this year

The fool created a topic of Define The Relationship

I can’t STAND listening to Karlyle’s thoughts after every panel. This is my breaking point. Why do we have to hear every single thought that comes to his mind

The fool created a topic of Waterside Night

Am I the only one comfortable with Euiyoung living with his father? I completely understand the feeling of disdain towards him; he abandoned both of them, burdening his brother with the difficulties of raising him. However, in the present, Eiuhyun is not in a stable situation to care for Euiyoung. I’d prefer Euiyoung to be with his father, who is now in a position to provide a safer environment, rather than around Taeju…? I don’t know. . I loved Euiyoung and Eiuhyun's interactions; their love was my motivation to continue the story (lol). I truly wish for Eiuhyun to live happily with his little brother and find lasting happiness, but I can't see that happening with how Taeju’s acting in the current storyline.

The fool created a topic of Our Sunny Days

“Honey, do you see this?” I actually went onto the highway and got ran over multiple times after reading that. I love him

The fool created a topic of Define The Relationship

I couldn’t get over the fact that Karlyle said his nXt tasted “sour and pungent.” SOUR??? That—usually indicates unhealthy semen…

The fool created a topic of Jinx

Guys….this was way worse than I originally thought it would be.

The fool created a topic of Jinx

I can definitely see where the next chapter is heading. If it does turn out that Dan was drugged with pills that heighten his libido (fucking dumb as fuck because why the hell would someone try to drug Jaekyung with them ) The two would take Dan to Jaekyung for help but Jaekyung would push them out of his room and take Dan to do you-know-what which leads into the stupid ass Jinx ritual and makes him—idk—win the match or something .

The fool created a topic of Jinx

He could’ve simply verbalized that earlier. Dude is mentally ill