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The fool created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Wait Who’s the teacher that pulled Cirrus aside again? I feel like that interaction doesn’t get brought up after this, a bit worrying.

The fool created a topic of Cat Gamer
The fool created a topic of Lily of the Valley

Anna walking away was the biggest fumble I have ever seen this year. Like no way you just ran from the baddest bitch PLEADING to be loved by you??? NO WAY

Call me Kendrick because I’m Nakwon’s biggest hater This nigga genuinely pisses me off.

Good art, great plot, AND proper use of hate-sex?! This is fucking peak.

The fool created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I love the way that they speak to one another. It’s like “yea, these are literal dumb teenagers.” Love it every time.

This is pretty interesting, but these Garten of Banban ahh spirits take me the hell out.

I developed multiple brain damages after reading this.

The fool created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

This is just me ranting a bit, but I just personal can’t stand when a manhwa (or any form of media) equates a character being bisexual (or any sexuality) as a reasoning (or an excuse) for them sexually harassing a same-sex character. It seriously leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time, especially if they’re supposed to be a couple at the end (or middle) of the story. Sexual harassment is still sexual harassment no matter what sexual orientation a person has/is.

The fool created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

“I don’t expect someone like you to understand it.” Ok drama queen.

The fool created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Just read the raws of chapter 101 and I need to yap so badly because what the helll (In a good way.)

The fool created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

"I-I didn't know it would be noticable..That it would become my weakness." I let out the biggest wail known to man.

The fool created a topic of Jinx

2 dollars Dan went to the other team or skipped town.

The fool created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

It’s actually devastating how every single adult in cirrus's life, after the death of his mother, failed him.

And you’re telling me this *isn’t* a psychological manhwa…Right…Ok.

Ya’ll…What the hell am I reading? I’m on chapter 14 right now, and I actually am getting whiplash at how Nakwon Just casually raped Mokhwa, for no fucking reason, had no repercussion from it, and are now seeming casual. His whole reasoning to harass Mokhwa too is so???DUMB?? “I WANT him to get his revenge, but I also want to see him suffer.” WHY??? Like what the fuck is going ON??? It also suddenly turned into a haha-keke story which was mind boggling to me. I seriously can’t stand him, and, from what I read in the comments, he supposedly rapes Mokhwa…AGAIN? Dude—

The fool created a topic of Jinx

I honestly can’t see where this story is going. The character’s are just going in circles.

The fool created a topic of Mad Dog

Bruh. Out of all the options they could have chosen, they picked rape…interesting. I was hoping that they’d have consensual hate-sex, or whatever the fuck, but ofc that’s too much to ask of these authors.

The fool created a topic of 19 Days

Lololol! Seems like no one saw it, but He tian has six fingers this chapter