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I love here she is so full of energy and focused and i really like the pacing its fast but not too fast that i feel overwhelmed with info and quick scene changes also i think Gen is hot as hell

I just went thro the raws and i gotta admit that man said " im gonna fck this old man stupid" and be really went for it good for him

MaviSupernova created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

The author gonna have to do a lot of back paddling and stuff to sell the baby daddy to me cause he is such a huge red flag and just overall a d#ck i mean yeah when you have the three highs (high education, high income, highly attractive) you end up like this but still , I just know he is either going to be super traumatised or they come up with a back story that sounds sad but isn't actually sad to get everyone to like him

Not the love rival's coming out of the woodwork in the second volume

That dude is such a red flag its almost comical if it wasnt so insultingly terrible

MaviSupernova created a topic of Akuma Koujo

Twintails killed my gurl for that dude ??? Ok yes but didn't actually get the boi or any other one for that matter ...

the end of chapter 16 when the "saint" walks in i had war flashbacks to this one meme
If u wanna know which one do Google image search
" tumblr post thats when he loses the house "
I think it her hair lolol

By the user shironashuu on novel update forum . Com

It's a bit cliche actually.
A noble lady named Louise told everybody that Ollie is a Villainess and everyone believed her without actually checking proof on her since everything Ollie did, as a spoiled brat who threw tantrums if she didn't get her way, sorta tracks to making her become one.
Louise was a formerly reincarnated person and while the setting was, indeed an otome game she once played in, problem is that Louise tried changing everything so early by telling everyone that Ollie is a villain while Ollie is still an impressionable kid, so Louise accidentally gave Ollie early character development without meaning to. But Louise is so fixated that things stay the same that she never checked if Ollie actually changed.
While early days Ollie had the makings of one because she's spoiled, she was ultimately a sweet kid who is still capable of change.
it all comes to a blow by the planned condemnation.
The king and queen are actually smart and suspicious enough and kinda had Ollie shadowed under the request of Ollie's parents to see the proof that Ollie is "Villainous" but found none, so they had the crown prince re-educated along with Louise.
The prince's are pretty much exiled in all but name and Louise becomes a Hikki with an obsessed love interest who made her live in a gilded cage as she comes to terms that she did the most fucked up thing to Ollie.
Ollie and the rest of her family sans her brother Maisy left the country for the next door kingdom so Maisy is left all alone as a duke with little power due to his stunt in condemning his actually innocent sister.
Maisy kinda bought Louise's words because he's jealous that his parents favor and spoiled Ollie so much she's grown to be a spoiled brat, which makes it easier for him to keep villifying Ollie as she grew up while enforcing a lot of responsibility on Maisy because he's the heir. So the parents aren't 100% faultless in this.
Before you say they didn't get enough punishments, I think the story's more on the idea that people can change, but its up to you to accept that change or not.
Maisy and Ziano (The second prince and the one who was originally going to be Ollie's fiance), even Louise all reflected on their mistakes but Ollie isn't there to see that and has a right to never forgive them.
its kinda refreshing to see that the author shows them reflecting and actually be better, cause everywhere I see people defaulting to cancel culture and kept condemning the person at fault even if the person has shown signs of change these days.
Though looking back, Louise got the worst out of the three since she ends up staying with her yandere fiance and never leaving the mansion.

Someone needs to kill the prime minister asap where are the good old assassinations when u need them?
Also the translation group has 10 chapters up at their side and the baby is soooo cute guys

Can we beat him with a stick?????
He is soooooo annoying like what do u mean you went ahead and listened to every piece of gossip instead of like asking your father or stepmother or sister??? Like what???????

That ball scene is gonna be awesome like my girl is so pretty i know its gonna be great

Knowing what i know whats going to happen and why she cant summon her spirit im so mad and filled with anticipation that cannot be contained

MaviSupernova created a topic of Maybe It's Courtship

I needed more of those two dumbasses in love im so sad the last chapter wasnt them and the extra was so little

MaviSupernova created a topic of Maybe It's Courtship

Those two may be super confident and capable in everything but love like them in love is just two idiots in love
Literally idiot to idiot communication

But i still wanna beat up the ex
like yeah i get it totally understand it even
but given how understanding his family was to even let the youngest become an idol just cause
(while faking an identity which cant have been cheap next to th oldest brothers ex fiancé)
i cant help but think that they would have understood him yes he is a grown man and has the right to do what he wants and believes is best
but i also think he is a grown man with responsibilities and that he could have talked to his family and mc it would have still hit him hard as well as the family but at least they wouldn't have been stuck with the sudden loss and not knowing
(what happen to their son / brother)
i know communication is hard and just expecting the worst outcome and planning for that is easy
(worst being them abandoning him and not accepting him)
its safer but he also took away their chance to accept him to love him the way he is and apologise to him for making him feel unsafe and as id he cant be himself in his own family
Because yes people can be bad but truth be told the ones that love and care for us can more often than not suprise us with how far they'd go for us
But hes what do i know lol

She is so op but its different from the usually op protagonists she isn't scheming to be op or trying to be humble she did it by accident and she knows how insanely strong she is (i still laugh about how shocked she was when she almost destroyed the forest lol) and i think that makes her very charming


I hope it goes off the walls insane

Those two quite literally slayed
Them standing together in uniform yassified war

MaviSupernova created a topic of Mother Parasite

Is happening?