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Ch 31 I get she's trying to save her maid but realistically what the hell are you going to do but die? I can't think of 1 senario of her going alone and the maid coming back. Quit being dumb and get help you literally have no skills to save yourself

I hope it goes to the aide story and doesn't focus a lot on the prince. I just can't get myself to like their story

On ch 8 and the maids kinda suck or at least the story they follow. she was locked in a room for days with the cold corpse of her mom and everyone is expecting smiles and rainbows from her. I don't get it and find that a lil odd

Biggest bother I have with this story is that if the Cafe is supposed to be far away how is EVERYONE from school going there like it's down the street? (even during exam week?!?)

I can finally start feeling the healing

Idk I'm not rooting for the ML at ALL and the 2nd ML is perfection . I just know he's going to have to go through nonsense and don't know if I can take it might drop

Drenee created a topic of How to Protect My Male Lead

I love it when the character goes back in time and ACTUALLY tries to fix and alter past issue.

Kinda feel for him. He knew she was with a guy, sees she is happy, and decides to bow out. Now all of a sudden this chick shows up with a demon

Drenee created a topic of The Tragedy of a Villainess

The way I would've screamed "well you're going alone!" I don't care if the king said to go. Nope ain't no way her and my man going on a trip alone. Why is she obsessed with her?!?

Drenee created a topic of May I Help You?

I get the dolls are all someone they know or from the past but did they (the employees)design them? Or did the company just make them and send it?

The father's face made me drop my phone I thought the knight was joking

Didn't even give the man a heads up, time to think, nothing just "oh yeah we got you a new fiancé." At a work dinner at that?

I'll be glad when this jungle part is over. Its starting to drag a little.

I really hope the prince doesn't start getting annoying. Like you had all the chance in the world just step aside

Threw my phone when "it"was blurred
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Drenee created a topic of Angel of the Golden Aura

WHY! WHY would you fly off and run?!?! Aren't you kidnapped? Ask for help!!!

Just walked in and hoped it worked out. smh

Drenee created a topic of The Kids Have Changed

Odd that she likes the ML but also sees him and Carrel as her children? I wish she was either a mom figure or a love interest throwing me of that it's almost both.

Drenee created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

He deserves to be sad and I hope he never finds her. (I know he probably will tho)

Is there a reason we have to entertain the redhead to this extent?? He's getting annoying