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Is there a reason we have to entertain the redhead to this extent?? He's getting annoying

Chap 6.
So your chasing a guy who literally burned children alive and brought.... NO weapons???
"Thats not a real knife" are you f**king kidding me he is lighting children up alive to save a dollar and you didn't think he would have a weapon?? Didn't you literally sword fight like a chapter ago ...... (deep breath) I'm sorry yall that irked me carry on

Drenee created a topic of I Was Just An Ordinary Lady

Finea's reaction was dramatic asf

Drenee followed question about question

Has the 'M' site been identified by Kakao Entertainment?? Just saw online that the sites listed for copyright are: 1. 1stkissm*nga 2. B*to. To 3. M*ngadex 4. Newt*ki/ m*natoki 5. S2m*nga But idk if its verified or not

14 01,2024

Leave your sister alone. She look sick of him in the last panel

Drenee created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

Is pure chaos and comedy find a place to read where you won't look crazy for laughing outloud

Soooo ready to hear her backstory


I like the story it's just weirdly paced feels like a lot of odd time jumps.

Fl: I know I almost drowned and stopped breathing but I would jump into hypothermia inducing water again with my cold to get this piece of wood even though I now know 2 trained knights were near by

Like b**ch do you hear yourself?!?!

Drenee created a topic of The beginning after the end

Anyone know if I have to read the side story or can I skip it?

Separate! please there's a maniac on the loose!

Drenee created a topic of Our Masquerade of Love

I'm glad she back and thought he left her. this whole thing was nonsense


Don't ruin our girl peace with your nonsense.


The Duke is flat out annoying . He literally knows nothing about her and is acting obsessed. How do you not like her but won't let her date?? What kinda crazy nonsense is that! the one who doesn't deserve a woman is the guy who idk ignored his fiance for another woman, ditched her, and then stalked a woman he just met. Hell im starting to think he only doubled down the flirting because she was with his cousin.


There's something off about the MC inner monolog. I know she has low self esteem and trauma but the was she thinks makes me wonder was she brainwashed at the church?

How long until they get engaged?? Cause what else can you really do. She had to beg her dad just to meet fleta so let's quit playing and hurry up with solutions

Drenee created a topic of I’m Sure It’s My Baby

Does anyone know if the ML finds out its not his baby? Pretty much the only reason to read for me