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Koko September 23, 2023 10:30 am

I’m sorry but Harold being treated as just an asshole who has issues and not an actual psychopath who ruined a boy’s life by organizing a gang rape and almost killing him, is so bizarre to me. I would have not tried to stop him from jumping off that roof, my man PLEASE jump, dive, hasta la vista!
I don’t know how this is going to end but I wish nothing but misery for Harold.

Yuda is my main man, and I do find Hanyul to be a good character but he is in dire need of therapy and he needs to get away from toxic men (although yh Weon can be likeable…)

Im scared the ending won’t be satisfying

Koko September 22, 2023 8:28 am

I think Kang is just insecure because he dated a lot and he is pretty sure Yiyoung will be his forever partner but he might think this isn’t the case for yiyoung since he is younger and hasn’t dated a lot. Granted Kang was drunk and didn’t communicate his worries properly but yeah I think they just need to talk again, sober this time

And yh no the author is not going for a love triangle. I think it’s good that Yiyoung meets another gorgeous man, he falls in love easily, Yiyoung rejecting a man will show that despite his lack of dating experience, he is sure about Kang. Mr Kang is not the default choice but yiyoung’s true love, and I think the author will show us that

Koko September 20, 2023 10:37 pm

I love them all, they’re so precious, Sunny…I did not expect to get attached to him like that…I hope they all get a happy ending

Koko September 17, 2023 5:05 pm

A dungeon manhwa with a woman as the MC !!!??? I’m gonna eat this up

Koko September 14, 2023 7:10 am

I need to stop reading and wait until there is at least 20 chapters that I can binge read but it’s hard, I follow this manhwa religiously

Koko September 13, 2023 12:16 am

This is just so funny, like how the fuvk is the MC able to run away from trained mercenaries (or whatever the fuvk), it’s so random, and yh I get he wants to be an explorer but like what widhdjbdnd
The alpha is awful and in urgent need of therapy but somehow in one chapter he suddenly changes personality and you do not know why.

It’s just a very funny and weird story tbh, I don’t take it seriously. I don’t know if this is the story that’s going to sold me on omegaverse

Koko September 12, 2023 12:42 am

HUH ??? What Hyunjae did what now ? Oh the twist, he is so mysterious, I love his character and his dynamic with Yoojin

    qeen September 12, 2023 10:38 am


Koko September 8, 2023 1:15 am

My boy looks so good in every outfit

Koko September 13, 2023 1:31 pm

Girl…what is going on ? Is my dude in need of therapy ? Cause this is such a bizarre thing to do ? Ask a stranger to become his lover and in exchange they get a roof over their head…?
Also does it get better cause for now Taeoh is just a little creepy and too horny in comparison to Hyun who is very reluctant.

—> Read a little more and Taeoh is still creepy, him being shy and hyun not being meek doesn’t make this situation any less bizarre. I dunno why Taeoh is the way he is but this dynamic is not interesting to me

Koko September 4, 2023 4:00 pm

Why the rape. The tension was already there..he could have pushed Mokhwa’s buttons by doing something else, even just pretending he was going to assault him to see his reactions, that’s toxic but the MC has a fucked moral compass, but why did he have to rape him…Look at Shutline for example, there is tension and yet, no rape ! Yes it CAN be done, you can write a good BL with no rape !

What was the point of the rape ? Like come on, and the fact that Mokhwa doesn’t seem to realize what was done to him is like…okay, but is that supposed to make it better ? are we supposed to gloss over the fact that the MC is a rapist because Mokhwa doesn’t realize what happened or doesn’t care ?
I get that the MC has a fucked moral compass and I love grey characters but I’m not gonna root for a rapist and his victim.
I’m disappointed cause I was looking forward for another thriller like BL.

(I’m aware some of you are gonna say “don’t read if you don’t like it” but I kinda was hoping that MC wouldn’t be a rapist, that’s my bad I guess)

    Bummer September 4, 2023 7:56 pm

    Nakwon raped Mokhwa because Nakwon is a rapist. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    Nakwon is not a “gray character” with a “fucked moral compass”, that moreso applies to Mokwha.

    Nakwon is just a bad person. He knows right from wrong. He didn’t rape Mokwha because he was confused or because he couldn’t help it. He did it because he wanted to hurt him. He did it because he’s a bad person.

    You’re not supposed to start off rooting for the MC, and I completely understand if you don’t want to continue reading. But the reason that I, personally, am still reading and enjoying this story, is because, unlike the vast majority of BLs with rapist semes, the story does not excuse nor justify the MC, nor make the uke out to be overreacting or dramatic for reacting to being raped.

    The bar is low, I know.

    But it’s just so refreshing to see a character that’s unashamedly morally bad, and then to see that character gradually become morally good.

    This story did not just write rape in just to quicken a relationship and have the MC eventually be forgiven to move things along (like so many shitty BLs).

    Koko September 4, 2023 8:54 pm
    Nakwon raped Mokhwa because Nakwon is a rapist. No ifs, ands, or buts.Nakwon is not a “gray character” with a “fucked moral compass”, that moreso applies to Mokwha. Nakwon is just a bad person. He knows... Bummer

    I wouldn’t mind a MC that is just evil, just fucked, and if the rape is added to show how evil the MC is then ok, but I do mind the fact that down the line I’m supposed to believe in a “love” story btw a rapist and his victim especially.
    I do like Mokhwa’s character though, and I would have liked to see his development, but yh, too bad

    Koko September 4, 2023 8:55 pm
    I wouldn’t mind a MC that is just evil, just fucked, and if the rape is added to show how evil the MC is then ok, but I do mind the fact that down the line I’m supposed to believe in a “love” story btw ... Koko

    I wrote “especially” but I meant to delete that word

    Koko September 4, 2023 9:05 pm
    Nakwon raped Mokhwa because Nakwon is a rapist. No ifs, ands, or buts.Nakwon is not a “gray character” with a “fucked moral compass”, that moreso applies to Mokwha. Nakwon is just a bad person. He knows... Bummer

    Also it’s good that you find it refreshing but I think a good thriller BL, a dark BL, without rape would be also very very very refreshing, and yh I was disappointed but anyway, I’m going to read something else !

    Tsunmimi September 8, 2023 6:59 am

    I agree I feel like the rape was uncalled for, seems out of character for someone like Nakwon to me, but the author controls the narrative I guess. But I agree the rape was not needed and you can write a story without adding that shit as it just soils the story to be honest

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