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Jonas May 15, 2019 10:16 am

Well, I'm sure Hakdo just asked him to do things, Sangho said yes because he is obviously incaable of saying no to Hakdo and he forgot his big bro was supposed to check on him.

This is the best coming out in history.

Jonas April 28, 2019 2:19 pm

I'm so happy that Jaejin is a good guy :) I was afraid that DG was going to be more isolated :/ it's cool that he has a boyfriend but Jiwon can't be everything to him! I want to see him more with Chanwoo, this guy is so funny and amazing!

Jiwon being all possessive makes me laugh so hard! You can tell that he will never forbid DG to see someone, but he wanted to make clear that he cares a lot about DG!

And wow, Jiwon was so handsome in this chapter. And DG was so pretty again!

I really wonder how the career of Jiwon will be now. And I'm afraid something bad is going to happen :/ like being outed by someone in school. I saw that a lot of you thought about the ex boyfriend thing, but I really hope it will not be that, it's a boring idea. I just want everyone happy!

Can't wait the next chapter :D

Jonas April 25, 2019 10:38 am

It took me some times to read it and I'm happy I did!

It's not a masterpiece, but it was truly enjoyable. I'm not a fan of people sleeping around, but the author knew how to tell this kind of story, so it never really bothers me (but at some point I was all "noooo don't do this pleeeeeease!"), we really can feel how the main couple is in love.

I may will be not popular with this, but I'm glad the threesome didn't happen. The fantasy was enough, it would have been weird if all of a sudden, Eunsuk and Jung-gu wanted to do it with someone else while for a lot of chapters, they just didn't want to do it with anybody else.

The only thing that bothers me truly, is how the boss let Jung-gu get raped by this asshole and just blackmail the guy :/ I mean, he deserved a lot more than just that and definitely not getting Jung-gu going through all of this (it would have been interesting if rape was taking more seriously, it would have given Jung-gu some depth, not just "he's stupid but good looking).

I want to see the sides stories and epilogue :D

    haesitae April 28, 2019 7:32 pm

    I'm new here, but is it completed yet? The last chap is ch.46?

    Jonas May 31, 2019 11:47 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! valelu

    Well, in the last chapter, it says that there is side stories and an autho note, but still nothing, I'm a bit disappointed :/

Jonas April 24, 2019 1:27 pm

I almost cried at work because of this chapter. It was that good.

I really, really hope that Diesel and Ein will be together again in the future. I mean, Diesel still isn't sure about what love is, what happened to him before and with Yanek certainly didn't help him at all, but with Ein, I feel true love from Diesel. He even told him his real name, it's not nothing! In a way, I hope they will stop call him Diesel. It's the name Yanek gave him and I want this guy to be more and more forgotten in his mind. I want him to be what this bastard is now: just a memory.

I just want a happy end. Please, give me a happy end ;__________;

Jonas April 24, 2019 1:22 pm

It's the best "no homo" story I read in a long time, not the best but dman, it makes me laugh so freaking much. It's ridiculously funny XD and it also very heart warming.

I just hope the little bro will soon mature a bit to understand that even though they are not blood relatives, it's just a no no. I mean, yes he is pretty irritating, but he is young and stupid, like most teenager.

But seriously, but they never heard of bisexuality or pansexuality? Cause it's a real thing and it's kind of really nice when characters are also bisexual and discovering new things. It's really lacking in manga/manhwa, it's just gay or straight most of the times and it doesn't make any sense to me.

Can't wait for the next chapters! I wanne puke unicorn and rainbows!

Jonas April 23, 2019 12:21 pm

I'm happy to read that I'm not the only one who gets tired of the storyline. Senpai's behavior is not funny and cute anymore. It's like je doesn't grow as a character :/ I wish Morinaga meets someone who will be nice to him, that wants to say he is with him.

    Just Mine Not Yours April 23, 2019 4:16 pm

    Someone like the guy next door?? I hoping hoping for other character'... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Just Mine Not Yours April 23, 2019 4:17 pm

    Someone like the guy next door?? I hoping hoping for *another character'... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Jonas April 22, 2019 3:21 pm

I just can't understand what was this guy problem. He must be a closet gay man that can't accept who he truly is. You can't just hur DG like this D:

Gosh, Alex really is a good boyfriend. I've already said it, but seriously, he grew a lot and I really like it :D I will be with him if he wants to kick some ass!

Is it just me or DG is really pretty? I mean, Alex is very hot and all, but damn, DG has such gorgeous eyes! And that smile! And that face! Gosh, he is just so pretty!

    kufio April 22, 2019 3:42 pm

    IKR like in this chapter it truly shows all of dg wonderful feature and i was like "why did i just notice his beautiful eyes?!?!"ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Bambi's Mom April 22, 2019 4:22 pm

    Yeah you can see how good looking he is when he is standing next to his high school "friends." Even compared to the waiter friend from the previous chapter, dg is so good looking, jiwon is just more conventionally handsome.

    JPEG April 22, 2019 4:30 pm

    Dude, the overwhelming majority of homophobes are not gay... It's not helpful to think in this way. Teenage boys often hate gay people because they are young and naive, and frustrated and want someone to bully. I was outed at school and bullied, and none of them have turned out to be gay. If we see homophobes as gay, then that means that most straight people are gay-friendly angels, which is far from true.

    Babayaga April 22, 2019 4:50 pm
    Dude, the overwhelming majority of homophobes are not gay... It's not helpful to think in this way. Teenage boys often hate gay people because they are young and naive, and frustrated and want someone to bully.... JPEG

    So true!!! While I'm sure there's some very very rare instances of bullies trying to hide their sexuality, it's highly unlikely. The kids who put me and my friends through a lot of trauma in highschool we're not LGBT. They just wanted easy targets. We have been mentally and physically abused by them, and to think people think they could be "secret gays" is sickening tbh

    Jonas April 22, 2019 5:01 pm

    Wow, why are you guys taking this seriously something that I wrote just after I read this chapter and was all like "he is a fucking asshole"?

    And well, I don't have all the knowledge in the world, but when you are okay with your sexuality and don't feel threaten, you don't do this. Most of the people that I knew that were homophobes were not gay, but had experienced attraction to the same gender at a point of their lives, so they are definitely not straight... They couldn't accept it because of our socities (mostly because of religion).

    Plus, sexuality is more than just gay and straight and there is very few straight and gay people actually... Bi, pan, ace, the world is not just about gay or straight, it's a lot more complicated ^^"

    Babayaga April 22, 2019 6:13 pm
    Wow, why are you guys taking this seriously something that I wrote just after I read this chapter and was all like "he is a fucking asshole"? And well, I don't have all the knowledge in the world, but when you ... Jonas

    Clearly you're the one getting upset and defensive with us for telling you that the mindset that homophobes are just closet LGBT people is wrong and harmful to our community. We KNOW that it's more than just straight or gay you don't have to tell us that. We know it's complicated we are living this life and being attacked by homophobes who are not LGBT. It shouldn't upset you that LGBT people are informing you that you are incorrect especially when it comes to topics about malicious or violent homophobes.

    Just because some people you know are not straight does not mean homophobes are LGBT.

    JPEG April 22, 2019 6:31 pm
    Wow, why are you guys taking this seriously something that I wrote just after I read this chapter and was all like "he is a fucking asshole"? And well, I don't have all the knowledge in the world, but when you ... Jonas

    Chill. Don't worry, I'm not getting mad or anything. You've done nothing wrong. If I sounded argumentative I'm sorry. The reason I "took it seriously" is because you aren't the only person saying this. The comments section is flooded with this idea. People say it ALL the time, and for many of us who are gay it's something that can only cause eye-rolling.

    You say that the bullies experienced same-sex attraction, but this sounds like speculation. It's like saying you bully fat people because you're scared of being fat, or bully a minority race because you're scared of becoming black or something. The logic does not hold.

    And yes, I know that there isn't just straight and gay, but that's a different conversation. I'm not convinced that some homosexual desires are behind bullying.

    Peace amigo.

    Jonas April 22, 2019 7:34 pm
    Clearly you're the one getting upset and defensive with us for telling you that the mindset that homophobes are just closet LGBT people is wrong and harmful to our community. We KNOW that it's more than just st... Babayaga

    Well hum, no I wasn't defensive ^^" I guess it's hard to tell when you write something on the Internet, but really, I was just confused ^^"

    And just so you know, I'm a part of the LGBTQ community, so I can't get upset actually, cause I always want to understand people better, especially on this subject that touches me directly. I just don't agree with you on this fact and I think it is okay to have different opinions ^^ and english is not my mother tongue, so maybe I don't say correctly what I have in mind!

    Jonas April 22, 2019 7:38 pm
    Chill. Don't worry, I'm not getting mad or anything. You've done nothing wrong. If I sounded argumentative I'm sorry. The reason I "took it seriously" is because you aren't the only person saying this. The comm... JPEG

    Guess once again, it's just a misunderstanding and it's okay! I wasn't angry or antyhing :) I totally understand that you can find it a bit upsetting when you saw and heard something every day! I am the same after all!

    Well, towards sexuality, I think a ot of things are still speculations today. Maybe one day we will understand this a lot better, I hope so, and so the world will be a better place!

    Peace to you too!

Jonas April 21, 2019 3:47 pm

I liked the manga, not the best I've read, but the art is very good and the main couple is really sweet. But I don't know, the end feels... Like not the end at all?

Is there anything else for this story? Or just the few dj that I found here?

I just want more, it feels like the author just dropped it ^^" I want to see Fumi bottom (seriously, why is it not there already?!), I want to see how they are growing old together, what kind of family they will have, all of it.

And Gosh, I can't stand the sister O_O the fuck is her problem? O_O

Jonas April 18, 2019 12:42 pm

Okay, I get it YangYang, you don't have a lot of confidence, but seriously, running away just because you saw a girl giving food to your crush is just an excuse to not say anything. God damnit, just accept that you want to be happy in a relationship D:

And yeah, JianYu shouldn't be that pushy towards them, but remember that LiHuan asked for her help. Clearly, she doesn't know what she's doing, but I don't see her as a bother like people think she is. And she clearly like a lot glass boy. They are cute, I want to see them together!


Don't get me wrong, I still like it a lot. It's just a bit frustrating!

    Riholu April 18, 2019 1:40 pm

    What it's worrying me is that I don't want YuYang to believe it's his fault for not talking earlier. I hope they get a moment to talk alone without friends around

    maychan April 18, 2019 1:45 pm

    easier said/ write then actually done.
    when you get hurt once or twice, it very hard to come back and be confidance. VERY HARD!!

    Riholu April 18, 2019 3:09 pm
    easier said/ write then actually done. when you get hurt once or twice, it very hard to come back and be confidance. VERY HARD!! maychan

    I know it very well...

    Jonas April 18, 2019 3:55 pm

    Oh, believe me, I know more than very well how it is very complicated to be confident again after bad things happen and how it's complicated to accept a lot of things. But, maybe because it's my personnality, when someone says to me multiple times "I like you, I want to be in a relationship with you" and I like them back, I always take the risk.

    But hey, this is fiction XD

Jonas April 17, 2019 12:43 pm

I really can't stand Minsuk' mom, thankfully, his sister is a great sister!

Am I the only one who is scared about this trip? I have the impression something bad is gonna happen...

And Diesel without Ein, it's still heartbreaking... Hope they will be together soon!

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