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Frencybayeta May 31, 2019 10:06 am

I’d like to comment the last chapter of this story, since my opinion about the situation is absolutely different from the rest of you.
Talking about Joowon, we mainly know him through Heasoo’s perspective and thoughts, also through some of his actions.
It’s clear that he is a young man full of himself, selfish but also sweet, like Heasoo himself described him in the first chapter.
Choi Joowon is also a huge bastard and he clearly knows it, he is pushy, he likes to tease, to provoke, to fluster people, especially Heasoo.
He takes most of the things lightly, and it seems like nothing can really touch or hurt him with his smiles and smirks constantly imprinted on his face.
As a result of his nature, I think that the episode in the car was a bit misunderstood.
Joowon to convince Heasoo to give him a blowjob is pushy, dominant and stubborn, like always (Heasoo also adds playful in the description, but it’s okay).
If you think carefully about it, their relationship was like this since the beginning.
I’m not saying that this behaviour is right, I’m just stating a fact, that is proven by Heasoo himself in the first chapters and also in the last one.
Joowon provokes him, he forces him and Heasoo at the beginning resists than lets Joowon having his way without anymore objection.
That’s how their relationship always worked and we are talking about years, in which Heasoo did absolutely nothing to change it or gave any signal that the situation was shit for him (this affirmation wasn’t meant to guilt Heasoo, it’s just a fact and I hope it’s clear, they are both at fault) ; in chapter 9 Heasoo clearly says ‘despite knowing what I was getting myself into... I still always gave the same response’.
Apart from that, I read about people saying that Joowon is a simply fuckboy that treats Heasoo as a whore for the way he asks for the blowjob, they call him abusive, a total scumbag.
After the so called forced blowjob, Joowon is more than willing to give Heasoo the same treatment, but the protagonist refused.
I’m sorry but an abusive person wouldn’t have react like Joowon after the rejection.
It’s okay if you don’t like Joowon, but he isn’t abusive, he simply has this kind of attitude.
He is an asshole, incapable of empathy, insistent, vulgar and straightforward with words but that doesn’t make him abusive.
In fact when Haesoo says to stop and is clearly serious, pushing him away, Joowon simply stops with a surprise expression on his face and I think it’s quiet normal because after years of unchanged relationship (like 9 years), a sudden modification is a bit unexpected; even the protagonist realises that, using the sentence ‘It’s no surprise that Joowon responded that way. It hadn’t been a problem before’.
But the real matter starts with Heasoo’s question :’why do you walk all over me?’ and Joowon replays with:’Me? Walk all over you? This is how we always been’; at this point hell has opened up.
In my point of you, Jiwoon’s replay wasn’t like ‘Me? Stepping all over you? I always done it and you didn’t complain’, but was more like ‘Me? Stepping all over you? We always share this kind of relationship so what is the issue now?’.
To explain better, I’ll give an example: If I’m in a relationship with you and when I behave A because I’m like this (it’s in my nature), you keep responding with B without complaining for years, the moment you decide, all of a sudden to replay with a C maybe you could leave me a bit dumbstruck. Just a little bit. Because it’s quite clear that Joowon’s expression at Haesoo’s refusual is absolutely shocked because apparently he never done this before.
He is confused and he doesn’t understand.
With this I’m not saying that Heasoo should have accepted it, or that is wrong to change when actually you are not okay with the situation, I’m just explaining that it’s normal to react this way when your used to something and then it changes unexpectedly without heads up.
Every one would’ve react this way.
To sum up, Joowon’s assertion wasn’t that sleazy like many of you intended.
That’s what I think considering their relationship, Joowon’s attitude and Haesoo’s thoughts.
I want to make clear that with my opinion I’m not trying to sugarcoat or justify Joowon’s behaviour, there is nothing to excuse, I’m just explaining facts and especially what I got when I read this chapter.
I think that some people are exaggerating over this character, like now every word he speaks and every move he makes is abuse or that everything in Heasoo’s life is a mess because of him.
I agree that he is an actual asshole, he has a lot of flaws but that doesn’t make him a totally bad person.
There are plenty of people like him, I’m not personally one of them, but with this I’m not gaining the right to point them as simply shitty people.
We are just at the begging of the story, maybe the author will show us some more about this character, maybe Joowon will change, he will evolve into a better person or maybe he will remain the same cocky bastard all smiles and shit or he eventually gets worse, abusive, like many of you are already calling him.
It’s too soon to know and to have a definitive opinion over him; at least it is what I think.
I repeat, so there will be no mistakes, I’m not justifying or supporting Joowon and Heasoo’s relationship as it is, that’s not the purpose of my comment.
I actually have a soft spot for the enemy to lovers dynamic, but that doesn’t imply that I’m unable to understand when there’s a problem in a relationship.
They have lots of issues and I hope the author will show us more flashbacks to help us understanding better their past; I’m really looking forward to it, I’m interested.

If it’s not obvious, I also want to add that I like Joowon as a character and I have no shame in saying so.
It’s just a story, and I think that a lot of people here are being excessively offensive without a real reason.
Just because I like Joowon, it doesn’t mean that I have a boyfriend like him, that I’m okay being forced, that I search that kind of man in my life or that I’m just a fujoshit.
You don’t know me, in the same way you don’t know the other people which share my taste.
It’s childish offending someone by a simple choice.
This story isn’t entirely developed as I explained before, so I think it is a bit too soon to judge this badly the character himself, but especially to insult someone because of him. Like really?
We are here to exchange opinions and to have healthy discussions, if I don’t see what you see, what is the issue? Am I not allowed to? Do I deserve to be insulted for this?
For someone like me isn’t a problem if you want to insult, but there are people out there that can be hurt, or feel ashamed just because they like a character that the majority doesn’t approve, it’s depressing and unfair because they also get offended for that.
Fortunately, we aren’t all the same and everybody should be free to express an opinion without fear.
On this website we only know the username and some words that we decide to share, nothing more, so why?
Like, it’s normal to think ‘oh God, this comment is annoying, I’m gonna dislike it’, or ‘I don’t agree with this person, I let her/him know what I think about this topic’.
That’s fine, perfect.
Discussions should be constructive.
If you don’t agree with me we are all fine, no problem at all.
There’s nor right nor wrong here, everybody is free to do whatever he/she wants, I just think that someone here should have been less mean in expressing their disagreement.

    Cute May 31, 2019 10:49 am

    Thank you. Your comment is not quite the same my thoughts but I feel fine because it is like an adult talking. Joowon and Haesoo's relationship has lasted for many years, we still don't know all that happened so don't rush to assert, every character's words or actions have reason.

    Lovehate May 31, 2019 11:24 am

    Well said to explain Joowon reaction in chap 31. I agree their relationship is almost like this from the begining, and "don't act what he wants" or provoking each other is how their relation works but what's happen in chap 31 is still makes me shock. Like, I can't imagine forcing a BJ and then giving it back are normal action between them for almost 6 years. It really makes his image worse in my eyes (who has neutral views for all 3 characters) and I hope their past in future chapters will show us the good reason. Besides, I am happy when Haesoo finally realizes he shouldn't maintain this situation anymore and wants to change. It would probably make Joowon change. Taku was originally a rather mysterious character, but what the author portrays him in chap 32 and 36 is very warm. Maybe so, it makes people (including me) judge Joowon's action more harshly.

    By the way, I think you absolutely have your right to like Joowon and discuss about him here. Look forwards to see what happen between 3 of them.

    Frencybayeta May 31, 2019 7:20 pm
    Thank you. Your comment is not quite the same my thoughts but I feel fine because it is like an adult talking. Joowon and Haesoo's relationship has lasted for many years, we still don't know all that happened s... Cute

    Thank you too for the intervention and for the understanding even though you don’t share my opinion.
    I did’t actually rush to assert, I’m sorry if that’s what I transmitted through my speech.
    I didn’t mean to.
    Actually I agree with you, the story isn’t entirely developed yet.
    We will see.

    Frencybayeta May 31, 2019 7:21 pm
    Well said to explain Joowon reaction in chap 31. I agree their relationship is almost like this from the begining, and "don't act what he wants" or provoking each other is how their relation works but what's ha... Lovehate

    I really understand why you’re shocked by Joowon’s behaviour, especially if you saw the raws with Taku.
    I have something to say about that, I hope you’re interested.
    Joowon with is bad temper is also a really egocentric person, without any doubt, but he seems quiet willing to receive but also to give when the metter is sex.
    The only problem is that he is so ‘generous’, only when he wants to be.
    If you compare chapter 3 and the last one, it’s clear what I want to explain (or at least I hope so).
    In fact in the third episode, at some point Joowon starts to kiss Heasoo, who like always protests a bit before surrounding, but then Joowon stops half way because he states that he is turn off by the hotel shampoo.
    What a poor excuse, considering the fact that he already smelled the scent minutes before.
    We don’t know the real reason behind this sudden change of opinion, but as we can see he stops because at that moment he didn’t want it anymore, leaving Heasoo absolutely pissed. A real selfish jerk yeah?
    Obviously I’m not excusing the action or the behaviour but it’s clear that Joowon, egocentric as he is, thinks that when he wants something is right to insist over it, and considering Heasoo’s responses during the years, somewhere along the line Joowon probably starts to think that this was actually a good tactic.
    I really don’t think that Joowon intended to be mean through that behaviour.
    I believe that this attitude of his, which is ‘I do what I want when I want to’ is a result from his past with Heasoo.
    In chapter 15 pages 14,15,16; Joowon makes some sort of jealousy outburst in which is obviously pissed, angry and sad but, the interesting part is the dialogue between the two stepbrothers, where Heasoo asks: ‘You don’t like it when I hang out with other guys, do you?’; and Joowon, in spite of being a very prideful guy, replies: ‘No. I hate that shit. Would you stop doing it if I told you not to?’ And then there’s the worst part of it, when Heasoo, with a smiley mocking face, answers: ‘You know what hyung? I fucking love it when you get angry ‘cause of me. So I’m not gonna listen to you.’
    I mean Joowon was equally bad, but this is a really mean thing to say, which gets worse with Heasoo’s giggle.
    I don’t think it is a case that Joowon often repeats this sentence, or that Heasoo himself keeps stating this demeanour.
    In chapter 24 page 2, Joowon says ‘Sorry Heasoo. But I don’t wanna do as you say, either’; then also in the last chapter ‘You don’t want it? Well, too bad. ‘Cause I only wanna do what you tell me not to.’
    Every time he thinks or says this phrase he always wear a smirk on his face like ‘You do remember this sentence, don’t you?’
    It could be just a case or maybe for Joowon those words were really harmful.
    This doesn’t justify nothing, but it could explain why Joowon keeps acting this way, using those words against Heasoo.
    I know that he may seem a total sloppy asshole, but he is human too and there’s a possibility that Heasoo’s past statement did hurt him more deeply than it seems.

    Sorry for blabbing so much, I hope that doesn’t bother you.
    Enjoy your night!
    Thanks for commenting and understanding my point of view.

    mango June 1, 2019 2:20 am

    THANK YOU. i completely agree. and i'm not a fan of joowon at all but i still think it's unfair for him to be 100% completely under the heat here.

    their relationship has been like this from the start. even though the bj may have been different from what we've seen in the past, we obviously havent seen everything so it's silly to assume this hasn't happened before.

    Cute June 1, 2019 3:39 am
    I really understand why you’re shocked by Joowon’s behaviour, especially if you saw the raws with Taku.I have something to say about that, I hope you’re interested.Joowon with is bad temper is also a real... Frencybayeta

    I agree. In my opinion, Joowon has also been deeply hurt from the past, thus affecting his words and actions now.

    In chapter 15 Joowon said "Haesoo, why pretend not to know? You made me like this"
    This is also a detail to note.

    Cute June 1, 2019 3:47 am
    Thank you too for the intervention and for the understanding even though you don’t share my opinion. I did’t actually rush to assert, I’m sorry if that’s what I transmitted through my speech.I didn’t ... Frencybayeta

    No, I'm not saying you rush to assert. I just talk about the story. I hope you understand ^^

    Frencybayeta June 1, 2019 10:52 am
    THANK YOU. i completely agree. and i'm not a fan of joowon at all but i still think it's unfair for him to be 100% completely under the heat here. their relationship has been like this from the start. even thou... mango

    Thank you too for the comment!
    Also thanks for the time you spent reading my endless speech.

    I hope the author will show us more, about this troublesome past.

    Frencybayeta June 1, 2019 10:59 am
    I agree. In my opinion, Joowon has also been deeply hurt from the past, thus affecting his words and actions now. In chapter 15 Joowon said "Haesoo, why pretend not to know? You made me like this"This is also a... Cute

    Yes! You’re absolutely right.
    This is also an important statement.
    I think it should be taken into account more often.

    Frencybayeta June 1, 2019 11:01 am
    No, I'm not saying you rush to assert. I just talk about the story. I hope you understand ^^ Cute

    Oh okay, I misunderstood your words yesterday.
    Sorry ╥﹏╥

Frencybayeta May 7, 2019 8:25 pm

Killing Stalking was one of the first story I started to read on this website, and now that its conclusion has come, I don’t even know how to feel about it.
I have mix thoughts and I literally don’t know how to put them together in my head.

In my point of view (like many others), the end was purposely unsatisfying and because of this, I felt reality.
Raw and merciless.
Most of the time life does not give second chances, and the fear of doing something can easily turn into a painful regret.
If Bum could have seen Sangwoo again, if he could have spoken to him one last time and give him the rig, the finale would have been romantic (somehow), more fulfilling but less impressive.
In this story an happy ever after was clearly impossible, due to many factors (even though I hoped for it, what a dreamer) but I can’t complain about the author choice; now that they are both dead, they somewhat found peace and I’m okay with that (both Bum and Sangwoo’s death was relieving and heartbreaking at the same time).

If things turn out differently, and Sangwoo hadn’t died:
in the best case scenario, he spends his life in a jail while Bum is probably cleared but like, unable to continue with his life without Sangwoo’s presence.(feel like it)
Even though Yoon said that he wanted to move on after giving Sangwoo the ring, I think that he wouldn’t be able to do so.
I can totally imagine him helpless to forget Sangwoo, going to the jail to see him, maybe even trying to break him out.
At the end of the story Bum has people that really care about him (like the police officer and the girl),that want his happiness, want him to recover but he chose Sangwoo despite anything and anyone.
I’m not trying to romanticise, just thinking that in the latest chapters (before Sangwoo final breakdown), they realised their true feelings for each other, even though Sangwoo wasn’t the man Bum imagined at the beginning, even though Bum was at first just a rebound for Sangwoo’s mother.
I’m not talking about their relationship here (clearly toxic and dangerous, obviously for their psychological condition), just the way they ended up feeling something deep for each other; they acknowledged the other for who he really was and accepted it (until the episode with the pills).

In the end I still pity Sangwoo, his fucked up mind, his broken soul, a bit of everything about this character.
His life was a completely hell on earth without escape and I’m sorry for it, for him.
People who says that wanted him to be tortured or to suffered more, I really don’t think that he could have suffer more than he already did.
No sentenced, not even death could be worse than what he already went through.
No one deserves so much wickedness.
He was a murder but also a victim that no one will know about.
It hurts.

Killing Stalking was a long and harsh journey in the illness minds of the characters.
It was hard to deal with this story, but I’m glad I did it until the end.
Koogi did a really good job.

This was just a vent; I still don’t know how to feel about it, too many feelings.

    yaya May 9, 2019 2:58 pm

    Well said, especially about the part when you talk about how people in the comments should stop wanting Sangwoo to be tortured and suffer more. I think that ppl need to understand that more violence won't solve anything. Sangwoo was a very damaged soul who hurt others to try to ease his pain all because of the terrible things that happened his past with his mother. I'm not saying this to justify his actions because what he did was very wrong. It's just that Sangwoo just didn't know how to cope with his pain and sadness and that greatly affected his mental health. Than you have Bum who also went through a lot of pain and misery because of his uncle. He was treated like dirt, abused and even raped by his uncle probably multiple times. Bum has suffered through so much as well and I think meeting Sangwoo probably damaged his mental health even more.
    I want to think that in the end of this manhwa I think they both realized that they loved each other a lot. Especially Sangwoo because he realized what he had after he was burned and finally saw bum for who he was like you said which I thought was a good thing but it was much too late.
    This ending has me with mix emotions because a part of me is happy that they both died because they were able to hopefully find peace because the world would had just been a place that caused nothing but misery for both of them. Especially Bum because even though he was freed from Sangwoo the world was still treating him as dirt and being very cruel to him. And Sangwoo would have kept being ridiculed and hated by the world for his actions. Than another part of me just wanted them both to live, I wanted Bum to see Sangwoo just one more time before Sangwoo went to jail. For them to speak to each other and hear there thoughts about what they felt about this situation and about each other, and to see what Bum would have done once he finally got to see Sangwoo's face. Anyway, this just how I felt and sorry for rabbling

    Usagi6 May 10, 2019 5:10 pm
    Well said, especially about the part when you talk about how people in the comments should stop wanting Sangwoo to be tortured and suffer more. I think that ppl need to understand that more violence won't solve... yaya

    I think exactly the same ╥﹏╥

    Frencybayeta May 16, 2019 3:24 pm
    Well said, especially about the part when you talk about how people in the comments should stop wanting Sangwoo to be tortured and suffer more. I think that ppl need to understand that more violence won't solve... yaya

    Hi! Sorry for my late reply.
    I’m really glad that you shared your opinion here, so don’t worry about anything and thanks :)

    I’d also like to share some more thoughts about this story:

    For what concerns Sangwoo’s case, I don’t know if he killed those people to alleviate his pain, but this is totally an option.
    But I also think that what he did is connected to something more deeper.
    When we are children, our parents have the task to give us the first imprinting and feedbacks, also to teach us how to interact with the others.
    Sangwoo’s parents, due to many circumstances, gave him the wrong ones; they practically broke their child and his mental stability, giving him a completely distorted and ill view of reality.
    This destructive process goes from Sangwoo’s birth to Sangwoo’s mother’s death; accompanying him, with the associated repercussions, until his decease.
    I imagine him as a toddler, helpless and frightened, thinking something similar to:’ mommy says she loves me; she cares for me; but then she insults me; she tries to hurt me; I can’t breath; now she’s crying; she says that she is sorry; she says that she loves me.
    I don’t understand but I love her.’
    Then again:’ mommy says she loves daddy; she kisses him; prepares him meals; but now she is with another man; she says that she loves him; she insults daddy.
    I don’t understand but I’m not telling daddy.
    I love her.’
    With his father:’ daddy loves me; daddy loves mommy; he likes to play with me but now is always busy; daddy doesn’t want me to eat near him; now he insults me; he insults mommy; he hits me; he hits mommy.
    I don’t understand but I love him.’
    This is just some, of the many things that Sangwoo could have thought as a little child.
    Looking at the scenes with naive, innocent eyes.
    He grew up with this behaviour pattern, without no one to help him, no one to talk with about this tragic situation.
    He shouldered this huge burden all by himself for all his childhood and teenage years.
    These formative years are crucial for a person’s development, and his parents completely destroyed them, along with Sangwoo’s perception and social interaction.
    I really can’t imagine something worse than being betrayed, tortured, abused, broke by the people that gave you life.
    I can’t stand the fear and angst that Sangwoo could have experienced, returning home while thinking what his mother could have done this time.
    The lack of safety in his own house.
    That’s aberrant and Sangwoo went through it in only 20 years of life (I know he was in his early twenties, but I don’t know his age exactly)..that’s really too much in a really short time.

    Bum’s case was slightly different.
    Koogi didn’t show us his childhood, so I assume that it was quite normal (I mean, he wasn’t mistreated by his parents, if I remember correctly).
    His life changes when he starts to live with his uncle and grandmother.
    In this period Bum suffers abuse, betrayal, pain.
    He was treated like shit and constantly insulted by his uncle, who clearly despised him without no acceptable reason, ending up even raping him.
    But somehow his situation is less tragic in my point of view.
    I explain.
    Bum’s sufferance was caused by people that weren’t supposed to love him as a parent should (that obviously doesn’t justify any harmful action towards Bum, or his uncle’s behaviour that is unreasonably wrong!).
    I’m not saying that an uncle, or a grandmother, or whatever can’t love you the same way as a parent (because I clearly know that there are unfortunate people, that didn’t get the chance to meet, grow, stay or whatever with their parents, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t equally loved), but we can say that those people are ‘allowed’ not feel the fondness and dedication that parents should naturally feel towards their child.
    They actually created this human being and for this, they should treasure it as the most important thing of their life.
    For this reason I think that Bum, even though suffered abuse, betrayal and a lot of unjustly sufferance(caused by his uncle and also by the girl in his class), it doesn’t have the same weight as Sangwoo’s.
    Bum wasn’t totally alone during this process, his granny was there, and somehow she tries to protect him (even though I think, that she could have done much more to guard his grandson), she got beaten up for him and she showed for him some kind of love and affection, but after all she couldn’t save him.

    By this speech, I’m not trying to say that Bum didn’t suffer during his life, he clearly did, too much, but honestly if someone would ever ask me, which one between Sangwoo and Bum suffered more, I would totally say Sangwoo.
    As I explain before, I can’t imagine anything worse that being betrayed, abused, raped physically and mentally by your own parents.
    They gave you life, created you, you’re literally the combination of them, so what the damn hell.

    Regarding what you said about Bum’s condition after meeting Sangwoo, I honestly don’t know if he worsens It.
    Actually I think that he made him somehow stronger(in fact at the end of the story, he has the courage to force his decisions on Sangwoo and to contrast, to oppose Sangwoo’s actions); so I don’t know.
    Sangwoo clearly didn’t treat Bum well during their experience, obviously due to his problems, but he managed to make him feel safe and loved in a way no one else did.
    Surely the obsession towards Sangwoo helped the situation and the development of the feelings but at the end, what I see, is a Bum slightly different from the start.
    Stronger but still fragile, braver but still not enough to take charge of the situation.
    My point of view can be crazy and you have the absolute right to tell me so.
    I just wanted to share it with you.

    I hope you understand what I’m trying to say, maybe my speech is boring and full of obviousness but I really wanted to talk about this with you.
    Sorry for the far too long discourse.

    Enjoy your day!

    yaya June 16, 2019 1:04 pm
    Hi! Sorry for my late reply.I’m really glad that you shared your opinion here, so don’t worry about anything and thanks :)I’d also like to share some more thoughts about this story: For what concerns Sang... Frencybayeta

    First I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for replying sooo late. I've been so busy with school and taking care of a new puppy that i haven't had to much time to be on this site, so I'm sorry about that again.
    I think your speech wasn't boring at all, you made some great points and used many examples to back up your statements.I found this to be very interesting and had a great time reading it.
    When you were talking about the imprinting that happens between a parent and child it is very true that that happens. Children are supposed to look to the parents for guidance, love, support and understanding. So whatever the parents do or how they act in front of the children they will surely do the same thinking it's the right thing to do even if it could be perceived as wrong by others. Sangwoo's parents, especially his mom where definitely a bad influence on Sangwoo. For Sangwoo it seemed to be more mental abuse rather than physical. It seemed like the mother knew exactly what would effect him and break him. Knowing how to manipulate him to do what she's wants. For example when she told sangwoo that he was the reason that his father died and that he killed him. When I'm pretty her that she was probably the main reason of how he died since she poisoned him. She even got Sangwoo to help her bring the body to the woods and make it look like a suicide. I think that she had Sangwoo wrapped around her little finger and was able to make him do exactly what she wanted. I think what really broke Sangwoo was that he found out that his own mother was trying to poison him and that definitely damaged his mental health a lot and also when she raped him I think he really lost it then as well. I do agree that Sangwoo has suffered a lot in the past and the person he became was because of his mother in my opinion from all the things that happened to him in the past.
    For me I think Bum suffered a lot as well, he lost his parents and had to live with a monster that insult him all the time, beat him and would sometimes ban him for eating dinner. I understand what you meant when you said that a you can't replace a parents love and kindness and that a uncle won't really give you that love and fondness as a parent should. I still think that even though they weren't Bum's parents they still really made a major impact in his life. I feel like Bum had so suffered as well as Sangwoo but compared to who suffered more I just wouldn't be able to say you know just for the fact there situations where both bad and people who have been through that have different ways of handling it and how bad they perceive it to be you know. But i understand what your saying that Sangwoo situation was worse than Bum's but I feel that I wouldn't be able to compare there situations. I just think they both suffered a lot and had a lot to go through when they were younger. I just wish that they would have showed more of bum's past to see what else happened in his life and what else influence him to be the way he is now.
    I also wanted to say that the reason why I think that Bum's condition worsen after meeting Sangwoo was that he was able to kill someone without thinking twice about stabbing her multiple times. Do i think he became stronger and started to get better towards the end I did but all that went down hill once Sangwoo killed Bum's Uncle and then started to hurt bum towards the end of this series. I think that Bum probably really couldn't handle the lost of Sangwoo and that's why he started to see illusions towards the end which I think maybe ended up killing him if he did die at the end but anyway I do agree that he was strong but was fragile as you stated but in the end he wasn't able to handle pressure of world and be able to live on his own because he had no one anymore and others would just treat him like crap so think his mental state was still unstable and in the end that was what caused him to die but this is just my opinion correct me if I'm wrong with anything I said or if you don't agree with me. I'm sorry for the long wait and reply but I hope you understand what I'm mean and where I'm coming from with my statements (●'◡'●)ノ

    Frencybayeta September 30, 2019 7:26 am
    First I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for replying sooo late. I've been so busy with school and taking care of a new puppy that i haven't had to much time to be on this site, so I'm sorry about that ... yaya

    Hi Yaya!
    I’m really sorry for replying so late but this period was a bit of mess for me..
    I’m really happy for you though, especially for the new puppy(⌒▽⌒)
    I hope you two are doing well!

    Anyway thanks again for your opinion and compliments, I’m really glad you answered.
    At first I thought that my speech was a bit extreme but it makes me happy that you appreciated it.
    I agree with most of the points in your statement and I mainly think that we have the same opinion about this topic.
    The only part where we have a different view concerns Bum and Sangwoo’s past life.
    It is hard to compare Sangwoo and Bum’s situations, they are different and yet both so painful.
    Bum has a really submissive and pessimistic attitude towards life as a result of his experience while Sangwoo is overly aggressive and cruel due to the same reason.
    Fear, abuse, rejection are some of the sad things they have in common, although they effected them in a different way.
    I clearly understand why you find it so difficult to compare their problematic stories, honestly it was difficult for me too but at the same time I couldn’t help but think, that Sangwoo’s parents’ betrayal is the worst thing that anyone can ever experience in life.
    I know that this may sound exaggerate, but I really do think it.
    This doesn’t make Bum’s situation better, he clearly suffered unforgivable obscenity, that completely destroyed his being.
    He was sold out and abused by his family members, although they weren’t his parents and that’s equally shameful.
    Even though Sangwoo’s past effected me the most, Bum’s entire experience really made me suffer and even if it’s sad to say that, I’m glad that they both ended this agony.

    I’m honest, I still don’t know if I like this ending more or if I would prefer something less realistic and more ‘romantic’ with both of them still alive.. I’m still a bit conflicted.
    Anyway the author did a really great job handling stark and sensitive contents.
    I’m really grateful I was able to read this story and also being able to discuss my opinion with you, that was funny and interesting.
    Sorry again for the delay and thanks for sharing your opinion.
    Enjoy your day ヾ(☆▽☆)

Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 7:27 am

I really, truly feel sorry for Sangwoo. I know that a lot of people think that he’s a twisted, homicidal bastard and actually he is, but I wuold like to say that if it wasn’t for his mother, he clearly wouldn’t end up like this. In his ‘sanity’ moment I felt like he was kind and sincere toward Bum, showing real concern and love maybe. There were parts when Sangwoo surpreised me for his unforseen behavior (in a positive way). But at the end his insane part always takes control and it simply ruins everithing and for me it’s awfully sad because he deserved better(That’s my opinion). I really hoped that the author wuold have spared him at the end, but it seems like I am just an hopeless dreamer... Sangwoo is one of those characters that had a totally shitty life from the beginning to the end and yeah, of course he is an homicidal but he had a tough past that left in him deep scars no one can heal (plus a completed distorted vision of the reality). If I focus on it, I can only think at how dramatic this is. Sometimes I just wished that he could heal some ways.
I will miss him, I know that he made huge, unforgivable mistakes but if it wasn’t for his past maybe he would have been more than an homicidal with a ill mind.
I also pity Bum, that poor soul but it’s something totally different from Sangwoo. His life and story left me with a sense of inexplicable sourness.
I don’t know how many people think this way about him, maybe I am the only one.
(Sorry for my english, I don’t know it very well so, sorry for the mistakes.)

    Anonymous February 6, 2019 7:58 am

    "but I wuold like to say that if it wasn’t for his mother, he clearly wouldn’t end up like this."

    Everyone already knows this. It's not like Serial Killer became Serial Killers for reason or Abusers Abusers.

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 10:42 am
    "but I wuold like to say that if it wasn’t for his mother, he clearly wouldn’t end up like this."Everyone already knows this. It's not like Serial Killer became Serial Killers for reason or Abusers Abusers. @Anonymous

    Yeah, I know, that’s right. I just wanted to point that out, because I feel like some people don’t fully understand how much demage Sangwoo suffered and how this completly ruined his life.
    But you are right, everyone knows about his mother.

    Anonymous February 6, 2019 11:07 am
    Yeah, I know, that’s right. I just wanted to point that out, because I feel like some people don’t fully understand how much demage Sangwoo suffered and how this completly ruined his life. But you are right... Frencybayeta

    They understand. Not everyone can sympathize with someone like him though. His past was ruined so he ended the lives of x people and ruined families because of that.

    Extraordinary February 6, 2019 11:08 am

    I disagree with you, unfortunately. Maybe his past makes him sympathy with him and yes, his mother was twisted and cruel. But I do not feel bad for him what happens now. He did so many bad things, so many incriminating things I can't overlook. I think in the beginning he knew what he was doing. Maybe he should not die and rather reflect on what he'd done wrong but I don't think this is going to happen..

    And most of the serial killers IRL have a traumatic past. An abusive past. Are u gonna miss them too?

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 1:57 pm
    I disagree with you, unfortunately. Maybe his past makes him sympathy with him and yes, his mother was twisted and cruel. But I do not feel bad for him what happens now. He did so many bad things, so many incri... Extraordinary

    That’s your opinion and I accept it but I disagree.
    Whit my past comment, I did’t try to say that I like serial killers or that I will miss them all, so I’ll try to explain myself better.
    You said that Sangwoo, at the beginning was aware of what he was doing but I don’t think so.
    His parents (also is father did, we can say, but mostly his mother) messed so much with his brain that at the end, his perception of life and his own head completely crashed. For this reason I think that when he committed the homicides, he wasn’t able to understand the situation fully, or to sympathy whit people feelings while doing it. That’s my thought but whit this I’m not trying to excuse Sangwoo’s behaviour, he killed people and that’s the truth; I’m just saying that his completely fucked up mind is not his fault. When he was younger, he was a completely normal kid, but at some point the situation became totally unbearable due to his mother and I can’t overlook it.
    I feel like you underestimate his past problems, if we can call them this way (I’m not trying to insult with this, it’s just an opinion, I can be wrong). However from my point of view, what Sangwoo experienced, was way too much to overcome. It was completely, unmotivated violence toward him and for this reason I can’t accept his death.
    That’s also why I’ll miss him, because despite he suffered so much in his life he ended up achieving nothing but other pain. He would deserved better and at least a little bit of happiness.
    I want to add that, regardless all his actions, I really like Sangwoo’s character. I get attached to him and during the story I get to know that he wasn’t just some random psycho, but there was more in him. That’s also why I’ll miss him.
    Sorry for writing so much, I just wanted to explain myself better.

    Kara February 6, 2019 5:36 pm
    That’s your opinion and I accept it but I disagree. Whit my past comment, I did’t try to say that I like serial killers or that I will miss them all, so I’ll try to explain myself better.You said that San... Frencybayeta

    You defenders of Sangwoo're so funny, calm down, there's nothing wrong with loving the villain of a fictional series, on the contrary that's the most common behavior in the entertainment world, this's the opposite of defending a serial killer in real life, so don't feel bad about it ;-).
    But you keep trying to justify to yourself why you were fascinated by a serial killer
    with wrong conjectures, so I'm sorry I have to disagree with your innocent motives about Sangwoo, and I'm not trying to be arrogant, in fact you made me laugh a little, but I understand you completely.

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 6:50 pm
    You defenders of Sangwoo're so funny, calm down, there's nothing wrong with loving the villain of a fictional series, on the contrary that's the most common behavior in the entertainment world, this's the oppos... @Kara

    I am calm, I didn’t mean to be aggressive.. so well, sorry for that.
    I’m not feeling bad about liking him, I was just trying to explain myself in a better way, because I know that sometime it is hard to understand.
    Well, I’m honest, I’m a bit offended about your laughing about my opinion (I put some effort in writing it and now I’m here like ‘oh man what did I do wrong?’ ╥﹏╥).
    I’m not attacking you, it’s a normal reaction and we have clearly different opinions but I’d like to know what’s so funny about my motives.
    Could you please explain it to me?

    yeet February 6, 2019 8:07 pm
    That’s your opinion and I accept it but I disagree. Whit my past comment, I did’t try to say that I like serial killers or that I will miss them all, so I’ll try to explain myself better.You said that San... Frencybayeta

    No Sangwoo knows what he does.
    The only thing he doesn't know is that he didn't kill his parents, but he's well aware what he does to people. He kidnaps his victims, breaks their legs, undresses them, abuses them(Beats women) and then kills them.

    Sangwoo's mom was also clearly fucked up because of her childhood. Is she also not at fault for anything she does later on?

    Kara February 6, 2019 8:17 pm
    I am calm, I didn’t mean to be aggressive.. so well, sorry for that. I’m not feeling bad about liking him, I was just trying to explain myself in a better way, because I know that sometime it is hard to und... Frencybayeta

    I'm honest too and if I offended you I'm really sorry. It's more like budy talking for me, you know?btw I apologize for laughing. But your speech's the same of others who love Sangwoo for the same reasons you described. You stagnated in admiration for the villain and don't go beyond that...tbt we had long and long discussions about it here so, yes, I get you it's hard to understand.
    You do not write badly, I could understand you, that's why I said koogi mess up with your reasons, your motives are confusing.
    I'm sorry again.

    Anon February 6, 2019 8:21 pm

    I think both Bum and Sangwoo actions can be explained by a combination of mental illness, both temporary ( for Bum) as long term ( Sangwoo).
    Sangwoo clearly is insane and constantly disturbed by hallucinations about his mother. He is paranoid and completely slave of his own crazy mind. Just assign him culpability for his crimes without taking consideration the effort the author put on explaining how he became like this is just too simple. Would he have done all this if he had allowed to grow up as the normal child he once was within a family environment that took care of him instead of destroying his mind? Probably not. If he could ever be fixed now with treatment nobody can tell but we excuse Bum murdering the girl for temporary insanity and influence of somebody's dominance then we should excuse Sangwoo killings for his around the clock insanity as well and his family influence. Guilt and exculpatory factors should be applied with the same justice for any of the characters, even if one is more likable than others.

    Kara February 6, 2019 8:23 pm
    I'm honest too and if I offended you I'm really sorry. It's more like budy talking for me, you know?btw I apologize for laughing. But your speech's the same of others who love Sangwoo for the same reasons you d... @Kara


    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 8:26 pm
    I think both Bum and Sangwoo actions can be explained by a combination of mental illness, both temporary ( for Bum) as long term ( Sangwoo). Sangwoo clearly is insane and constantly disturbed by hallucinations... @Anon

    I agree.

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 8:35 pm
    buddy* @Kara

    I don’t know why but I can’t read your entire answer. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    Can you repost it below please?

    yeet February 6, 2019 8:37 pm
    I think both Bum and Sangwoo actions can be explained by a combination of mental illness, both temporary ( for Bum) as long term ( Sangwoo). Sangwoo clearly is insane and constantly disturbed by hallucinations... @Anon

    Both are long term.
    I also disagree with that statement.
    People "excuse" Bum murdering the girl because Sangwoo abused him at that time and kept him like a prisoner and Bum wasn't even aware of what he was doing. He was drooling and kept asking Sangwoo if she would call the cops.
    The same can't be said about Sangwoo.
    Was he abused when he kidnapped, abused and killed all those people? No. Was he aware? Yes. Was he aware what he did to Bum? Yes. Sangwoo always knows instantly what to do after killing his victims, he mutilates their bodies and then goes to bury them. You can't keep saying "Oh he did this because he was paranoid and had Hallucinations of his Mother" when he did all those things. He mentioned that he sometimes hears her knocking on the door, he never said that he hears her when he abused and killed his victims or abused and raped Bum.

    Anonymous February 6, 2019 8:38 pm
    I think both Bum and Sangwoo actions can be explained by a combination of mental illness, both temporary ( for Bum) as long term ( Sangwoo). Sangwoo clearly is insane and constantly disturbed by hallucinations... @Anon

    I disagree.

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 8:59 pm
    They understand. Not everyone can sympathize with someone like him though. His past was ruined so he ended the lives of x people and ruined families because of that. @Anonymous

    Ok, I understand your opinion but I disagree

    Anonymous February 6, 2019 9:05 pm
    Ok, I understand your opinion but I disagree Frencybayeta

    Disagree with what?

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 9:07 pm
    No Sangwoo knows what he does.The only thing he doesn't know is that he didn't kill his parents, but he's well aware what he does to people. He kidnaps his victims, breaks their legs, undresses them, abuses the... yeet

    Well I accept your opinion even if I don’t agree.
    Sorry but I don’t understand your question. I don’t know about her childhood, is it something that you guess or is it showed somewhere?
    I just asking because I feel like I’m missing something.

    yeet February 6, 2019 9:15 pm
    Well I accept your opinion even if I don’t agree.Sorry but I don’t understand your question. I don’t know about her childhood, is it something that you guess or is it showed somewhere? I just asking becau... Frencybayeta

    Sangwoo said that his mom was severely depressed since her childhood so we're assuming here that something happend to her in her childhood.

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 9:15 pm
    I'm honest too and if I offended you I'm really sorry. It's more like budy talking for me, you know?btw I apologize for laughing. But your speech's the same of others who love Sangwoo for the same reasons you d... @Kara

    Okay don’t worry, I think I understand now.
    Thanks for the explanation but I’d like to say one last thing. Actually I don’t really admire Sangwoo, even if I like. It’s more that I feel too damn bad for his situation that I don’t know where to put it.
    Oh right and who is buddy? O.O

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 9:26 pm
    Disagree with what? @Anonymous

    Ehm sorry! I think I misurandertood your words at first and write the answer impulsivly.
    Now I get it right.

    Frencybayeta February 6, 2019 9:37 pm
    Sangwoo said that his mom was severely depressed since her childhood so we're assuming here that something happend to her in her childhood. yeet

    I undestand to what you are reffering to but when I read that part I didn’t assume the same thing as you.
    For this reason I didn’t mention it and I just talked about the thing that were shown.

    yeet February 6, 2019 9:44 pm
    I undestand to what you are reffering to but when I read that part I didn’t assume the same thing as you.For this reason I didn’t mention it and I just talked about the thing that were shown. Frencybayeta


    Yumo February 7, 2019 5:36 am

    Never felt bad. Cuz he doesn’t feel bad if anyone die other than him.

    Frencybayeta February 7, 2019 8:38 am
    Never felt bad. Cuz he doesn’t feel bad if anyone die other than him. Yumo

    I never said that. I just think that he wasn’t fully aware of the situation but I’m ok with your opinion.

    Kara February 8, 2019 5:14 am
    I think both Bum and Sangwoo actions can be explained by a combination of mental illness, both temporary ( for Bum) as long term ( Sangwoo). Sangwoo clearly is insane and constantly disturbed by hallucinations... @Anon

    No, you can't compare a serial killer psychopath with his victim of severe physical and emotional aggressions and who suffering from asthenic / dependent personality disorder.

    Are you aware of what you wrote's very sad?

    Bum can be treated but will be slave to therapy and medications for the rest of his life to be able to live somehow, he suffers so much that he's a potential suicide at any time.
    Psychopathy is a condition of cerebral anomaly has no cure and is irreversible ( Although there are proven cases in which some low level psychopaths may respond positively to new or experimental treatments and come to have a controlled life without causing risk to society. Thas's definitely not the Sangwoo case).
    There are several types and levels of psychopaths and several genetic candidates to unlock psychopathology with genes that represent similarity to the condition.
    Sangwoo grow up with the psychopathy genetic disorder inactive, this is why many people don't understand why an apparently sweet child can turn into monster. This concludes that his mother was also a psychopath. And the blind of love father thought he would heal his wife's unhappiness with love and family.
    Snagwoo psychopathy was activated by stressful and abusive environmental and and the trauma that changed him was the way of his mother's suicide.
    It's not like snapping your fingers, the transformation of a psychopath depends in each case. During the consolidation of their psychopathic personality, other mental disorders're added and creates form a monster difficult to be unraveled completely.
    Sangwoo was clock bomb predisposed to psychopathy even if he had a childhood without traumas someday, in his adolescence, a loving disappointment, stress, bullying among schoolmates would triggered their sick gene. Once activated there's no return.
    The mode operation of a psychopath is plan and satisfy his sordid desires, for that he act as loving people, manipulates ...
    Psicopatas don't love because they don't empathize or feel remorse with other living beings.They feel emotions, but only about themselves, they care only for their own benefit.
    Just as people need learn to eat, love is also a learned human conditioning. Yoonbum was never loved so he can't help staked people to fill his loneliness in searching human warmth (dependence disorder).
    YoonBum and Snagwoo are linked by Pathological Codependency: a damaging relationship that can end up in one killing the other, and this is not love.

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