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octosis created a topic of Kabukicho Cat Honey

Tbf hosts are often really shady and tbh Shinya hasn't exactly been the most well adjusted individual or made himself look particularly trustworthy outside of the home bit, so it's not that strange that Ginji's words made Haru start doubting. I mean, in the grand scheme of things Haru doesn't know either of them that well. I will say that between one single host and a warm family who took care of the cat you couldn't, I know who I would trust more. But at the same time Ginji is also Mel's fave, so that's bound to add some weight too, and Haru's experience with getting abandoned is probably making him want to cut things off before there's even a chance he could get hurt further, so he can't see the bigger picture.
If Haru cooled down a little he could have tried to gather more information before doing anything drastic, but he's just a young an emotionally inexperienced guy who knows the dark sides of the world he's in.
Ultimately Shinya and Haru both kinda suck at communicating and both act reactively in different ways. They never talked about boundaries or what their jobs mean to them. They're both young, emotionally inexperienced people in a harsh adult world full of exploitation.
This was a pretty painful chapter :( But I hope it leads to them actually talking

I feel so sorry both for Rosie and Maythan, good lord. Rosie on a more serious note, but Maythan because god knows how exhausting it must be to be caught up in all that chaos lmao

octosis created a topic of The Deputy Wants To Do It

I'm only about halfway through and all I can say is it's funny but I sincerely dislike both the main characters. Bongsoo doesn't quite have a handsome enough face to be a himbo, but he could have been in the same genre and I would have loved that. But actually, the combination of his stupidity and pushiness is kinda the worst. I would hate his guts irl.
But meanwhile, Jiwon isn't much better. He expects Bongsoo, who's notoriously stupid, to conform to his own standards without communicating a lick of what he really wants in the beginning, and refuses to be clear when Bongsoo tries to define their relationship, and as he progresses to being aware of how serious Bongsoo is about him, he basically lets him be because he's cute and he wants to sleep with him without the strings attached. And yeah it's on Bongsoo to not put himself in that situation too, but you can't say it's not shitty to use a person who has feelings for you.
Jiwon is the type of person you'd warn your friends not to get involved with or at least not to expect anything from, if you care about their emotional wellbeing.

BASICALLY both of them put their own needs above the other's in an unhealthy, uncommunicative way, except for when it doesn't hurt them to consider the other person. They're not in love, they just wanna have each other. Or that's what it looks like to me at least. Maybe it gets better though, idk.

But once again, it is funny. I'll give it that.

How to use the omegaverse dynamics to their full potential ;___;
The thing that makes this so deliciously bittersweet to me is Ukano knows his instincts are dangerous for Sachio, and did try to put a stop to the relationship for that reason. But on some level I think he probably realises that if Sachio wants to be with him, he is still the better option compared to the alternative, because if he's around at least he can also help protect Sachio from other predators. But if he did succumb to his instincts, he probably wouldn't be able to live with himself even if Sachio has accepted the possibility of being eaten one day.

And Sachio is such a lovely character too, with the way he genuinely thinks of other people and their pain even when he's been put in danger. He's a bit too trusting but he accepts people for who they are and the flaws they can't help.

In the end it feels like a story about one person no one would blame for feeling broken by the circumstances but chooses to make the most out of the situation (Sachio) and one person who should logically be on top but whose burden is immense because he cares so much about fighting back against his nature (Ukano). And they're never going to be perfect, but they both make each other's worlds a little bit better when they're together.

Listen words cannot describe how much I love Seiichiro, he's a workaholic dumbass who's lacking in fear and has no regard for his own well-being, but he's got his heart right and genuinely does his best to make everything better. And he's also the sole real ally of the saint when no one else asks for her opinion or has her best interests at heart, even when she doesn't understand him.
...And he's like a wet angry cat with Arash. He's so cute.

And this is why people don't go to the police with these things. Absolutely horrible.

I hurt so much for Lapis ;; And Binari is an angel

octosis created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Of all the things why was it the neglect "play" that got to me though :'(

octosis created a topic of Midnight Dweller

Dan-Ryeong: Surprised Pikachu face

octosis created a topic of Bittersweet Sweet Darling

Dude this is why you have to have the "what are we" conversation with honesty no matter how awkward it gets lmao


Once again, Nayul is so fucking cool ;; Maybe a bit reckless but the second the ex showed up she probably realised that if she didn't do something drastic he'd keep stalking her even if she managed to run away, so she chose to gamble on getting solid proof ;;
Which is especially important because Korea's anti-stalking laws are a joke.

Absolutely terrifying experience but I'm so so glad she didn't have to be rescued by a man. Instead it was her own and her friend's effort. And honestly kudos to the friend - I would have been so scared to get that call, so the friend catching on and pressing record so quickly and keeping silent so they wouldn't be caught is amazing. Honestly I think that would be really hard, because even the idea of having my friend on the line and knowing I couldn't be there to help in person is so heartbreaking and I'm sure I'd panic. Because what if my friend got truly got hurt while I stayed silent and recorded? But the friend trusted Nayul and almost instantly knew what she needed her to do.

octosis created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

This is Judith in her right element. Aaaahhh I needed this chapter, it's so sweet :'O<3

octosis created a topic of The Lady and the Beast

Honestly at this point I feel like Astina needs a true friend she can talk to, who could help her see that it isn't that she doesn't love Terriod but rather that her trauma is haunting her. Because figuring all of this out on her own seems really tough. She's only had one love before and it went horribly. I feel like she'd need to talk to someone who's more experienced with it and is familiar with what both toxic and healthy love feels like.

But also yes they all need therapy.

octosis created a topic of Paper Flower

I was prepared for them getting together again, but not it only taking a few chapters of Yooyoung finally being stronger mentally and his Majesty not being a psycho before ending the main story. Like, man, we really got 70+ chapters of pure suffering and agony only for it to end so abruptly and with a bunch of loose ends. Them getting together should definitely have been more of a struggle.
But I guess we'll see what the side stories bring.

octosis created a topic of Sketch

I'm so glad they had an actual heart to heart without sex ;A;

octosis created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

This chapter was a blessing, I'm so glad they finally talked.

No, but who the fuck doesn't tell their beloved someone they cared about passed away beforehand when planning to confront the abusers. Why'd Amelie have to find out like that?! Are we just gonna brush that over

octosis created a topic of Bloody Lies

No Eugene, you didn't fall for a human, because look at that monster cock.